Good Friday: Good On Earth Day 2011?

Keri Jaehnig
April 22, 2011
Subscribe to my RSS Feed for timely updates. Earth Day 2011 happens to occur on the same day as Good Friday.…...
Good Friday: Good On Earth Day 2011? featured image

Idea Girl Media discusses if Good Friday is good for the Earth on Earth Day 2011.Subscribe to my RSS Feed for timely updates.

Earth Day 2011 happens to occur on the same day as Good Friday.

My first intentions for today's post was to create something purley fun like:

  • Good Things This Friday (a few of my favorite things).
  • Are You Always Good On Friday? (probing innocent mischief).
  • Fun, Fun Friday (opening it up to my readers for comments & discussion).

In effort to let you, my readers, get to know me better.

But in researching this post, I came across an article that reminded me there is indeed a reason a lot of us have the day off of work:

Is Good Friday Good for the Earth?

The author's words: "Christians have a long history of redeeming and sanctifying celebrations that were originally established for non-Christian purposes." He also mentions the risks involved in such cross-pollination of observance.

Read the article and conclude for yourself if you agree with the author.

Dwelling On The Positive

I prefer to draw the happy from both Good Friday and Earth Day.  If God created Earth, why shouldn't we stick a candle in it and celebrate in versatile style?  Green, blue, purple, yellow, etc.

Aren't we capable of observing both...?

Versatile And Diverse

In pondering further my beliefs, and dwelling on previous experience, I recalled - quite pleasantly - several years' work with international people.  Individuals of many countries and most religions.  I became a collector of globes, a fan of exploring human culture.  This interaction led me to consider some things differently than I once had:

  • Our world.
  • Our people.
  • My country.
  • Myself.
  • This Earth.

In turn, I developed a pretty open mind, and was led to keep very open relationships.  As God's people, we each have something to offer others -- and we should celebrate that...embrace each other.

Celebrating Earth's People

Naturally I am proud of my country - It's place on this Earth.  As Americans we are taught the history - That people of most other countries have come to the United States for whatever reason to claim a new life.  Freedom.  We've become the Earth's melting pot!

As a musician, I am a fan of Neil Diamond.  His song, "America," is so profound - I get chills every time I listen to it.  In my opinion, it is a fitting tribute of our Earth's people.

Here is one version for you:

Did you get chills?


Interesting that a holy day observed since almost the beginning of time collides on our 2011 calendar with such a newly recognized celebration.

I will celebrate and observe both Good Friday and Earth Day.  And I will celebrate YOU.


So I am curious!  This is our opportunity to open things up and share together!!

Tell me more about your views...

Will you observe one or the other, or both?

How can we celebrate our similarities and embrace our differences?

Please share with me in the box below! :)



4 Replies

  1. Pingback: Happy Easter 2011

  2. Pingback: Social Media Tips: Coming Soon To Your Easter Basket!

  3. Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

    By Keri Jaehnig on

    Michael, Great to see you back! Glad I could bring positive chills..and such profound reminders. I liked what you had to say about New York, Neil Diamond, and Jesus Christ. Readers of this page should also see your words: Easter blessings to you, ~Keri

    Reply to Keri

  4. Michael R.H. Stewart Gravatar

    By Michael R.H. Stewart on

    Yes, I got chills: The chills that reawaken our collective soul, empower our humanity and remind us that America is still the beacon of understanding, generosity and God’s blessing to a broken world — broken, but not bowed — bold, but not brazen — beautiful, but not boastful. New York City: Where else in the world does our collective soul resonate with such pride and promise, strength and solidarity? Neil Diamond: Never in-the-rough and always on stage — always quintessentially American. Jesus Christ: Reborn on this day, reaching out with his bloodied hands to all the world. Embracing it and us, as only he can. Thank you, Keri, for reminding me on Easter that we are a resilient people, proud of our heritage and willing to thrust our arms into the air with a message of inclusion and hope.

    Reply to Michael

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