Client Challenge

The client had a positive reputation established in her field, earned well-respected honors and certifications, and had started her own business with a basic website, but there was not a real brand for the business or clear brand voice.

Our Solution

We presented the client with three brand concepts to choose from. She chose one that built upon colors she was already using online. From the colors to the font, the new branding affirmed the areas of the business: support, coaching, balance, and programs offered. Specific wording was also used to appeal to her target markets.

This branding package included logos and banners, email signature, website imagery, social graphics, brand identity guide, as well as consulting.

How It Performed

Trauma Recovery’s website was immediately transformed and displayed a brand voice that spoke to the business goals and target markets. On social media, the brand flourished and quickly received audience curiosity and positive feedback. In turn, the client was more confident in online activities, knowing there was a clear brand supporting her goals and aspirations.

* Branding concepts in collaboration with designer, Marina Kozlova.


“I am very, very pleased with how the branding turned out! I have had so many little signs over the past few days confirming the decision to go with the green theme of grounding and balance, and the logo. Thanks for the email signature recommendations.” ~Kathryn Bumgarner, John Maxwell Certified Trauma Recovery Coach, Trauma Recovery


Social Media
Our experience with Keri and Idea Girl Media has been a tremendous partnership. Keri “gets” social media and has a creative and collaborative approach to solving her client’s challenges and needs. Keri listens, understands, asks pertinent questions, and offers solutions that reflect her professionalism and expertise. We have partnered with Keri on several education client initiatives and her suggestions and plans were spot-on and made a true difference for our team and our clients. I am excited to further our partnership and I would not hesitate to recommend Keri for anyone looking for creative social media solutions.

Bart Caylor

President, Caylor Solutions, Inc.

Social Media
Keri Jaehnig is creative, hard working, honest, dependable, persistent and more.

Real Estate Developer

Green Business Developments

Social Media
Keri is an experienced, disciplined professional, one whom I would be able to work with on any project, anywhere, and at any time.

Mary McFarland

Author and Grants Writer

Social Media
Keri is a great leader within many specialties. Her positive energy, awareness, interpersonal and communication skills are appreciated in every group setting. Keri is very supportive to her fellow co-workers/team members. Once committed to a project she shows an outstanding dedication to each and every detail of a project

Debbie Rinehart

Website Editor, Clinton County Leadership Institute

Social Media
Keri is an excellent communicator, both in the verbal and written word. She is a master at matching tone, style, and expectations with her execution of a message and solution alike.

Yomar Lopez

The IT Guy Who Communications

Social Media
…the level of your information provided to me every year was so good that I need to publish your answers among the first. 

Adi Domocos

CEO, Hot In Social Media

Social Media
Oh my, Keri! You ARE covering lots of ground. Thank you so much for your guidance and work with our new social media manager. I know she has been learning a lot.

Sherry Weller

Executive Director, New Life Clinic

Social Media
Keri, to say you’re a jewel would be a drastic understatement. Your support means the world to me…

Anita K.


Social Media
I approached Keri about providing marketing strategies for a local publication, and she quickly developed several written, concise initiatives designed to help increase revenue and raise awareness within the community. Her input has been crucial to the health of the publication.

Scott Brooks

Satellite Operations Coachman Metro/SORTA

Social Media
Whether you are an individual, a small business or a large corporation, Keri and Idea Girl Media can assist you with all of your social media needs. She is an expert in all forms and can train your people to have a working knowledge of the ins and outs. Social media isn’t going anywhere and is only getting more important. You can’t afford NOT to have Keri bring you or your company up to speed. She is creative, innovative and highly-respected in her field. She IS your go-to person for all of your social media needs.

Kay Frances

MBA, Motivational Humorist, Keynote Speaker, Healthcare Humorist

Social Media
My mind has been expanded and boundaries pushed due to her innovation and skill. Her talents lie heavily within social media and I feel there are many opportunities, ideas and developments she’ll expand upon during her tenure as a social media director. If you ever get the chance to learn from her, just know you’ll learn at a rapid pace with her at the helm.

Christian Hollingsworth

Owner/Editor Smart Boy Designs

Social Media
Just got off of a GREAT Skype call with Keri at Idea Girl Media talking about social media visibility and action plan. Came away with 2 pages of notes and always great ideas I can implement right away! Thanks Keri. 

Adele McIntosh

Travel Industry Professional at Legendary World

Social Media
A new client came as a result of being more active on social media – The gal responded to one of the quotes you posted.

Teresa Zumwald

CEO, Zumwald & Company

Social Media
Any time Keri takes on a new technology or solution, she makes her best effort to learn it inside out, leverage her networks, and share her findings with those actively engaged with her. She’s very good with keeping up with key influencers in her vast network which we know is rather difficult in our hurried business and personal lives alike.

Yomar Lopez

The IT Guy Who Communications

Social Media
Having known Keri for a few years now, I can personally attest to how helpful her tips are. Idea Girl Media is invaluable to anyone wishing to leverage social media for their business.

Susan Forsythe


Social Media
Keri, to say you’re a jewel would be a drastic understatement.  Your support means the world to me…

Anita K


Social Media
Keri Jaehnig you are a treasure to all of us here! Thank you for the difference and impact you make, and the incredible example you are to me! I can only see good things for you with all the good you put out there!

Missy Wright

Darren Hardy, LLC

Social Media
We are so fortunate that we entrusted Keri to manage our social media. She grew our online voice and social media presence to position us as leaders in our industry. This was a very daunting task since our company, The Hybrid Shop, was new and represented an emerging industry with a new audience. We appreciated her responsive monitoring and graphics that engaged and created a great response from our audience. Keri always kept us informed of trends and any SM platform changes that would affect us and is incredibly knowledgeable about all the different facets of social media.

Judy Curry

Chief Marketing Officer, The Hybrid Shop

Social Media
Our experience with Keri and Idea Girl Media has been a tremendous partnership. Keri “gets” social media and has a creative and collaborative approach to solving her client’s challenges and needs. Keri listens, understands, asks pertinent questions, and offers solutions that reflect her professionalism and expertise. We have partnered with Keri on several education client initiatives and her suggestions and plans were spot-on and made a true difference for our team and our clients. I am excited to further our partnership and I would not hesitate to recommend Keri for anyone looking for creative social media solutions.

Bart Caylor

President, Caylor Solutions, Inc.

Social Media
You’ve made a big impact on a lot of people.

Ron Keim

Business Owner & VP of Wilmington, Ohio Toastmasters


Mike Klein, Changing the Terms