Three Tips For Finding A Web Hosting Plan That Works For You

Idea Girl Media
March 15, 2018
Getting ready to launch a new website or upgrade your current online presence? Here’s a quick guide with three tips…...
Three Tips For Finding A Web Hosting Plan That Works For You featured image

Getting ready to launch a new website or upgrade your current online presence? Here's a quick guide with three tips to finding a web hosting plan that works for you...

Finding A Web Hosting Plan - Your Quick Guide

Finding a web hosting provider for your online venture is very easy thanks to the thousands of services available. However, simply choosing a reliable host for your venture is a difficult task, as some of them describe themselves as “the best host out there” but end up providing a poor or questionable overall service.

If you’re looking for a web hosting plan that works for you, is reliable, and has many features and resources, take a look at some of the helpful tips below. 

Choose A Web Host With The cPanel Platform

The cPanel platform is the most popular web hosting control panel available, and it’s for good reason. Not only is the platform feature rich and reliable, but it comes with many helpful guides, so even as a newbie web hosting user, it’s still easy to get a website online.

cPanel also provides access to many statistical materials so you can see important data, like how many visitors your website is getting and how much space and monthly data transfer it’s using. It will give you a good idea of what sort of web hosting plan you might need in the future should your website outgrow its current web hosting plan.

Don’t Settle For Cheap

You should never choose a web hosting plan simply because it’s cheap and affordable. Many providers out there oversell their resources just to try and make ends meet. This means they don’t actually have the resources available to take on new clients.

Eventually, their servers get overloaded and all clients end up with websites that don’t perform to a high standard, and it is possible many others won’t have a website online at all.

Always look for a host that has reasonable plans in place for a cost that doesn’t seem too good to be true. You can take advantage of Hosting Kingdom to see the many reviews of web hosting providers and money off coupons.

Do Your Research

The first web host that comes along isn’t always the best option – there are thousands out there to choose from. While the new hosts shouldn’t always be overlooked, it would also be wiser to opt for a solution that has been established for at least a few years. This will almost guarantee you a quality service and it will always make it easier for you to research.

Always compare your prices and look for a plan that not only promises a quality experience, but also one that can make website management that little bit easier.

Final Thoughts On Tips For Finding A Web Hosting Plan That Works For You

In conclusion, finding a web host for your online services couldn’t be any easier, but if you are to stay away from the cowboy hosts out there, it’s crucial you take advantage of the above tips to ensure that happens.

Many hosts online take your money and do not provide you with the quality service you’ve rightly paid for. Therefore, always be aware of online services and only take advantage of those you’ve researched. 

18 Replies

  1. Nayna Ahmed Sriji Gravatar

    By Nayna Ahmed Sriji on

    This post is really educational for those just starting out and looking for a dependable web host for their website. Don’t settle for cheap web hosting.You are right ,I have experienced this same issue with mine.

    Reply to Nayna

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Nayna, Glad you feel this article will help those just starting out their search for a web hosting plan. Small business owners and entrepreneurs should find what they need to get them on the right track. Cheap isn’t always the best answer, as you imply. If working with a web developer, they can usually point you in the direction of a solid web hosting option. Some may even host your website themselves for a reasonable price offering better online security options. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  2. WebHosting UK Gravatar

    By WebHosting UK on

    Insightful read! Navigating the world of web hosting plans can be tricky, but your tips provide a clear path. Understanding your site’s requirements, exploring features, and considering growth potential are practical steps for pinpointing the ideal hosting solution. Thanks for sharing these valuable information!

    Reply to WebHosting

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Hi there, Glad you like this article on finding user-friendly web hosting plans. You make some good points and have added value to the details, and I appreciate that. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  3. Brijesh Gravatar

    By Brijesh on

    Finding a good indeed suitable web hosting plan is really a difficult task. These tips will really help in finding the perfect web hosting plan and provider. Thanks for sharing!! Keep sharing more, I’d love to read!!

    Reply to Brijesh

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Brijesh, We are always happy to share insights that help entrepreneurs, marketers and tech oriented freelancers. An online presence begins with the website hosting package and type of hosting chosen. There are many hosting providers out there, and every hosting plan should be considered based on needs and online security. Glad you liked this article about hosting plans. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  4. cirrus Gravatar

    By cirrus on

    I got some great tips for finding web hosting plan that I was looking for. I also prefer cPanel platform to manage the things. Good article..

    Reply to cirrus

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Hi there, I’m glad you found some helpful nuggets in this article about website hosting plans. Please feel free to share with others looking for similar insights. 🙂 a cPanel is pretty standard to hosting plans. I find that people looking for web hosting are usually beginning business owners that do not have expertise with technology or the online world. For them, I recommend handing over their website development and maintenance to an expert. By the time they might be ready to catch up on knowledge, they should be upgrading their levels of delegation and further develop their businesses so they can grow and scale. So, while I agree that cPanel is good and people with some savvy should use and enjoy it, others should rely on those that would use it. Thank you for your kind words, and for sharing your thoughts, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

      • cirrus Gravatar

        By cirrus on

        Yupp. actually you’re right.. cPanel is a standard hosting plan. And I agree with you too. Once you become a pro at managing it you are good to go!

        Reply to cirrus

        • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

          By Keri Jaehnig on

          Hi there, Glad we agree about website management and website hosting. Thank you for visiting and sharing your thoughts, ~Keri

          Reply to Keri

  5. Imran Gravatar

    By Imran on

    That was a very informative blog. Thanks, Keri. I think we all should consider the technical features and as well as price. Cheap hosting is not always performed well. There are many reputed companies out there with the best features at affordable prices.

    Reply to Imran

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Imran, Glad you feel this article is informative. Hope it will be helpful for others too. As you suggest, price cannot be the main consideration for website hosting decisions, as there are so many points to put first. Like security and long-term brand reputation. The optimal website hosting package can be found affordably. It is a matter of research. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  6. James Gravatar

    By James on

    Hi Keri, Thanks for sharing. Based on my experience, never go for a cheap host to save a few bucks. Its not just about speed & up-time, its about data security as well.

    Reply to James

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      James, The least expensive is not always the best choice, even if being cost-conscious – Just as you say. EVERY business must consider online security, quality of customer experience, and what the evolutions will be going forward. I’ve seen a good number of businesses promote a product or service that gets unexpected VERY good publicity, curious people jump to visit the website, and the site crashes. The type of hosting has to do with that. People see the crashed site once, and they may never return. Which, is not the intended outcome! Thank you for sharing your thoughts! ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  7. rupak thapa Gravatar

    By rupak thapa on

    If you are serious on your online business you should consider all technical aspects like ssl, bandwith ,private hosting..etc.Keri your article is informative as always.

    Reply to rupak

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Rupak, Everyone begins somewhere, but as you suggest, once we’ve developed out online presence, it is necessary to step up our efforts behind the scenes so the front of the house runs smoothly for both our customers and we business owners. Glad you found this article informative and helpful. ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  8. Gautam Roy Gravatar

    By Gautam Roy on

    Such an informative post for beginners who are seeking reliable web hosting for their website. I think it’s very important if you are purchasing web hosting – don’t go for cheap. You told the truth, I’ve also faced this problem with mine.

    Reply to Gautam

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Roy, We definitely need to go with a plan that offers us safety and value. It doesn’t necessarily have to be expensive, but it should not be “cheap” for sure! Sorry to hear of your trouble – But we all work through phases and learn from experience. Sounds like you are on your way. Thank you for your kind words, and your thoughtful comment, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

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