How To Prevent A Cyber Attack On Your Business

Idea Girl Media
January 24, 2020
You have likely seen news about a recent cyber attack. Every business owner hopes this won’t happen to their company.…...
How To Prevent A Cyber Attack On Your Business featured image

You have likely seen news about a recent cyber attack. Every business owner hopes this won't happen to their company. Meanwhile, hackers become more savvy. Here are four tips to help you now...

4 Ways To Avoid Your Business Falling Victim To A Cyber Attack

Your business will likely come up against many challenges over the time of its existence, but one thing that can be a constant threat comes from the online world.

There is a danger that could end up damaging your brand reputation and the health of your business if you do not stay aware of online security topics and cyber attacks news. In turn, your company's security online should be heightened, monitored, and consistently updated.

This article outlines how to prevent a cyber attack on your business.

4 Ways To Avoid Your Business Falling Victim To A Cyber Attack

Train Your Staff To Be Vigilant

You're as good as your people, right?

Your staff are partly responsible for what happens online, as they use workstation during their working day. So it’s really important that you’ve trained each and every staff member to be observant when they’re browsing and doing everyday tasks on their desktop or work-provided laptop.

Workshops or training days are now more possible. Your options:

  • Contract an expert to come in for staff training
  • Send your staff for training on the latest list of types of cyber attacks
  • Purchase a virtual training course with a reputable company specializing in online security

It is essential you choose one of the above options to ensure your team members are not clicking on risky links things and interacting incorrectly with emails that could potentially hold a virus.

Until your team is properly trained, they may think they have an idea of security online, but their knowledge could very well be outdated. Better to regularly provide refresher courses. As the business owner, this gives you peace of mind knowing all aware of potential dangers.

Put A Block On Specific Websites

The reality is your staff will not use only the websites predicted they need for work. Social media sites beckon during lunch hours, as do favorite websites that help team members be efficient in their daily lives. However, some internet browsing can be damaging to network security.

You may want to consider which websites you will allow and which qualify to be blocked. When it comes to cyber and data security, you can’t be lax on browsing abilities. So if you can somehow put blocks on websites that are known to be problematic, your position is proactive rather than reactive and potentially too late.

Upgrade Your Server Security

Server security is the most important part of keeping your business safe. It is wise to make sure your servers are backed up and that they’re secure from being infiltrated.

Speak to your IT security providers about implementing the the best network security possible. Have procedures in place that help add levels of protection to all of your data - yours and your customers'.

Encrypt Everything

Encryption is an extra layer of protection against those who are trying to access your data. By encrypting:

  • Hard-drives
  • External hard-drives
  • Files

You can lock out those who should not have access.

Do the homework. Invest in good encryption on everything that holds valuable data and brand assets.

Final Thoughts On Preventing Cyber Attacks

The more you can do to solidify the protection for your business online, the better. Use the above four tips to help stop the cyber attack types that could affect your company into the future. In addition, research the best Xfinity internet plans to make sure that you are connected 24/7.

6 Replies

  1. Sam Bahreini Gravatar

    By Sam Bahreini on

    I’ve just gone through your insightful blog post on preventing cyber attacks, and I must commend you for providing such comprehensive guidance on this crucial topic. In today’s digitally-driven world, where cyber threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated, your post serves as a beacon of practical advice for individuals and businesses alike. Your step-by-step breakdown of preventive measures is impressive. From keeping software updated to implementing strong password practices and educating employees, you’ve covered the essential bases that form the foundation of a robust cybersecurity strategy. Your emphasis on creating a culture of security within organizations resonates strongly – cybersecurity is a collective responsibility, and your post effectively communicates that message. I particularly appreciated your focus on social engineering and the importance of being cautious about sharing personal information online. With the rise of social media and oversharing, your reminder about the potential dangers and the need to be vigilant is incredibly timely. Your inclusion of case studies adds a valuable dimension to the post. Real-world examples drive home the potential consequences of a cyber attack and highlight the urgency of taking proactive measures. It’s not just about hypothetical risks; your post reinforces that these threats are tangible and can have severe implications. I’ll definitely be bookmarking and sharing your blog post with my network. Your insights are a treasure trove for anyone looking to bolster their cybersecurity defenses. Your passion for raising awareness and providing actionable advice shines through, and I’m confident that your post will empower many to take charge of their online security. Keep up the excellent work in equipping individuals and businesses against cyber threats! ??

    Reply to Sam

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Sam, Thank you for visiting my blog and taking interest in this article about preventing cyber attacks. I appreciate your kind words, and I am happy you liked this article and feel it worthy to bookmark. Please feel free to share the article with those you feel would benefit. Your words add value here and will help other readers. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  2. Chloe Summers Gravatar

    By Chloe Summers on

    In this time and age, businesses rely heavily on the internet for their processes and functions. As such, it is imperative that they pay attention to this. If Yahoo, Adobe, and other huge companies can fall victim to data breaches, small businesses can never be too careful. You’ve broken down the most important information very well. Also, endpoint and network security must be taken seriously. Thanks for your excellent insights!

    Reply to Chloe

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Chloe, You make some great points, and I agree! Especially regarding small businesses and their potential vulnerability. I appreciate your kind words and your care to share your thoughts. 🙂 ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  3. Adeel Khan Gravatar

    By Adeel Khan on

    Thanks for such amazing tips. As a business owner myself I strongly encourage people to invest in their employees by regular training of cyber security awareness and training. Will wait for more articles like this.

    Reply to Adeel

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Adeel, Thank you for your kind words It is wise to invest in employees so they are happy and productive. Also to keep cybercrime down and online security optimal. Done through training and putting together the right team, as you imply. We update the blog often with insights for business owners, marketing managers, mobile entrepreneurs and social media enthusiasts. Please do visit again. 🙂 Thanks for sharing your thoughts, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

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