White Hat SEO Techniques For Skittish Corporations

Idea Girl Media
February 3, 2018
Confused by Google’s constantly changing guidelines and all it takes for good search rankings? Here is a list of white…...
White Hat SEO Techniques For Skittish Corporations featured image

Confused by Google's constantly changing guidelines and all it takes for good search rankings? Here is a list of white hat SEO techniques for skittish corporations that are safe and easy...

Do you know a little about on page SEO techniques, but looking for even more insight?

You're in the right place.

Worries about Google’s frequent algorithm updates, website penalties, and manual actions against sites that act improperly in the chase for higher traffic, lead some companies, understandably, gun shy.

Are white hat SEO techniques safer to use? 

This article discusses:

  • Safer techniques in SEO
  • Latest SEO techniques
  • How to manage the financial costs

And whether SEO is worth paying for.

There is good reason to believe that the answer to our above question is yes.  So, here is is a quick list of white hat SEO techniques for skittish corporations.

Infographic Distribution

An infographic is a graphical representation of a collection of interesting points about a topic, industry, product, service, or something else. Infographics provide an interesting way for readers to look at information instead of just text or in a chart that is difficult to understand.

Boring statistics come to life when presented using color, different typography, and creative artwork to convey important topics.

For SEO, infographics can be produced and distributed to websites in the same or a similar niche to encourage website managers to publish them. The link back to credit the source – your business website – works wonders for SEO.

Outreach For Guest Posting

Conducting outreach that results in optimal guest posts within peer niches and tangible industries takes time.  Additionally, some industries are less able to consider publishing content from others.  When you do find those that are collaborative, you treasure that relationship!

But first you must make contact.  That will require time gathering correct email addresses and managing communication.  To save a bit of time you could use online tools like Hunter.io or GMass.

Or you could hire a team that will do the research for you to put together a list including:

  • Peer websites
  • Contact details
  • Individualized messages

Either way, doing this kind of outreach gets expensive, fast.

If it's becoming a challenge to manage the company finances as well as scaling SEO outreach campaigns, you might consider the Ohio University masters in financial economics to solve the problem. The course at Ohio University is conducted entirely online. So, it will not get in the way of running the business or SEO campaign.

The good news is that you can apply the financial lessons as you get them, so your business will really benefit from the improved financial controls put in place, freeing up funds for SEO outreach.

Broken Link Building

Broken link building is safe, and has been used for 4-5 years by SEO professionals.

The idea here is that you have a team locate pages that have broken links which don’t point to live websites any longer. For most webmasters, having a replacement link all ready to go saves them time having to hunt one down, which makes this SEO technique quite effective when approached the right way.

Affordability And SEO Techniques

Paying for a quality SEO team and managing finances for your business is hardly an easy juggle. Nevertheless, cash flow must be controlled carefully.  So learning how to use SEO techniques more effectively is never a bad idea.

As competition increases, well-funded SEO campaigns are out performing lesser funded competitors, so it pays to have all your ducks in a row.


2 Replies

  1. Sqexpertise Gravatar

    By Sqexpertise on

    Good Tips to boost-up the website ranking for any Search Engine. SEO is must to every online business.

    Reply to Sqexpertise

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Hi there, Thank you for your kind words. Businesses that want to outpace their competition should implement an SEO strategy. At the same time, knowing techniques that help SEO, and can be easily done outside of a strategy is also helpful. Both on-page and off-page. ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

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