6.5 Social Media Tips To Get You Dancing Under The Maypole

Keri Jaehnig
May 1, 2011
About a week ago it was Eastertime, and thoughts were of green grass, Easter baskets, chocolate bunnies, and even golden…...
6.5 Social Media Tips To Get You Dancing Under The Maypole featured image

Idea Girl Media put together a collection of social media tips sure to get you dancing under the Maypole!About a week ago it was Eastertime, and thoughts were of green grass, Easter baskets, chocolate bunnies, and even golden eggs...

I promised you a belated Easter Basket full of social media tips - Treats to help you be more efficient with your social media.  ...Hopefully you saw the Chocolate Bunny Bonus as a Groovy Find!

Lots of people commented - On my blog, through email, and even via Twitter.

So, it seemed appropriate to gather all the tips & treats together in one convenient post.

What's A Maypole?

According to Wikipedia, a maypole is a tall wooden pole erected as a part of various European folk festivals on May Day (5/1)...In some cases only utilized during the festival.

Will this collection of social media tips be enough to get you dancing under the Maypole? Only you can answer that.

So here they are:

6.5 Social Media Tips To Get You Dancing Under The Maypole

1. LinkedIn: Optimizing Your Website Information.

2. Social Networking: Go Wild On Facebook!

3. Be Likeable AND Sendable.

4. Facebook Tip: Editing Tabs On Your Facebook Fan Page.

5. Twitter Tip: Use Hashtags To Attract New Followers.

6. Idea Girl Media App.

So what's 6.5...?

Stay tuned!

Yep - It's that simple.  :)

I'm working on some programs that utilize groovy new technology to connect local businesses to new customers through social media.  This should prove to be great news for those in Southwestern Ohio -- especially Clinton County, Ohio!

So if you missed Pages Gone Wild, never fear - there's something wild in your near future!!

Ready to dance under the Maypole??


2 Replies

  1. Matthew C. Kriner Gravatar

    By Matthew C. Kriner on

    A great blog post – not the first one that I have read on your website and have been impressed with. I hope you continue to write more as the information you provide has been very helpful to me and my partner.

    Reply to Matthew

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Matthew, Thank you for your nice words. It is great to know that something I’ve done has been helpful. You can surely hop in from time to time, as I usually post something at least 3 times per week. If you want to know of all my posts, please feel free to subscribe and receive them via email. Thanks again for your comment! ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

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