One Easy Way to Attract Facebook Fans

Keri Jaehnig
April 15, 2011
Do you seem to get more attention to your product or service from your Facebook profile than from your Facebook…...
One Easy Way to Attract Facebook Fans featured image

Idea Girl Media offers great tips on attracting fans to your Facebook PageDo you seem to get more attention to your product or service from your Facebook profile than from your Facebook Page?

When your page is still young, or has a low number of followers, you have to work a bit harder to get into your Facebook Fans' news feeds.

We'll talk about getting into your fans' news feeds and additional tips on attracting Facebook Fans in a future post.

For now, here is one quick tip to give your Facebook Page some quick attention...

Pimp Your Profile

Since your Facebook friends are responding to your marketing posts, this is good news -- This means they are interested!  Now, you just need to get their attention to your Fan page.  To where your opportunities to feature your wares are far groovier!!  :)

Facebook offers you an opportunity to highlight your Facebook Page right where your friends are used to finding you.  And it is easy to do!

Check out this video - How To Get More Fans To Your Facebook Page:

Pretty easy, eh?

Now you can take advantage of all the cool marketing features that your Fan Page offers!

Want a cool banner to feature your Facebook Page? Go write on my wall!

You'll want to ask your friends to take a look at your "pimped out profile" by posting a status update (or two).

Now...get out of the office -- Go personally connect with people and make them your fan!

Wow, that's two tips, isn't it?  :)

Was the video helpful?

Please tell me your thoughts in the comment box below!


(And don't forget to like the Idea Girl Media Fan Page to find out how to get a groovy banner like mine...)



6 Replies

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Great to see you here, Dorien! You should have the groovy Facebook banner tip in your Facebook Inbox by now. Please let me know when you post it so I can have a peek. 🙂 ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Ruth, Glad you like it – Hope it is helpful. Saw your comment on my Facebook wall. Personal Facebook message coming to you soon… 🙂 ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

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