Social Media Success Summit 2011 Adds Enchantment

Keri Jaehnig
March 31, 2011
In an earlier post, I talked about Social Media Success Summit 2011 and it’s info-packed sessions that provide extremely high…...
Social Media Success Summit 2011 Adds Enchantment featured image

Keri Jaehnig of Idea Girl Media will be attending Social Media Success Summit 2011!In an earlier post, I talked about Social Media Success Summit 2011 and it's info-packed sessions that provide extremely high value -- All available to you from your home or office.

Today I want to let you know that there is even more value added to the SMSS11 experience!

Social Media Success Summit 2011 is a special online conference designed to help you master social media marketing - brought to you by Social Media Examiner.

Top-notch professionals from the social media and online marketing industries come together to give you all the latest tips and tricks to grow your business or non-profit, and soar ahead of your competition!

Join these experts:

Learn how to attract and engage customers through social media with Idea Girl Media

  • Jeremiah Owyang (Altimeter Group)
  • Brian Solis (author, Engage)
  • Frank Eliason (Citigroup)
  • Mari Smith (co-author, Facebook Marketing)
  • Erik Qualman (author, Socialnomics)
  • Michael Stelzner (founder, Social Media Examiner)
  • Dan Zarrella (author, The Social Media Marketing Book)
  • Andy Sernovitz (author, Word of Mouth Marketing)
  • David Meerman Scott (author, Real-Time Marketing & PR)
  • Jay Baer (co-author, The Now Revolution)
  • Hollis Thomases (author, Twitter Marketing)
  • Steve Garfield (author, Get Seen)
  • Mario Sundar (LinkedIn)
  • Ann Handley (MarketingProfs)
  • High-ranking professionals from BoeingIntelCisco and Verizon

See the complete stellar line-up here: All Social Media Success Summit 2011 Presenters

Social Media Examiner's Plus 1

Keri Jaehnig of Idea Girl Media looks forward to hearing about Guy Kawasaki's Enchantment at Social Media Success Summit 2011If the above group isn't enough to get you excited, they just added another incredible presenter to the panel.  Guy Kawasaki, author of the recently released, Enchantment.

I attended last year's summit, and Guy was a FIREHOSE of information!

See what they're planning with Guy Kawasaki at Social Media Success Summit 2011:

How to Use Social Media to Enchant People

TOPIC: Engagement

"New York Times bestselling author Guy Kawasaki explains how to change people's hearts, minds, and actions using social media. The session features practical tips and tricks to make your social-media presence as enchanting as can be. Topics include likability, trustworthiness, content as well as push and pull methods."

It's sure to be an excellent session, and an unforgettable conference adding Guy Kawasaki to the rest of the list of 22 above, to total 23 top experts available to you....with no travel required!!

It Gets Even Better

Social Media Examiner also just released bonuses valued at almost $1200.00 for you to access for up to one year.  You can listen and play back as you like.  And they're yours when you sign up for Social Media Success Summit 2011.

I'm not gonna miss it!  Will you join me? Get your virtual ticket here still at 50% savings!!


Have you seen the Social Media Success Summit 2011 Calendar?

Which session(s) are you looking most forward to?

Tell me your thoughts below!

** Disclaimer: I am an affiliate of Social Media Success Summit 2011

*** Disclaimer #2: The discount period for this event is now expired.  But you can still register at high-value & receive $1100+ in bonuses!!

3 Replies

  1. Pingback: Last Day To Save Your Seat: Social Media Success Summit 2011

  2. Pingback: 11th Way Ohio Political Candidates Can ROCK Their Social Media

  3. Pingback: Social Media Success Summit 2011 Tweets - 5/12/2011

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