19 Pros Share How To Be A Smart And Savvy Digital Marketer In 2014

Keri Jaehnig
February 9, 2014
Small business owner or new to digital marketing in a company department?  Discover what it takes to be a smart…...
19 Pros Share How To Be A Smart And Savvy Digital Marketer In 2014 featured image

Small business owner or new to digital marketing in a company department?  Discover what it takes to be a smart and savvy digital marketer in 2014 by reading on...

What does it take to be a smart and savvy digital marketer in 2014?

In 2013, the list of tips and tools would have been different than it looks today.  One thing is consistent: This online world is ever changing!

Below, you should see a few themes appear that lend to these points:

  • Graphic content is relevant and in demand.
  • We still need to be concerned about Google search rankings.
  • It's still a marathon, not a sprint.
  • Convenience is Cardinal (as opposed to King).
  • The right tools for your goals are ever important.

Whether you are a small business owner or a new digital marketer in a company department, this list will help you identify the current digital marketing trends, and provide tools and resources to utilize as early as now.

19 Pros Share How To Be A Smart And Savvy Digital Marketer In 2014 

A stellar group of professionals, my friends here offer you their digital marketer support in the form of insight gained from experience.  Each works in a slightly different niche, and is a member of a special online marketing community.  Consider this a list of digital marketer labs -- So you should take away a wide perspective...

Kittie Walker, Managing Director & CMO at Avidmode Ltd.

[caption id="attachment_4282" align="alignright" width="120"]Kittie Walker of Avidmode Ltd. offers her advise on how to be a smart and savvy digital marketer in 2014 Kittie Walker[/caption]

I'm a proponent of lifelong learning. I think it's important to keep your skills up to date as well as keeping abreast of the latest thinking in the marketing. With so much information out there it's important to be discerning about the content you consume. One of the marketing thought leaders that I tune into via podcast is Mitch Joel - he runs a large agency and has a successful professional career spanning back decades.  Podcast: Twist Image


Debbie Laskey, MBA, Marketing Director and Brand Marketing Strategist

[caption id="attachment_4283" align="alignleft" width="120"]Debbie Laskey, MBA, offers her insight on how to be a smart and savvy marketer in 2014 Debbie Laskey, MBA[/caption]

During late-2013, I “met” Instagram and immediately became addicted. This photo app is a great branding tool for corporate brands as well as individual brands. Snap a quick photo, create a word image, or take a 5-second video. All posts/shares on Instagram create visual interest and when created with an easy-to-grasp message, can immediately engage viewers. Try it – I promise you’ll be hooked!  Once there, please feel free to connect with me.


Mike Gingerich, Co-Founder at TabSite

[caption id="attachment_4284" align="alignright" width="120"]Mike Gingerich of TabSite offers his insight on how to be a smart and savvy marketer in 2014 Mike Gingerich[/caption]

The web changes fast, social media included.  What worked 6 months ago may or may not work now. A recommended resource I want to share for 2014 is Google Hangouts.  This tool is going to grow in use and cutting edge marketers are already using it.  Here's a Google Hangout I can recommend to you: Jess + Scott + You.  This show is a great example of the new leading edge in interactive, experiential media.  Watch this show both to be informed as they keep you up on leading edge digital topics, but also watch from the perspective of learning about new media and Hangouts in particular.  Google Hangouts and Google+ in general is something to keep your eye on in 2014.


Amanda Brazel, Social Media Marketing Manager at Amanda Brazel

[caption id="attachment_4285" align="alignleft" width="120"]Amanda Brazel offers her insight on how to be a smart and savvy digital marketer in 2014 Amanda Brazel[/caption]

In 2014, to be a smart and savvy digital marketer I highly recommend building an audience on Instagram if you are not active there. Instagram in my opinion has a very unique culture compared to other networks. There is something very intimate there and what I mean by intimate is that you get to 'see' the life of a brand or business in a new light that pulls you in even deeper. I see this as a strong platform for both product based brands and service businesses alike if used effectively. I like to describe Instagram as telling the story of you and your business through photos that look like a professional photographer is following you around.


Jessica Dewell, Digital Strategist at Red Direction

[caption id="attachment_4286" align="alignright" width="120"]Jessica Dewell offers her insight on how to be a smart and savvy digital marketer in 2014 Jessica Dewell[/caption]

2014 will continue to bring amazing changes, and to be cutting edge for yourself and your clients, consider this: The Reality Of Social Media Marketing, by David Amerland.  Price, Place, Product, and Promotion, while important for business decisions, lack the involvement of what being a social company actually is and commits to being when participating in commerce today.

Thinking about SEO, Video, or anything related to how Google can help you...start with Google+ in 2014.  As the world of SEO is changing, understanding how G+ differs from other social media platforms. Stay current on trends and opportunities to easily incorporate G+ by joining a community of people that want to learn: together.  A good one is Google+ Tips & Topics.


Robert Caruso, Founder & CEO at BundlePost

[caption id="attachment_4287" align="alignleft" width="120"]Robert Caruso shares his insight on how to be a smart and savvy digital marketer in 2014 Robert Caruso[/caption]

2012 and 2013 saw an explosion of apps, tools and new sites for social media marketing. Many of these tools were all but interesting and have become a major distraction rather than things that improve efficiencies and results.  2014 will be about focus and getting back to the basics of integrated marketing and social media efforts. Focus on the basics and what gets real results this year and cut out the distraction and noise that detracts from doing that things you should be doing.


Annemarie Cross, Founder & CEO at The Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast Network

[caption id="attachment_4288" align="alignright" width="120"]Annemarie Cross shares her insight on how to be a smart and savvy digital marketer in 2014 Annemarie Cross[/caption]

In 2014, to be a smart and savvy digital marketer you need to consider creating your own podcast, which has many benefits to growing your community, your customers and ultimately your business. While having your own podcast can help you build your visibility, credibility and celebrity - because people can subscribe to your podcast this means that each time you publish content, it gets pushed out to their mobile device for easy access and listening at a time that’s convenient for them.  Podcast Answerman is a great resource for podcasters, and if you’re a total newbie and still unsure whether podcasting is for you, be sure to click my name above to grab your free "How To Boost Your Celebrity FAST with Podcasting" Kit.


Ralf Skirr, Business Coach at Internet Business Mastermind

[caption id="attachment_4289" align="alignleft" width="120"]Ralf Skirr offers his insight on how to be a smart and savvy digital marketer in 2014 Ralf Skirr[/caption]

In 2014, to be a smart and savvy digital marketer you need to build a strong presence on Google Plus. Why? Because Google is already the biggest player on the internet, and now Google is moving forcefully to connect the internet with the offline world, i.e. the internet of things. Google Plus is the connecting glue between Google's services, and it's your entry door into Google's world. While SEO is getting harder, being on G+ is easy, and it's a #1 priority for Google. 


Nick Kellet, Co-Founder at List.ly

[caption id="attachment_4290" align="alignright" width="120"]Nick Kellet offers his insight on how to be a smart and savvy digital marketer in 2014 Nick Kellet[/caption]

One of my biggest predictions for 2014 is the rise of benchmarketing.  I went to type benchmarking, but I made a new word in “Bench Marketing.”

We have too much of everything.  We can’t do everything.  So where and how to we focus?  What is better than something else.

It’s time to put our preferences to one side and look at the long term impact of actions.  We need to put ego to one side too.

Put vanity metrics to one side.

Step into the world of comparing options.

What works better in the long term.

For me I think the answer lies in benchmarketing.

We share the life out of everything except the stuff that matters - the data. We don’t share our insight. Why is that?  How did I do? We all crave feedback. We have the power to give comparative data to anyone we choose to collaborate with.  Individually we are lost, alone, isolated. Collectively we can learn.  Time to do some bench marketing.


Kathi Kruse, Founder at Kruse Control, Inc.

[caption id="attachment_4291" align="alignleft" width="120"]Kathi Kruse offers her insight on how to be a smart and savvy digital marketer in 2014 Kathi Kruse[/caption]

To be a smart, savvy digital marketer in 2014 you should, before anything else:

1) know who you are as a brand

2) know who your customers are

3) know what your goals are

Content shared on any platform should reflect your brand's personality and be useful to your customers and prospects. Keep a watchful eye on your metrics and remember that measurement is about more than just results, it must tie back to your objectives.


Ching Ya, Author at Social @ Blogging Tracker

[caption id="attachment_4292" align="alignright" width="120"]Ching Ya offers her insight on how to be smart and savvy digital marketer in 2014 Wong Ching Ya[/caption]

Video marketing will continue to be brands' favorite while mobile advertising/optimization can NO longer be ignored. Even traditional organizations like BBC is testing out Instagram to highlight daily news, hoping to reach new audience. Still unconvinced?  My friend, Rebekah provided some solid reasons here, so give it a read.  Don't neglect how people accessing your videos from mobile devices as well.  Optimize your clips as much as possible for better conversion. [Reminder] Don't just focus on YouTube, try out Vine and Instagram.  Learn to capture your audience in (the first) 6-15 seconds. Make them yearn for more.  A few examples for your inspiration


Dave Gallant, Director Of Social Media at Brainworks Growth Agency

[caption id="attachment_4293" align="alignleft" width="120"]Dave Gallant offers his insight on how you can be a smart and savvy digital marketer in 2014 Dave Gallant[/caption]

Hands down, the business tools/resources that I would recommend would be SproutSocial & Bufferapp (Business package), because of the streamlined, effective management and reporting it offers.  With regards to a skill, I feel marketers need understand and adopt more of a "lean" (startup) mindset. The Lean Canvas has been an excellent tool to work out ideas prior to putting exhaustive efforts into it. .

Validate what works, remove what doesn't, etc, etc.  A tip I would suggest is to be more firm on the kind of clientele you work with. Working for an agency, I've worked with the best and worst of them, and honestly if your client is not open and committing to participating in social, then there's no point in working with them.


Ray Hiltz, Owner at NewRayCom - Social Media Integration

[caption id="attachment_4294" align="alignright" width="120"]Ray Hiltz offers his insight on how to be a smart and savvy digital marketer in 2014 Ray Hiltz[/caption]

In 2014, you can't ignore Google+. Search IS marketing. Knowing how authority and semantic search works is crucial for your content marketing.  Adding this G+ circle of experts will give you a Google Plus power boost.

I highly recommend Evernote for anyone that writes or curates content. Great for notes, bookmarking and even screen captures.  And for a social media dashboard: Hootsuite!


Phil Gerbyshak, Vice President of Sales & Marketing at Advisology 

[caption id="attachment_4295" align="alignleft" width="120"]Phil Gerbyshak shares his insight on how to be a smart and savvy digital marketer in 2014 Phil Gerbyshak[/caption]

While Facebook will be losing in importance as a social network for many, smaller niche networks will see a surge in popularity as folks look for multiple places to get smaller pieces of their buckets filled. My favorite up and coming social network is Untappd for those who love beer. While this isn't new to everyone, to many the idea of a place where you can talk about beer and only beer is a godsend. It's an app. It's a network. It's an opportunity to truly engage with like minded folks without being bombarded by marketing messages. Smart businesses will join these social networks and make it easy to interact with them and ask questions and be seen as a partner instead of a vulture only on the lookout for sales. Feel free to connect with me as PhilGerb on your favorite social network!


Klaudia Jurewicz, Social Media Trainer at GroovyPinkConsulting

[caption id="attachment_4296" align="alignright" width="120"]Klaudia Jurewicz shares her insight on how to be a smart and savvy digital marketer in 2014 Klaudia Jurewicz[/caption]

In 2014, to be a smart and savvy digital marketer I recommend focusing even more on location – your potential customer location. GPS technology that allows you to connect your product, service and brand with customer near you.  It’s nothing new but nowadays even more people are using smartphone non-stop so location based marketing might be something worth paying more attention to.  It's all about Location-Location-Location!


Daniel Hebert, Co-Founder at SteamFeed

[caption id="attachment_4297" align="alignleft" width="120"]Daniel Hebert shares his insight on how to be a smart and savvy digital marketer in 2014 Daniel Hebert[/caption]

Most of us don't have time to blog, but that doesn't mean you can't become a go-to source of valuable information on social webs.  Consider content curation to elevate your personal brand in 2014.  By finding relevant content in your industry and consistently sharing it over your social networks, you'll develop greater awareness for yourself, and increase your authority within your niche.  Use tools like Content Gems, Scoop.it, and TrendSpottr to find relevant content. Use tools like Kippt to bookmark articles for later use.  And use tools like Buffer, Hootsuite, and Bundlepost to constantly schedule and share content on your social media properties.

[caption id="attachment_4298" align="alignright" width="120"]Ian Cleary shares his insight on how to be a smart and savvy digital marketer in 2014 Ian Cleary[/caption]

Ian Cleary, CEO & Founder at RazorSocial

My favorite resource is Socially Sorted.  Since I've started following Socially Sorted my imagery has got a lot better, I get more shares on my content and my Pinterest followers have gone up.  Socially Sorted are the experts in using imagery on the web.


Stacey Myers, Social Marketing Consultant at Stacey Myers

[caption id="attachment_4299" align="alignleft" width="120"]Stacey Myers offers insight on how you can be a smart and savvy digital marketer in 2014 Stacey Myers[/caption]

In 2014, to be a smart and savvy digital marketer I suggest you read the book ‘The Slight Edge’ by Jeff Olson. My biggest take away from the book is the compounding effect of taking small actions daily. Those little actions that are so easy to do - and so easy not to do. On any given day if we take the action, or not, it is barely noticeable. It is the impact over time that makes all the difference. This can affect us either positively or negatively, depending on the action being taken, or not.

Although this is a great lesson for life, it is also very relevant for our social marketing efforts. It is very easy to post an update or not post an update and, on the day, if we do or if we don’t it isn’t going to make much difference. But, over time, taking that small action each day is going to reap great rewards over time.


Keri Jaehnig, Founder & CMO at Idea Girl Media

[caption id="attachment_4300" align="alignright" width="131"]Keri Jaehnig of Idea Girl Media offers insight on how you can be a smart and savvy digital marketer in 2014 Keri Jaehnig[/caption]

We're at a point where we must think mobile, or we miss the boat.  I agree with a few of my friends here - Instagram is the place to be in 2014.  People are preferring to interact with colorful images, and Instagram is the fun, easy, mobile marketing tool that fits so well with what so many people are already doing, and where they are hanging out online.

For entrepreneurs and small business owners with a DIY Social Media mindset, TabSite offers great options for contests and promotions on Facebook.  Very mobile-friendly, and also allows you to import directly from your website to make information available at your Facebook page at all times.  Look for an updated version from them soon with great features for multi-location businesses.

Those running social media agencies will find great features and value in BundlePost.  It works in conjunction with seven social media dashboards, lets you curate content like a dream, and saves time so the focus is on engagement and relationships for your clients.

The Smart And Savvy Digital Marketer - YOU

Over to you!  Do you feel up to the specs of a digital marketer job description?  :)

What did you learn from the nineteen digital marketer pros above?

What will you implement in your digital marketing strategy for the rest of 2014?

Please share your thoughts in the comments box below...

27 Replies

  1. atotalnews Gravatar

    By atotalnews on

    I would love to see more posts like this in the future. Very informative and engaging. I will come back soon to read out more content on your site.

    Reply to atotalnews

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Hi there, Glad you like this article with tips from digital marketing experts on being a savvy digital marketer. This was one of my favorite posts to do! 🙂 We update the blog often with similar insights. Hoping to do another compilation post soon. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  2. Craft Communications Gravatar

    By Craft Communications on

    Pretty! This was a really wonderful post. Thank you for providing these details. i need on 2019-2020 article. when you update?

    Reply to Craft

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Hi there, First, yes, we should probably post an updated article from these and other experts. 🙂 Second, If you are asking me to help you with a strategy for 2020, please click the “Contact” tab above and get me some details via that page – I directly receive that communication. A marketing strategy should be re-examined from year to year to refresh for current marketing trends and changes within a company. Hope that helps. Thanks for your comment, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  3. Pingback: #Eyemails: Social Media Efficiencies: 5 Tips to be More Productive

  4. Pingback: Social Media Efficiencies: 5 Tips to be More Productive

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  9. Krithika Rangarajan Gravatar

    By Krithika Rangarajan on

    Thank you for compiling this wonderful list of the top marketing minds, Keri! Personally, I don’t think Facebook is going anywhere, and I believe an integrated social media approach will pay dividends. But then I am no expert 🙂 I really need to get on the Insta-Wagon 😀 Thanks Keri #HUGSdear Kit

    Reply to Krithika

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Krithika, Like you, I think Facebook will be around for awhile. But I also believe it’s time to diversify social presence and include other social networks. Like you said, an integrated social media approach will pay dividends. Visual content becomes more popular every day. That said, Instagram is growing in popularity as they add new and intriguing features. Great to see your smile! Thanks for your comment!! ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  10. Pingback: 19 Pros Share How To Be A Smart And Savvy Digit...

  11. Carissa Pelletier Gravatar

    By Carissa Pelletier on

    Wonderful advice! Regarding mobile – I recently had a project go live on the web (as well as iPad), but it really took off when I included iPhone compatibility. My site’s stats also agree that mobile is crucial now and probably indefinitely. The entire landscape has changed and the above advice is helpful for the many ways we’ll need to adapt!

    Reply to Carissa

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Carissa, Really appreciate your enthusiastic words! Really interesting to know your findings about mobile – And happy to hear about your success when you altered to cater to a mobile audience. It’s wild, eh? the mobile trend will indeed continue far into the future. Thank you for your comment, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  12. Amanda Brazel Gravatar

    By Amanda Brazel on

    I am loving this information. All great advice. I completely agree with Mike about Google Hangouts and Keri about Mobile. I was just looking at stats for my email campaigns and I was shocked to see that almost 70% were read on a mobile device. I live by Stacey’s advice and teach this to all my clients. It is the sum of increased success. Love all of the advice, so many great marketers to learn from. Thank you Keri! Cheers, Love and Success, Amanda

    Reply to Amanda

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Amanda, Really excited to include your insight! It’s amazing the advancement of Google Hangouts over this past year. And how many are truly accessing email (and other) on their mobile devide. We have a great group here, and happy to have you a part!! Thanks for your comment, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  13. Victorino Abrugar Gravatar

    By Victorino Abrugar on

    This post is indeed rich in ideas, useful opinions and insights on digital marketing. For me, simplicity is key in digital marketing for 2014. People are always busy and don’t seem to have much time to digest the overloaded information that we have on the Internet today. That is why content, like infographics, images, and videos that bring complete information in a very efficient way will win the consumers’ heart in 2014.

    Reply to Victorino

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Victorino, Thank you for your kind words, and added insight. I agree with you that visual content will become more important as this year progresses Here’s to simplicity and efficiency, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Mike, Happy to have you with us – Thank you for offering such terrific insight! Really appreciate your collaboration, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  14. Karla Campos Gravatar

    By Karla Campos on

    Great advice, I will agree with you Keri that mobile is where it’s at. People are on the go and are using their mobile devices to make their lives easier. I agree with Klaudia, location is very important and hotels and the travel industry know that and use it.

    Reply to Karla

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Karla, Thank you for reading, and for sharing your thought! We really do need to remember our mobile. Those connecting through the devices always in people’s purses and pockets will be miles ahead. Love what you had to say about location — A lot of great social media and digital marketing efforts happening in the travel industry!! Always great to see your smile, Karla, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

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