12.5 Reasons To Hire Keri Jaehnig As Your Social Media Consultant

What To Expect When Working With Me At Idea Girl Media 1. Award-winning Social Media Marketer Drafted the Social Media…...
12.5 Reasons To Hire Keri Jaehnig As Your Social Media Consultant featured image

Keri Jaehnig of Idea Girl Media gives 12 reasons you should hire her!

What To Expect When Working With Me At Idea Girl Media

1. Award-winning Social Media Marketer

  • Drafted the Social Media Process & Standards Guide for a prominent California University, winning a Grand Award by APEX Awards for Publication Excellence.
  • Presented with Top 100 Marketing & Advertisers Award by MARsum.
  • Earned Award for Electronic Media – Electronic Publications (Graphic Design) for a client's keystone content Ebook from APEX Awards for Publication Excellence.
  • Honored with Commendation from the Senate of the State of Ohio for Outstanding Attainment in Social Media, 2013.
  • Received Honorable Mention in the Expert category, 2013 Small Business Influencer Awards. #SMBInfluencer

I'm not done. I'd like to help you win awards too.

2. I Achieve Results

  • Created and executed online promotion strategy for a green industries client event that led to a multi-million dollar investment.
  • Managed the re-branding of a century-old transportation company that led to improving brand awareness, increasing employee count by 25% and doubling of revenue.
  • Spearheaded back-to-back #1 social media campaigns for a Convention and Visitors' Bureau (state-level tourism).
  • Directed social media marketing efforts for a 4-man highly contested political race, achieving 51% of the votes for the winning candidate.
  • Earned media attention from People Magazine, 60 Minutes, as well as regional and local TV news channels.

In addition, my answer on Quora achieved top answer status for a question on Social Media Strategy: How Can You Tell A Good Social Media Strategist From A Bad One Before It's Too Late?


My clients typically experience increased traffic to their websites, significant follower engagement, new leads generation, strategic collaborative alliances and awards presented by respected organizations in their industries.

3. Successful Social Media Crisis Management Experience

During a high-profile event receiving negative international media headlines from TIME Magazine and others, I steered social media communication away from detrimental sentiment regarding a client's interests resulting in positive statements from their fans and followers.

This communication strategy drove additional sales for a real estate development project. 

Crises are actually an opportunity to prove how good we are and shine!

4. 25+ Years Of Innovative Business Development Experience

I've worked with big brands and small businesses, non-profits and government agencies -- Once designated by the U.S. Department of State. So, my experience is diverse and transferable to many types of business scenarios, including highly regulated industries.

While marketing intercultural education programs, when budgets were tight I hurdled those limitations by utilizing new technologies at the time: Email marketing, online forums and the beginnings of social media. I was managing remote teams in satellite locations before anyone ever heard of COVID-19 and people used fax machines like some use smart phones today.

We can be creative in our approach to your solution.

5. Brands And Influencers Seek My Insight And Partnership

Online publications like:

And others, contact me for my insights and observations on social media marketing trends. The same is true for social media and marketing industry collaborative articles, including LinkedIn.


I am frequently invited to test social media and online marketing tools during beta phases before they are opened up to the public. It was my honor to be chosen as a Sprout Social All Star, to provide feedback along side a small group of other social media marketing professionals when they were developing their Bambu social business advocacy platform.


It was my privilege to interview Gary Vaynerchuk as he was finalizing his book, "Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook," and to review Mike Stelzner's, "Launch." I am mentioned in the book, "Credibility Nation: For Professionals Who Want To Be Seen As Credible," and was invited to participate in the research that led to it being published.


I've mentored other social media professionals and business leaders to lead their niches online and improve their credibility. From a colleague and TEDTalks speaker: 

You pushed me to bring my A Game to the table in running my company in ways you will never fully grasp. You keep me motivated to do my best work every day.


Most months of the year I am partnering with a brand promoting a new product -- You can see evidence of this on my Instagram profile. While I can and do help clients with influencer marketing campaigns, this is my opportunity to be the influencer and share interesting and innovative items with my followers.

I am also part of the invitation-only Amazon Vine program, reviewing products before they are released to the world.

Let's attract influencers to your brand. 

6. Contributor To Leading Online Marketing Blogs And Podcasts

In addition to my own blog, you may have seen my work published at:

  • Search Engine People - Canada's #1 SEO, Digital Marketing & Inbound Marketing Site.
  • SteamFeed - Marketing, Social Media, and Tech Truths - Founding Author focusing on Facebook Marketing.
  • Social Media Today - The latest news, trends and tips in social media.
  • WiseStamp 
  • She Owns It - Celebrating, connecting and supporting women entrepreneurs 

Among others.

My insights have been featured at top marketing websites such as:

As well as several other top marketing podcasts including:

I am honored to be chosen and privileged to collaborate with each resource!

7. Executive Content And Social Content Creation Specialist

We can talk B2B and B2C. But it's really all B2P (business to people), or better phrased, H2H (human to human). 

We are now at a place in time when AI - Artificial Intelligence, like ChatGPT - can create content. However, it takes a human touch to connect with ... HUMANS. Your customers, your clients. I may use AI to research or formulate. But never to finalize -- it's a quality thing with me. 

For executives, our goal is to evolve your ideas into signature content and keystone content that brings a WOW from your readers. It should showcase your amazing ideas and escalate your personal brand. And win awards for you too.

At Idea Girl Media we create social content that sparks conversation and gets people talking! That evolves on a daily basis, and I monitor your community and stay aware of trends through social listening to know what content your audience wants to see so they engage with your brand.

8. Organic Social Media Engagement Expert

Social media is not broadcasting.  It is two-way exchange.

My managed social communities nurture conversation and develop relationships with clients and brand ambassadors to talk about your brand. (That is different than statements imported by third party apps onto a platform for the simple sake of posting something).

I meet your target audience where they are, when they are there to ignite engagement. Engagement rates of online communities I manage are above niche averages.

Organic interaction is the best kind. It is most genuine. In turn, your brand pages become favored in the algorithms, and any paid social ads get better results.

9. Consistent Collaborator In The Social Space

When one of my friends publishes a book or has something to share, I'm the first to read, review and celebrate it! I do this genuinely. Admittedly, I hope they will do the same when my book is ready to hit the shelves. ?

Leading a Facebook Community for small business owners and entrepreneurs, I've organized online events including:

These were all about connecting business professionals to collaborate, grow their business, and build their brand awareness.  

These tactics are easily adapted or duplicated for my clients!

10. Trained By Top Business And Social Media Leaders

When the world concluded that social media was not just a fad and began to adopt it as a mainstream marketing channel, I did everything I could do learn social media marketing and be a leader in my field. I took time every day, every week, every month, every quarter, and every year to master it. I still do! 

I chose to learn from industry bests like Guy Kawasaki, Mari Smith, John Maxwell, Ali Brown, Darren Hardy and the stealth consultant behind the business successes of Gwenyth Paltrow, Jay-Z and Beyonce'. I've also trained with the HubSpot team, and with a former U.S. Ambassador on global cultural issues.   

We can no longer go to school, complete a program and get a diploma to be done. I value being a life-long learner. It benefits you too. ?

11. International Social Media Speaker

As a social media speaker, if you need a presentation on successful social media marketing tactics, technology leadership or engaging international audiences, I'm your girl!

I've led trainings in other countries for groups of all ages. It was a highlight of my career to lead a panel discussion for a conference of marketing and advertising professionals, attracting global attention.

Other types of groups where I've presented:

  • Executive groups
  • Industry conferences
  • Chambers of Commerce
  • Convention and Visitors Bureaus (CVBs)
  • Groups of diverse audiences
  • Entrepreneur groups
  • Women's groups
  • Nonprofit organizations

Also virtual presentations, webinars and Social Media Week events.

 It would be an honor to create a presentation specifically for your group and motivate them to think differently on a topic to make positive change in their environments.

12. I Stand On My Desk

Have you seen the movie, "Dead Poet's Society," with Robin Williams?  In that film, the teacher challenges his students to stand on their desk to get a different view, perspective.  That inspired me to consistently challenge myself to examine what I'm doing, and achieve what I can be doing even better.

I do the same for my clients.

Also, if I don't know the answer, I know who to ask or where to go to find it. Those that know me well would say I am resourceful. But no one knows everything. I'm networking everyday with experts and thought leaders, and you can count on it that I will leverage that for you as my client.

12.5. 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Yes, I'm personally guaranteeing our shared success. 

If you get everything over to me that I've asked for in a timely manner, enabling me to work on your project by your deadline, and you are not happy with the outcome after our allotted three rounds of edits, I'll keep working on it until we get it right, or refund 100% of your related (project or monthly) fee. 

Why would I offer such a bold guarantee? Because I stand behind the work we do here. ?

Summing Up What It Is Like Working With Keri Jaehnig At Idea Girl Media

In the words of a famous recording artist and movie star, "I'm not afraid to die on that treadmill." 


I work until the assignment is complete to the most optimal result.  And I'll work harder and faster to surpass the competition.  That means, if they're standing, I sit down last.

If I'm doing my job, before we start working together, I'll be able to tell you things about you or your company that you didn't know.


So there you have it - 12.5 reasons to hire Keri Jaehnig and Idea Girl Media.

Learn even more about me

If you were led to this page from the "About Me" page, and are ready to learn more about how we might work together, I would smile and encourage you to click to contact me so we can talk optimistically about next steps.