Is It Time For A Dress Code At Work?

Idea Girl Media
March 3, 2021
Want to create competition in your niche and to outpace other brands? Make a difference for your brand with the…...
Is It Time For A Dress Code At Work? featured image

Want to create competition in your niche and to outpace other brands? Make a difference for your brand with the attire of your team. This article provides dress code examples plus four reasons to draft a policy now...

A new dress code policy - Yes or no?

Many businesses are often unsure about the type of dress code they should implement for their workplace environment.

In recent years, some companies have made the decision to ditch the traditional suit and even encouraged their staff to dress more casually. However, some issues can arise that are often overlooked.

Dress codes are changing with the times. If your company does not already have one in place, you must take the time and energy to draft a sensible policy for all employees to follow.

Is it time for a new dress code at work? Take a look at four reasons it just might be.

Unity, Community And Values

One of the key reasons employers adopt a specific dress code for work is the sense of unity it creates among all staff members. A sense of community evolves and plays on the idea that everyone is working toward the same goals.

Imagine if someone in the workplace was wearing beach attire and another was wearing a suit. It would be slightly uncomfortable for others and potentially prohibit productivity.

Although employees have the right to express themselves, a business has the right to put forward guidelines that instill brand values.

Brand Reputation

Employees are the face of your company and ultimately become brand ambassadors when dealing with customers and clients. The company’s goals and visions are represented in the individuals they hire. If staff attire is unsuitable, it doesn’t present your company in the best light.

You never know who your employee will encounter when working away from the office. Therefore, it’s wise to have a dress code in place so that they make a positive impression at all times.


If your company deals with customers in a public setting, it would be wise to have a dress code that allows your brand to positively stand out from competitors. This is especially relevant at:

And anytime when your business is one of a large number represented in a crowded market.

Wearing branded workwear such as New Era custom caps embossed with your company logo instantly informs the customer about your company. Which, ultimately, becomes an effective marketing tactic for your business.

Respect For Industry

A dress code is often closely aligned with the business’s industry. So, you will need to think logically about what is appropriate for your niche.

Creative industries such as fashion and art can encourage casual dress, as it allows them to showcase their personality and sense of individuality. At the same time, this relaxed attitude does not mean team members shouldn’t make an effort with their choice of clothing.

Industries such as the legal, architectural and tax accounting are known to deal with high-profile professionals and must dress to be taken seriously.

Summing Up - Dress Code Definitions

Consider your business niche and what clothing you would expect your employees to wear. Evaluate what similar businesses are doing as well. This awareness and preparation will help you finalize a suitable dress code for your company.

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    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Sumit, Glad this article is helpful for you. Thank you for your comment, ~Keri

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