7 Lip-Licking Reasons To Have A Heart-On for Mashable Follow

Keri Jaehnig
February 9, 2011
As if Mashable was not already the most coveted cupcake on the web, they’ve added extra-delicious frosting just in time…...
7 Lip-Licking Reasons To Have A Heart-On for Mashable Follow featured image

Mashable added delicious frosting to their cupcake with Mashable FollowAs if Mashable was not already the most coveted cupcake on the web, they've added extra-delicious frosting just in time for Valentine's Day.

The great part about it is YOU get to pick the flavor!

That's right - Mashable will now offer a custom-tailored experience.  Topics YOU  like; what YOU choose to follow.

It's their new Social Layer..................Mashable Follow.

Lip-licking yummy?

Here's the goodness:

  • Curate your news - Get what you like, tune out the rest.
  • Follow topics & people of interest - Quora-esque.
  • Connect with others sharing your interests.
  • Social Share simplified - A "Mashable-meme!"
  • Earn badges for sharing -  Kinda like Foursquare.
  • EASY - Login-in with your Facebook or Twitter account.
  • Promote your social media accounts with a Mashable profile page.

Ya gotta check out the short video:

So, their goal is to change the way we stay in the know, eh?  I think they'll be successful!

Mashable Follow is in private beta right now.  I requested my invitation - you can too.

I have a heart-on for Mashable Follow.  Do you??

4 Replies

  1. Sandra Simmons Gravatar

    By Sandra Simmons on

    This is great information, Keri. I can see I’m going to be spending some hours learning all about this and how to use it. Thanks for the great article!

    Reply to Sandra

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Sandra, Thanks for stopping by – I hope to offer information that people can use. Please feel free to let me know what you’d like to hear more about! You look terrific, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  2. Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

    By Keri Jaehnig on

    Dave, Great to see you here! You know I love things that ROCK — I’ll have to go check my Google News set up, and Darren’s post. All these groovy tools coming out now — so fun! Mashable follow seemed pretty easy & useful. I’m going to watch over the next few days and post about it soon. Did you sign up? ~Keri

    Reply to Keri

  3. Dave Thackeray Gravatar

    By Dave Thackeray on

    This is a really timely and topical post, Keri. As usual from this camp! I think it was Darren Rowse of ProBlogger who said only yesterday (or the day before: Fuddled brain syndrome) that many people had frozen out RSS which to all intents and purposes seemed to me the most logical way to ingest news relevant to your niche. But Mashable Follow sure looks worth at least a dip. Taking it back to RSS but in a super-easy way – have you ever tried customising a Google News section featuring a digest of everything that’s tasty to you? http://googlenewsblog.blogspot.com/2009/11/create-and-share-custom-news-sections.html It’s not new but it absolutely rocks.

    Reply to Dave

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