My Super Bowl Confession

Keri Jaehnig
February 6, 2011
Are you a football fan? Will you be tweeting your enthusiasm and disapproval of important plays? Maybe Facebook-ing your experience?…...
My Super Bowl Confession featured image

Idea Girl Media shares her Super Bowl XLV confessionAre you a football fan?

Will you be tweeting your enthusiasm and disapproval of important plays?

Maybe Facebook-ing your experience?

I'm about to own up to a little secret...

I don't really care about football.

Confession: I don't usually know who is playing in the Super Bowl until after it's played.

While for many people watching the Super Bowl is like the moment they've been waiting for alllll year...  I'm usually happy enough to hear about the score on the news the next day (or not), and learn the day after which commercials were hip and cool.

My friend Laura Wagner, of Webs By Wagner, is counting down the minutes and seconds until the big event.  Even on her website!  My sister, originally from Michigan but now living in Milwaukee, Wisconsin is amazed at the native "Cheese Head" excitement, but will probably join some friends to watch the game.

Me, I'm happy to finish a project, read a book, or go to a movie with my talented daughter.

The biggest tickle I'll probably get from the Super Bowl XLV game will be this video for Network Solutions with Chloris Leachman:

Gooooooooo0000 Granny!!!!  :)

Are you going to hold it against me????

5 Replies

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  3. Laura Wagner Gravatar

    By Laura Wagner on

    Thank you Keri! This is awesome. I was thinking about you last night while watching the game, wondering if I maybe got you interested just enough so you may have turned on the game. It’s so fun to make friends on social media sites but I never thought I could turn someone into a football fan!

    Reply to Laura

    • Keri Gravatar

      By Keri on

      Shhhhhhhh……. Don’t tell anybody! 😉

      Reply to Keri

  4. Pingback: Quora: The Super Bowl of Social Media

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