Anchoring Your Business Success Through The Coronavirus Pandemic

Idea Girl Media
October 15, 2020
You’ve heard business success stories that make anyone want to be an entrepreneur. And you work hard to emulate, right?…...
Anchoring Your Business Success Through The Coronavirus Pandemic featured image

You've heard business success stories that make anyone want to be an entrepreneur. And you work hard to emulate, right? Many struggle to hurdle effects of the global pandemic. Here are 3 ways to make it easier...

3 Steps To Business Success During And After COVID-19

The pandemic has changed businesses in all sorts of ways. Not every business has pulled through the difficulties. So, if your company is still afloat, congratulations!

However, it’s important to be aware that the turbulent times haven’t come to an end quite yet. You’re still going to have to put in effort to make sure that your business stays solvent until governments decrease regulations or there is a Coronavirus vaccine.

In this article we discuss three areas of your business you really need to focus on. Let's look closer at anchoring your business success through the Coronavirus pandemic.

COVID-19 Safety Measures

The first area to invest in is in-house virus safety. Making sure that your business remains "COVID-free" is undoubtedly less expensive. But also ensures that your staff and customers are safe and feel safe. This important ethically, and will also give people confidence to engage and shop with you.

Some Coronavirus safety measures should include:

A contracted sanitizing team for bigger jobs and periodic complete cleanings may be wise for brick and mortar businesses.

Team Building Programs

If your business is operating on a remote basis due to the pandemic, you’re going to need to keep your team engaged and motivated. Working from home and not seeing colleagues face-to-face can be an interesting change to deal with. You could find that team spirit declines.

Team morale and communication really is essential for business success. This is the pathway for everyone to work together and work getting done. It is more than worth investing in virtual team building to ensure everyone feels connected, positive and optimistic.

There are so many different team building activities you can try:

  • Challenges
  • Games
  • Simple chatting
  • Non-profit partnership initiatives

Check-in with your team regularly to see everyone is getting along. Thoroughly research any consultant you might contract to lead these activities.

Marketing Campaigns For Business Success

It could be you may be looking to cut costs. But you should continue to invest in your marketing department and marketing campaigns. They help you keep your positive brand exposure and encourage people to spend their disposable income with your company. Even during hard times.

Marketing exposes your brand to people, exposes your products to people, creates desire around what you’re selling and ultimately seals the deal. So, continue marketing and focus on these elements:

Staying active with each of these areas will help pull your business through the pandemic. Even if things are difficult, eventually this too shall pass.

Business success tip: Track efforts and watch for gradual benefits for your company.

15 Replies

  1. Katelyn Seng Gravatar

    By Katelyn Seng on

    Main beneficiary is relevance-seeking politicians (government) and attention-seeking media

    Reply to Katelyn

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Katelyn, I can see where politicians and the government receive some benefit if people and businesses take COVID-19 safety precautions. However, I don’t see how team building programs and marketing campaigns for individual businesses impact those sources either way from a big-picture view. This article was published to be a resource for small business owners during the pandemic as tips so they can improve their situations. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  2. John Gatesby Gravatar

    By John Gatesby on

    Covid has completely changed the way we work, especially the remote working which was an exception earlier has become a norm of sorts. People are actually loving working remotely from the comfort of their homes. I am sure new strategies and policies will evolve in the future to manage such remote teams.

    Reply to John

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      John, I agree that changes have come to the workforce. However, some people like myself have been working from home successfully since before it was “Covid-cool.” 😉 Ironically, the majority of companies and business owners did not trust that a remote workforce could work. The global pandemic has proven this idea wrong, thankfully. There probably will be more remote teams developing for large companies and all types of companies now. Which, I think is healthy for society. We will find new ways to exist and prosper, as you suggest. Thank you for sharing your thoughts! ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  3. gearinside Gravatar

    By gearinside on

    No doubt the current pandemic has been brought changes almost everywhere especially on the business side. Thanks for sharing these valuable tips. I found these tips very valuable for my business.

    Reply to gearinside

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Hi there, I agree! There is one thing that is consistent: There will always be change. 🙂 Glad you found this article helpful. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  4. Zoe Campos Gravatar

    By Zoe Campos on

    It’s good to know that this article promotes doing safety measures such as putting social distancing floor stickers and using sanitizer in the workplace at all times. I know that some jobs can’t stop their operations but I also think that they shouldn’t compromise their own health. It might be better if every establishment would require temperature screening first before letting any employee in.

    Reply to Zoe

  5. Elizabeth J Gravatar

    By Elizabeth J on

    Team building for the win! Keeping morale up on the backend during such times is definitely how you set yourself up for success! Thanks for this awesome article.

    Reply to Elizabeth

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Elizabeth, Team building is an important component of management that has soooo many advantages! Focusing on that during times of recession and challenge is a good strategy, as you imply. Glad you liked this article. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  6. Amber Carrero Gravatar

    By Amber Carrero on

    Masks lobby and homes lobbies, then Amazon, and all digital industry. Those are the main beneficients. They’ve staged all that.

    Reply to Amber

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Amber, There is no doubt there was jockeying in our country capitols! Hopefully we’ve provided some insight business owners can use to rise above this terrible ordeal. 🙂 Thanks for sharing your thoughts, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Amy, Glad you thought the tips and this article were helpful to you. Thank you for your comment, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  7. Lee Russell Gravatar

    By Lee Russell on

    Yeah as the time would come, there are alot of stuff that was remain paused would renew I think these tips would come in handy, thanks for sharing…

    Reply to Lee

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Lee, Glad you feel these tips will be helpful to you. Hope all goes well for you there. Thanks for your comment, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

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