How To Write Social Media Copy That Converts

Keri Jaehnig
November 10, 2020
Creating copy for social media can be daunting. Especially for B2B marketers. Your posts need to be worthwhile, yet entertaining…...
How To Write Social Media Copy That Converts featured image

Creating copy for social media can be daunting. Especially for B2B marketers. Your posts need to be worthwhile, yet entertaining to your target audience. Here are the keys to stellar social media copy...

Guest post by Ovi Negrean

Everything You Need To Know About Social Media Copy That Brings Profit To Your Business

Everything You Need To Know About Social Media Copy That Brings Profit To Your Business

You know social media is important for your business. However, you’re not quite sure where to start ... and that’s perfectly fine. 

There's a lot of information online about what the best strategy is, but you don't have the time to research everything. You barely have time to keep up with posting regularly on all of your platforms.

And even when you do make an effort to maintain some form of online presence, you're not seeing the results you want:

  • Conversions are still low
  • You're not getting the views and shares you expected
  • You're not reaching a wide enough audience to bring in high ROI that makes the trouble worth it

So, what can you do about it?

How can you create unique, relevant, and engaging social media copy that drives more traffic and revenue growth?

In this article, we'll cover everything you need to know about overhauling your social media profiles and tweaking your content strategy so that you're bringing in:

  • New quality leads
  • Increased engagement
  • More profit for your business

Let's begin.

Understand why you're not seeing results with your social media strategy.

If your current strategy isn't panning out the way you want it to, you're not alone. 91% of content marketers have a poorly executed strategy.

There are some common mistakes brands struggle with when trying to create copy for their social media platforms. Although they might invest time and resources into developing a plan, they often neglect essential aspects of copywriting that would otherwise make all the difference for their engagement and conversion rates.

To avoid falling prey to the same mistakes, it's important to understand why you aren't seeing the results you're after with your current strategy.

Here are three common reasons why your social media copy might be falling short:

Here are three common reasons why your social media copy might be falling short

You haven't researched your target audience well enough.

You're crafting copy but you have no idea to whom it is addressed. In other words, you don't know your customers well enough or in some cases, not at all. You have zero clues about their interests or what their wants, needs, and pain points are.

As a result, you're not only missing the mark with the actual content you write, but you're most likely writing in the wrong tone or using a style that doesn't resonate with your audience. 

You're not following best practices with your CTA.

If you want to boost your conversion rate for social media copy, then a clear call-to-action is a must. At the end of your posts, you need to include a compelling CTA that tells your readers what you want them to do.


Because these obvious signs have been around ever since humans tried to convince each other to do things. More explicitly, CTAs have always been a staple for sales.

You can experiment with different CTAs on your posts, track their progress, and find out which ones perform the best. Make sure your call-to-action is targeted, as personalized CTAs convert 42% more visitors than regular CTAs.

You're not solving your customer's problem.

Your copy might be related to your industry, but if it doesn't latch onto a powerful pain point for your customer, they won't have any incentive to:

  • Click on your link
  • Visit your website
  • Subscribe to your newsletter

You need to highlight a challenge that your target audience relates to, and then offer the right solution to overcome it. You want to make it clear to your prospects that the answer they're looking for is only one click away. 

Now that you know what not to do when creating your social media copy, let's take a look at how you can optimize your efforts to get the best results.

Create high-value copy for your social media in five simple steps.

Create high-value copy for your social media in five simple steps.

Social media copywriting doesn't have to be difficult. You can:

  • Draw in new leads
  • Create eye-catching content that maximizes clicks and conversions
  • Connect with your audience
  • Build trust and brand loyalty

With the right tools and approach, you can achieve all of the above with just a few simple steps.

Here are five smart tips to help you create unique and engaging social media copy:

 1. Know how to hook your audience.

When writing social media copy, always start strong. Use:

  • An eye-catching headline
  • A pressing pain point
  • A shocking statistic

Or a clear benefit of using your product or service.

Make sure that you're always leading with how the solutions you offer will help your target audience overcome the challenges they’re facing.

2. Keep a consistent brand voice.

When users scroll through their feed, you want them to instantly recognize your brand. This means that while it's important to share a wide variety of content, your entire collection of posts needs to convey the same voice across the board.

You also want that voice to resonate with your target audience. This means that the language you use, as well as the style and tone of your copy, needs to match your consumer's:

  • Language
  • Behavior
  • Belief system

You want your copy to show prospects that you share values, beliefs, and ideas.

3. Don't focus only on self-promotion.

You might think only posting about your product or service across your social media channels is the way to go. After all, you want your audience to know the awesome-ness of your brand.

But too much self-promotion will yield the opposite results: People will not only grow tired of your posts but also become annoyed. Nobody likes desperate cries for attention.

Make sure that you're mixing up your promotional content with other types of posts including:

  • Curated content
  • Polls
  • Q&As
  • Infographics

And industry-related news or commentary. 

4. Experiment with length and jargon.

You can use A/B testing when posting on social media to gauge which type of copy gets the most clicks and engagement.

For instance, you can experiment with the language, jargon, and tone of voice that you use to see what resonates most with your audience. In addition, you can vary your ad copy length and determine the optimal post length that maximizes conversion rates.

5. Add powerful visuals to the mix.

Posts that include images generate 650% more engagement than copy-only posts.

Social media is visually-driven. You generally don't see high-value copy without it accompanying compelling visuals.

Adding suggestive pictures to your posts will not only draw more attention and reduce the bounce rate, but it can also make your content easier to process and more memorable in the mind of the consumer.

Final Thoughts On Social Media Copy

If you’re going to interrupt your audience and stop them from whatever they’re doing, give them a proper reason and social media copy that is worth their while. It should inform as well as keep your target audience entertained. 

About the author:

Ovi Negrean - Guest author at Idea Girl Media

Ovi Negrean is the co-founder and CEO of SocialBee. He helps a wide range of businesses increase their brand awareness and get more leads through one of the most user-friendly social media management tools on the market. In his “free” time, he also enjoys advising startups. Connect with him him on LinkedIn and follow him on Twitter.

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