Social Media Success Summit 2011 – Tweets from May 17, 2011

Keri Jaehnig
May 24, 2011
Topics: Advanced Blogging with David Germano (@moth_editor), LinkedIn Marketing (@mariosundar), & Enchantment (@GuyKawasaki)....
Social Media Success Summit 2011 – Tweets from May 17, 2011 featured image

2 Replies

  1. Saul Fleischman Gravatar

    By Saul Fleischman on

    Glad I spotted by here, Keri; I am planning to do a chirpstory (similar to your blog posts above), an aggregation of tweets on a subject and tags. Mine will be about getting the word out on @triberr.

    Reply to Saul

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Saul, Thank you for visiting and for checking out my “tweet story” on the Social Media Success Summit 2011. While I think the information can be valuable — especially for those that understand the techy stuff surrounding social media — This information was not meant to head out into the Triberrsphere. (I’ll send you a message about that). I really like Storify because you can put together stories with excerpts from several social platforms. Should you decide to use them for your Chirp Story, I suggest you not click the “auto-publish” for WordPress, as I’ve not been able to change this setting and am not getting the support I had hoped for to fix the problem. Keepstream also offers the ability to put together collections of tweets. There, you cannot put other networks with the tweets – which is not a deterrent for me. In using that tool, sometimes the Twitter API is finicky, and I cannot get it to embed into my blog very well. So, if you know other options, I would be enthused to know about them! 🙂 Thanks again for sharing your thoughts, and for encouraging our Networking Peeps! ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

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