Walking My Dog Quora I Ran Smack-Dab Into A Kangaroo!

Keri Jaehnig
June 11, 2011
Did I really?  Nope.  But the experience was unique — as if I did! 🙂 Let me explain how it…...
Walking My Dog Quora I Ran Smack-Dab Into A Kangaroo! featured image

Idea Girl Media talks about Quora, Triberr, and Annemarie Cross - a Podcaster from AustraliaDid I really?  Nope.  But the experience was unique -- as if I did! :)

Let me explain how it happened...


Janet Callaway - The Natural Networker, invited me into her Triberr tribe.

Triberr is dubbed "the reach multiplier," for bloggers on Twitter.

Triberr focuses on dispersing quality content through collective circles of people with like interests.  In fact, the first tribe was formed form a group of people involved with dogs.  So the platform even has it's own virtual social currency - bones.

I accepted Janet's invitation, and am now a Networking Peep.

It took me a bit to acclamate, but quickly found that Triberr is delicious social media stuff!

How My Dog Got The Name Quora

Minding my own business, one of my Networking Peeps tapped me on the shoulder to express shared mutual enthusiasm for Quora - the social network.

Meet Saul.  Saul had read my answer on Quora about choosing the right social media strategist.  He encouraged me to make that a posting on my blog, and we discussed his invitation to do a guest post on his blog.

The post to my blog received a decent amount of attention.

Following, my guest post on Saul's blog received quite a few comments as well.

Walking My Dog Quora I Ran Smack-Dab Into A Kangaroo!

From the guest post on Saul's Blog evolved conversation within one of Saul's Triberr tribes.

Meet Annemarie Cross.  She is a Branding Specialist and Business Coach in Australia.

Annemarie does the Business Success Podcast - For entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, and business owners striving to grow their business.

She wanted to bring information about "the two Qs" to her audience - Quora and QRCodes.  so she invited me to be a guest on her podcast to talk about Quora.

Annemarie is a gracious host, an enthusiastic business professional, and someone I'm looking forward to getting to know better.

I can't wait to listen to her upcoming podcasts!  We have already recorded, and my session will be available to access on June 20, 2011.

Have you ever been involved with something that just kept getting better?

That is how I would describe my experience with Triberr so far.

And my interaction with Janet, Saul, and Annemarie!

Have you participated in online tribing?

What about podcasting - have you given it a whirl?

Tell me your thoughts on those topics or Quora in the comments box below...

Image credit: Interspecies Friends


14 Replies

  1. Aca Baranton Gravatar

    By Aca Baranton on

    I am also very active on quora but never thought about naming my pet after that social media website. I must say its a great idea!

    Reply to Aca

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Aca, This article was originally done to highlight an interview conversation between two professionals from different continents, and the topics they talked about. The title was meant to intrigue and invite people to read the article and engage with it. You are here, so it was successful, I think. 🙂 Keep going with Quora! Thanks for sharing your thoughts, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  2. Pingback: 10 BlogWorld 2012 All-Stars & My Stardust Honor Roll #BWENY – Idea Girl Media

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  4. Pingback: Ambitious Entrepreneurs - Know Your Social Media Ps & Qs?

  5. Pingback: Triberr: Supercharge Your Social Networking

  6. Laurinda Shaver Gravatar

    By Laurinda Shaver on

    Its the new media version of Six Degrees of Separation of Kevin Bacon! I really admire your networking skills Keri, and I know that having you in my circle of influence will make ME better. Thanx for the great post.

    Reply to Laurinda

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Laurinda, Yes, the Six Degrees of Separation & Kevin Bacon — How great! 😀 Thank you for your compliment Laurinda. Having you in my circle of influence makes me better as well. When we connect, we are all lifted up. 🙂 Thank you for reading, and sharing your thoughts, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  7. Annemarie Cross Gravatar

    By Annemarie Cross on

    Hey Keri, Awesome post. Yes, it really is quite amazing how we met! When you think of the technologies that we have at our finger tips – when leveraged correctly things can evolve and lead to some amazing friendships and collegial relationships. I love podcasting as it’s a great way for me to connect with experts such as yourself and be able to share inspiring stories/info with people all over the world. It was such a great interview and I can’t wait to share it with everyone. We’ll have to do another one! As for Triberr; it just keeps getting better and better!! Take care and keep up the fantastic work you’re doing! All the best from down under (Australia), Annemarie

    Reply to Annemarie

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Annemarie, Great to see you here – thank you for your enthusiasm! I thought about this, and there are many places that if i were to be traveling, there would be a handful of people I could contact to get together. All resulting from interaction in this new media. That *is* amazing! 🙂 Very excited to hear the final version of the podcast — And to becoming more acquainted through Triberr. You’re terrific – I’ll be listening! ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  8. Dino Dogan Gravatar

    By Dino Dogan on

    I love hearing stories like this. Thank you so much for the ind words and good luck with the podcast 🙂

    Reply to Dino

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Dino, Thank you for visiting! It is my pleasure to talk about Triberr and share my experiences. Thanks for making it all possible!! 🙂 ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  9. Janet Gravatar

    By Janet on

    Keri, aloha. What a great title! With such a title, I had to pop on over here to read what you had to say. Before I comment I want to tell you a story that flashed through my mind when I read your great title. Interestingly enough, I had some friends with a Great Dane who named their dog after their business. When they took the dog out for a walk people would stop them to comment on the dog. Inevitably, they would ask the dog’s name. When my friends replied, the people would say something along the lines of “Wow! That’s an unusual name. How did you happen to name your dog that?” Thus a conversation ensued. Consequently, when I read your title, you being the Idea Girl that you are, I thought you might well have a dog with a conversation starting like name like Quora. Keri, I certainly agree with you that Triberr keeps getting better and better. it is quite a serendipitous experience. Both online tribing and podcasting receive a thumbs up from me. Look forward to hearing yours and AnneMarie’s on the 20th. Best wishes for a terrific weekend. And, again, congrats on the attention grabbing headline. As always, yours in Triberr, your Networking Peep, sends you much aloha. Janet P.S. Both AnneMarie and Saul, like you, are fantastic networkers and doers.

    Reply to Janet

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Aloha, Janet, What a nifty story – Pretty genius to name your dog like that! 🙂 Triberr has been a good experience. Thank you again for getting me involved. I’ve heard a bit of what’s to come, and it is no doubt that we will only see better things in the future. Dan & Dino seem very interested in quality…that is important to me. I too am intrigued with podcasting – Hoping to tap this area of media a bit more. Always a pleasure, Janet. Thank you for your kind words and best wishes. Aloha back to you… ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

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