How To Attract More Customers To Your Women’s Fitness Club

Idea Girl Media
September 25, 2020
Every business owner looks for ideas to attract customers, and works on strategies to attract and keep customers. Fitness gyms…...
How To Attract More Customers To Your Women’s Fitness Club featured image

Every business owner looks for ideas to attract customers, and works on strategies to attract and keep customers. Fitness gyms have been affected by the Coronavirus epidemic. Here are four ways attract more customers...

Four Ways To Attract More Customers

Owning a fitness club or fitness-related business can be a rewarding entrepreneurial endeavor. However, there is a lot of competition customers - that will always be the case. Your goals:

  • Help people find your gym
  • Provide top-notch customer service and membership benefits
  • Consistently strive for a vibrant, growing market share

You can attract more customers and surpass your competitors with a clear marketing strategy and business plan. The following ideas will help you gain more attention so you can increase traffic and sales.

Let's discuss how to attract more customers to your women's fitness club (or any demographic).

Deliver Results

People join fitness clubs primarily to get fit and lose weight. So, they want to see that other people are able to achieve their goals using your equipment and services. Deliver on your promise by ensuring you can get people the results they expect. Work hard to confirm that your customers have what they need to get and stay fit and feel motivated while working out in your facility.

Activate Word Of Mouth To Attract More Customers

You can also attract more customers to your fitness club by getting people talking.

  • Distribute and offer promotional items such as custom shaker cups with your brand and logo on them, so other people see them when they’re being used out in the community.
  • Start a referral program to start a local buzz and get people into your gym and excited about your classes and training programs.
  • Offer discounts and competitive rates that cause patrons to share these advantages with friends and family members. Use banner printing services outside your studio to promote these deals.

Encourage your patrons to share their weight loss success stories on social media, so others hear about them. You might also consider challenges and bootcamps that can be tied to a contest that can be shared online.

Hire The Best Trainers

Your fitness club will be a lot more successful when your customers are satisfied.

Hire only the best in the business when it comes to fitness trainers. Make sure that the employees on your team are:

  • Appropriately certified
  • Practicing what they preach
  • Know how to get your customers the results they desire

Interview and ask for recommendations, so you feel good about your staff and what they have to offer your clients.

Maintain A Spotless Facility

Your fitness club will attract more customers and positive attention by maintaining a clean and inviting environment to work out.

It’s especially important now that we've experienced the spread of COVID-19. Hire a cleaning crew that can come in and keep your gym looking and smelling spotless around the clock.

Additionally, decorate for the seasons and use inviting colors. Create an ambiance that makes people feel motivated and wanting to come back for more.


These are just a few ways you can attract more customers to your fitness club and grow your business. Prioritizing these efforts will better assure your brand's longevity.

You should be committed to:

  • Following through with your marketing strategy - both online and offline
  • Ensuring those who enter your doors leave feeling satisfied and excited about returning in the future
  • Tracking your results

Always have an awareness of what’s working best and where you need to make adjustments.  

2 Replies

  1. Alan Hanks Gravatar

    By Alan Hanks on

    Thanks a lot for sharing such a great piece of article! I found it a good helpful write-up with a good sound and explanation. Here I have seen some valuable ideas that are definitely helpful for every business owner. Please keep sharing more updates!

    Reply to Alan

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Alan, Always happy to share helpful information! Hope this will be a good resource for you and your colleagues. Please feel free to share. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

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