Your Guide To Video On Instagram

Keri Jaehnig
June 27, 2013
Video on Instagram is a terrific tool for all, especially marketers!  See video clips, learn how to use it &…...
Your Guide To Video On Instagram featured image

Video on Instagram is a terrific tool for all, especially marketers!  See video clips, learn how to use it & the discover advantages for all organization types.

So, I can post video on Instagram!  Now what?

First, it is pretty nifty!

Second, it is not as hard as it might seem.

Lets take a look...

The Quick And Dirty

When Twitter released the Vine app, people went a bit wild for the six second looping video.  It was a way to share live experiences with friends, and even breaking news events.

Some, however, had a hard time with the way the app operates.  The looping was not so appealing to some.

Regardless, it was evident that useable video taken from a mobile phone was on the social map.  It was only a matter of time before other platforms rolled up their sleeves, put in some elbow grease and gave the possibilities more turbo.

Announcing Video On Instagram

[caption id="attachment_3999" align="alignright" width="173"]Keri Jaehnig of Idea Girl Media offers your guide to video on instagram with the example video of how to brew great coffee From Facebook's Livestream Announcement[/caption]

Facebook was clever.  They sent out invitations to a media event that read, "A small team has been working on a big idea.  Join us for coffee and learn about a new product." It was especially curious, because they stained the invitation with a coffee cup ring.

While there were rumors online that it would simply be "video on Instagram," the coffee ring, for many, could have indicated their release of a news reader product also rumored to be in the works.

But they kept it quite simple - All business; All Instagram.

Some impressive numbers that Instagram has achieved:

  • 16 billion photos shared on Instagram.
  • 130 million people use Instagram every month.
  • 1 billion likes on images every day.

Wow, right?

Facebook and Instagram decided what they did for photos, they needed to do for video.  The ability to share quickly with simplicity and beauty.

Sure, we could all just sit with coffee reading our news announcement.  Or...

We could watch Facebook's real media announcement with an example video of how to brew great coffee (see above right)!

And now we have:

Video on Instagram

Features - Video Instagram App

Hold on to your mobile phone, because they did this one well!  No waiting - Video on Instagram available for Android and iOS right off the bat. More awesome:

  • Up to 15 seconds of video (3 second minimum)
  • 13 custom designed filters
  •  Choose your cover frame
  • Cinema stabilization

To summarize:

[caption id="attachment_4002" align="alignleft" width="150"]Keri Jaehnig of Idea Girl Media explains that the custom filter for video, "Moon," on Instagram is named after one of the project team members "Moon," From Facebook's Livestream Media Announcement[/caption]

The length of video seems perfect - Not too short, not too long.

Video Instagram filters are pretty great - All meant to optimize the appearance of video.

The "Moon," filter is actually named after the dog of one of the project team members!  Neat, huh?

Also cool: Choosing the cover shot from several frames within the video.  So, your video is always introduced to your audience in a way you choose.

The BIG deal: Cinema - Video stabilization.  Remember your first video...all the shakiness...?  No more!  While we may not see every bit of shakiness disappear, much of it will be swept away, so we can share great videos our friends and followers want to watch.

Those are the main bells and whistles of the video Instagram app.

How To Upload Video On Instagram

Some may be inclined to think, "Oh, no - New developments, I'll need to learn a whole new thing!"  But remember the goal of sharing quickly, simply, and with beauty.

Uploading video on Instagram is really pretty simple.  Easy-peasy.  You will log in to Instagram as you would to share a photo.

When you get to the point where you're actually uploading a file to share, you will see the original platform photo icon on the left and the video icon on the right at the bottom of your phone screen.

The quick steps for posting video on Instagram:

  • Click the video icon.
  • When you're ready, click and hold the larger red video icon.
  • Record between 3 and 15 seconds of video.
  • Click the green "next" button at the top right when you are finished.
  • Choose the filter you wish to enhance your video on Instagram.
  • Click the green "next" button at the top right when you decide.
  • Choose your Cover Frame from the strip of options at the bottom of the screen.
  • Click the green "next" button at the top right.
  • Add your caption in the provided space next to your video clip.
  • Choose which social networks where you will share the video.
  • Click the green "share" button at the upper right of your mobile device's screen.

That is how you share video on Instagram.  It will look something like this:

[caption id="attachment_4001" align="aligncenter" width="966"]Keri Jaehnig of Idea Girl Media describes the features of video on Instagram From Facebook's Livestream Announcement of Video On Instagram[/caption]

The complete list of filters for video Instagram effects:

  • Normal (no filter)
  • Stinson
  • Vesper
  • Clarendon
  • Maven
  • Gingham
  • Ginza
  • Skyline
  • Dogpatch
  • Brooklyn
  • Moon (seen above)
  • Helena
  • Ashby
  • Charmes

Additional notes:

You can stop while recording your video on Instagram by simply lifting your finger from the large red video button.  When you stop and then start, you will see recorded segments just above the record button.

Choose to keep all segments, or hit the "x" arrow button and then again when it turns red to delete a segment of the video.  It's YOUR party - perfect as you want to!

Navigating Video On Instagram In The Friend Feed

By default, the videos on Instagram play automatically in the friend feed (news feed).  You can change that in your settings.  For now, lets take a look at how the videos will look...

[caption id="attachment_4007" align="aligncenter" width="531"]Keri Jaehnig of Idea Girl Media explains how unplayed and played video on Instagram appears. Side by side view of unplayed and played video on Instagram[/caption]

On the left is the view of an unplayed video on Instagram; On the right, a video that has been played.  Notice the icons in the upper right of the screen.

Click to view this very first and experimental video on Instagram

No filter was used.

Much of the video on Instagram has been created to share with friends - It is personal in nature.

Video On Instagram For Marketers

This cool little tool has great potential for the smart business brand...  Where we once used text, image or a combination of both, we can now use video!

Some new options for marketers:

  • Personal message to fans & followers Gary Vaynerchuk style
  • Quick tutorials
  • Invitations to events
  • Tease a new product
  • Congratulate an employee
  • Give a peek at a brand process
  • Lead your audience to an online coupon
  • Fast ad type promos

Some brands are already using video on Instagram.  Click here to view 6 videos for ideas.  Be sure to check out Jeni's Ice Cream!  :)

The options for video on Instagram are really as many as you make them.  PLUS, capturing the video is easy because your mobile device is usually with you.

In addition, this is something that can be optimized by small business, big business, non-profits, entrepreneurs, and public figures.  Miss anyone?  Not intentionally!  :)

Video On Instagram Is Reeling

This development changes social media.

It could be why Facebook delayed their launch of video ads.

Would it surprise you to know that 5 million videos were uploaded to Instagram in the first 24 hours?  (The video featured above is one of them)

You really MUST watch the official video announcement:

[caption id="attachment_4008" align="aligncenter" width="521"]Keri Jaehnig of Idea Girl Media explains the advantages of Video On Instagram for Marketers and features the video announcement Introducing Video On Instagram | Image credit: Instagram Blog[/caption]

Click Here - Introducing Video On Instagram

How about that color and quality, eh?

Update: How To Embed Video On Instagram {Feature released on July 10, 2013}

Instagram Cam On You

Your turn!

What do you think of video on Instagram?

Which is your favorite custom designed filter?

How will you use it?

Please tell me your thoughts in the comments box below!  :D 

25 Replies

  1. Data Recovery UAE Gravatar

    By Data Recovery UAE on

    Keri jaehnig thanks for sharing your idea and we are waiting for your next video. You can make a blog on Data recovery also.

    Reply to Data

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Hi there, Thank you for visiting the blog and reading this article. Happy to know you would feel comfortable visiting again. We do update the blog frequently on business and social media topics, so we’ll work hard to keep you edutained. 🙂 Thank you for sharing your thoughts, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  2. Pingback: 2014 Social Media Marketing Cheat Sheet For New Marketers

  3. Pingback: How To Embed Instagram Photos And Videos

  4. Pingback: Your Guide To Video On Instagram

  5. Pingback: How To Embed Instagram Photos And Videos

  6. Barbara Gravatar

    By Barbara on

    Great Post, Keri, thanks for sharing all the VALUABLE information. Wish I had read it before trying to film something and having no reading glasses with me!!!

    Reply to Barbara

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Barbara, It is my pleasure to share! Please feel free to refer to this post if ever you don’t have your reading glasses on you. hehe 🙂 Thank you for your comment, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  7. Pingback: Listly List - Hump Week Blog Roundup #digitalmedia #socialmedia #wordpress

  8. Thibaut Davoult Gravatar

    By Thibaut Davoult on

    Hi Keri, excellent article. I will tweet it from the Nitrogram account today. A few minutes after video was released on Instagram, brands were already sharing videos. I listed the 10 first brands to share a video on Instagram and attached the link to my comment. Hope you like it! Best, Thibaut – Community at Nitrogram

    Reply to Thibaut

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Thibaut, It was amazing, wasn’t it!? 5 million videos in the first 24 hours – And we were able to watch how brands were using video on Instagram. WOW! Thank you for your kind words, and for sharing. ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  9. Sheryl Brown Gravatar

    By Sheryl Brown on

    My burning question, @Keri, is.. Can we upload previously created video clips onto Instagram??

    Reply to Sheryl

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Sheryl, Great to see your smile! That is a good question. It makes sense that they would not allow you to do it, as the whole point is to encourage the real-time share via video. I have done it with photos, but just tried it with video and it did not seem to want to do it. If anyone finds otherwise, I’d love to know. For now, enjoy the ride. And share great video with us!! Thanks for your comment, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  10. Paul Cooley Gravatar

    By Paul Cooley on

    Great article Keri! Not being the biggest fan of Vine, I was very excited to see Instagram launch video. I think there is a great opportunity to express your personal brand to a whole new level. I do share Randy’s concern though, I truly hope people don’t abuse it. Marketers sure seem to have a habit of messing up a good thing. It should be very interesting to see what Vine will do to counter this. Fun stuff! 🙂

    Reply to Paul

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Paul, Very well said. Not such a big fan of Vine either. I share your concerns, and hope the “bad do not ruin it for the good,” so to speak. This starts a whole new path in media, I think, as even those that were apprehensive may not hop on the visual media merry-go-round. Lets see what happens! Thanks for sharing your thoughts, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  11. Kittie Walker Gravatar

    By Kittie Walker on

    I quite like the way that social media applications are finding ways to let people express themselves, easily, through various media. I personally don’t currently use Instagram, but you never know this might just entice me 🙂 Thanks for the walkthrough, really useful information.

    Reply to Kittie

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Kittie, Great to see your smile! Instagram was not so appealing to me either — I’m not a very good photographer at all. But I played around a little, have gotten better, and I really enjoy seeing what others are up to. The world is becoming more video oriented. This new development offers some good opportunity. Keep me posted – If you’re enticed, I’ll enjoy sharing with you on Instagram. Thanks for your comment, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

      • Sheryl Brown Gravatar

        By Sheryl Brown on

        Once you get a few pointers on what makes a photo a little bit better, then it’s not so daunting and you realize you actually *can* be a pretty good photographer. In a way, it’s like #dance, there are mechanics that can be mastered by the least naturally gifted person. Put that together with a playful spirit and pfft, you’re off and running.. Piece of cake 😉 (They don’t call me the perpetual optimist fer nuthin’..)

        Reply to Sheryl

        • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

          By Keri Jaehnig on

          Sheryl, Yes, I agree – The platform helps you go from “hun?” to “snazzy.” I found that working with photos, it was twice as easy to hop into video. Glad you’re having fun! Thanks for your comment, ~Keri

          Reply to Keri

  12. Randy Bowden Gravatar

    By Randy Bowden on

    my initial concern is the .15 time which suits the ad/production market with a tremendous file of prepackedge bumpers and now the ability to add the “Instagram mood” on future shoots. Time will tell but I am sure that had plenty to do with the time component. Certainly Vine will counter but hopefully will keep the “creative” stop motion in play. I think it plays well but if I had a suggestion box, I would ask for two separate feeds, photo and video with an option to switch. Great job on the review/guide Keri.

    Reply to Randy

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Randy, I share a lot of your concern. At the same time, we’re all having a lot of fun playing with a new tool right now, eh? 🙂 The dual feed – Photo and video would be fabulous! Hopefully Instagram will hear your wish. Thank you for your kind words, and for your comment, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  13. Klaudia Gravatar

    By Klaudia on

    Thank you Keri for great step-by-step on video on Instagram. So now we have 15sec on Instagram vs. 6sec on Vine 🙂 Instagram app allows us to take photos and now record videos – they’ve got it all.

    Reply to Klaudia

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Klaudia, It is my pleasure to share! Instagram has come up with quite a visual media hub. There are a few tweaks I hope they will make, but for now… What fun, eh?? 🙂 Thanks for your comment, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

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