Benefits Co-working Spaces Bring To Freelancers And Entrepreneurs

Keri Jaehnig
December 21, 2017
Co-working spaces bring benefits to freelancers and entrepreneurs.  Here are five refreshing advantages for working professionals to consider to encourage…...
Benefits Co-working Spaces Bring To Freelancers And Entrepreneurs featured image

Co-working spaces bring benefits to freelancers and entrepreneurs.  Here are five refreshing advantages for working professionals to consider to encourage productivity and business growth...

Guest post by Derek Lotts

5 Refreshing Advantages Freelancers And Entrepreneurs Should Love About Co-Working Spaces

Sure, working from your bedroom or local coffee shop might sound like a perfect workplace, but is it really?

Coffee shops can be too loud and distracting, and your bed might be more inviting than your desk if you work from your bedroom. So, what else is there for freelancers and entrepreneurs who can’t afford to rent a workspace alone?

The answer is co-working spaces. They provide you with all the privacy and atmosphere of a real office, plus they are much more affordable than renting an office.

Not convinced?

This article outlines benefits co-working spaces bring to freelancers and entrepreneurs and details latest coworking trends.

Co-working Spaces Offer Flexible Work Hours

What most people find attractive about co-working spaces is a perfect work atmosphere whenever you need it (usually 24/7). So, it doesn’t matter if you’re a morning person or a night owl, you’ll always be able to access your workstation.

You can also alternate long work days when you need to put in some extra time, and more relaxed days when you only have a few hours of work. You can make as many breaks as you want and whenever you want.

Co-working Are Innovative explains Derek Lotts at Idea Girl Media

Some co-working spaces have both separated units for when you need peace and quiet, as well as open-space settings for when you need more communication with other users of the space. Another great thing is that you can stay at home whenever you want and face no consequences. Talk about coworking space benefits! :)

This flexibility appeals to many freelancers and entrepreneurs, and many lifestyles.

Provides Stability

If you’re one of those people who need stability and structure that traditional offices provide, co-working spaces will offer you just that. The lack of routine at a home office might prevent you from achieving your goals and respecting deadlines. Additionally, coworkers often note that having busy people around makes them work harder and keeps them motivated.

Co-working Spaces Provide Stability says Derek Lotts at Idea Girl Media

So, even if co-working spaces offer total flexibility, they also provide structure and can help form good work habits. This creates a workspace with the perfect combination of flexibility and structure that is key to the success of many freelancers and entrepreneurs.

Co-working Spaces Help You Make Valuable Connections

Co-working spaces usually accept independent workers from all business niches and with different skillsets. This allows you to collaborate with bright minds and create valuable contacts where all parties can benefit.

Derek Lotts outlines how Co-working Spaces Help You Make Valuable Connections for Idea Girl Media

You can also find people from your line of work and ask them for advice or have brainstorming sessions. For instance, if you’re a freelance architect, you can team up and collaborate with other architects, designers and engineers. This coworking space concept allows you to gain new insights, knowledge and first-hand advice concerning your work.

Co-working Spaces Provide You With Company

Working from home can be lonely and boring. However, co-working spaces offer you a sense of community, even if you don’t know any of your coworkers.

Derek Lotts describes how Co-working Spaces Provide You With Company for Idea Girl Media

Taking a coffee break while having someone to casually chat with is a perfect way to relax your brain and relieve some stress, even if it is just for ten minutes.

Office Design That Will Inspire You

Most of the good co-working spaces look at their office not only as a place where their users can plug in and work in peace but as a real-life business tool which they try to make more useful through smart coworking space design. Different interior design elements have a different effect on people’s motivation, focus and will to cooperate.

Idea Girl Media and Derek Lotts outline how Open-floor Layouts Are Popular In Co-working Spaces

Office design also affects workers’ satisfaction, productivity and devotion. All of these benefits push co-working space designers to create a well-designed space that will not only attract new users but retain the old ones. Designers usually opt for open-floor layouts with desks that encourage collaboration and include uplifting décor.

Green building and décor options are very popular today (and hopefully in the future too). Features such as a natural green wall, recycled wood for wall cladding and furniture, and concrete for flooring are just some of the eco-friendly elements. They do not only promote sustainability, but also create a warm atmosphere that makes users feel comfortable. No good work can come out of a stressed brain. 

Natural Green Walls In Co-working Spaces can inspire you says Derek Lotts at Idea Girl Media

So, if you’re a freelancer or an entrepreneur who thinks they can benefit from a co-working space, feel free to do some independent research and find a space that fits your needs and wishes.

Usually, you book your co-working space on a monthly basis, so if you’re not benefiting from this kind of atmosphere, you can always go back to your old workplace environment. 


Derek Lotts - Co-working Spaces Guest Author at Idea Girl MediaAbout The Author

Derek Lotts is a regular contributor at Smooth Decorator and writes about décor, gardening, recycling, ecology and everything related to home improvement. He thinks all of these topics fall under the self-improvement category. He also believes in the power of sharing ideas and communicating via the Internet to achieve betterment.  Follow him on Twitter and Google+.


20 Replies

  1. Sehaj Gravatar

    By Sehaj on

    I completely agree with your article, very informative.

    Reply to Sehaj

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Sehaj, Glad we’re on the same page, and that you feel this article is resourceful. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  2. Zoe Campos Gravatar

    By Zoe Campos on

    My favorite part is where you mentioned that we’ll be able to access our workstation anytime if we were to rent a coworking office space. I’m thinking of taking remote jobs at night but I know that I won’t be able to do it in my apartment. Maybe I’ll start by finding these coworking spaces and see if their facilities can be accessed 24/7.

    Reply to Zoe

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Zoe, Co-working stations are becoming more and more popular. For that reason, more are available for extended hours, or 24/7, as you are looking for. I hope you can find a place near you so that you can grow and succeed at your desired pace. Thanks for your comment, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  3. Kranthi Gravatar

    By Kranthi on

    Coworking Spaces are changing with times. Among all the benefits, I feel the community is something that is of much value in coworking spaces. As a freelancer, it was of great benefit to me. Now, not just freelancers, but startups and even large companies are going for coworking space these days because of its benefits.

    Reply to Kranthi

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Kranthi, You are correct. Co-working offices are evolving, and co-working spaces are being created within the large company campus. Community is a big part of what makes these situations thrive. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  4. Ranch Office Gravatar

    By Ranch Office on

    Totally agree! Especially about the people around. I notice that I work harder when there’s someone busy next to me. Also, it’s a good opportunity for sharing your knowledge. Unfortunately, I don’t have many co-working spaces in my town. I hope it’s going to change over the next few years.

    Reply to Ranch

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Glad we’re on the same page. 🙂 Co-working would offer opportunities to share knowledge. Also, co-working spaces are appearing with increasing speed, so I’m sure there will be one in your town before too long. Thanks for your comment!

      Reply to Keri

  5. CoWorking Mag Gravatar

    By CoWorking Mag on

    Coworking space is always the best option for a digital startup because of its cost-effective with a very friendly environment.

    Reply to CoWorking

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Hi there, Every business is different, and must make the decisions best for them. So, those with multiple remote workers may not reap the benefits for a group, but may for individuals on the team in different locations. Co-working space is indeed a great option for digital startups where everyone is in one geographical location, as you mention. It’s terrific that this option is now more available around the world! Thank you for your comment, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  6. SoHoSoleil Gravatar

    By SoHoSoleil on

    Thanks for sharing. I agree that co-working space are a great solution for young entrepreneurs. However, working in a well lit and creatively designed office space has a direct positive impact on employee efficiency.

    Reply to SoHoSoleil

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Hi there, You are probably right! Thank you for sharing your thoughts, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  7. Ranch Office Gravatar

    By Ranch Office on

    This is a great idea For start ups. Small companies can save a lot of money getting a co working space. It´s cheap and it is also preferred by many employees for many reasons. It´s not a typical office. It has many pros.

    Reply to Ranch

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Mr. Office, Thank you for sharing your thoughts. While there are some entrepreneurs with a small team that might bring employees with them, we see co-working spaces most optimal for solopreneurs. The co-working office space is a new resource in the market now that is changing the game for many, indeed. 🙂 ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  8. Coworkhut Gravatar

    By Coworkhut on

    I am so grateful for co-working spaces! As a consultant, I truly experienced considerable difficulties finding the working condition that is reasonable for me. Gratefully, I found a co-working space around my region

    Reply to Coworkhut

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Hi there, Thank you for visiting and reading this article. As you mentioned, many are finding the co-working option works very well for them – Especially newer entrepreneurs transitioning from full-time careers. Glad you have found success! Thanks for your comment, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  9. Conrad Obi Gravatar

    By Conrad Obi on

    Coworking Spaces are just what freelancers need. As it creates a good environment for collaboration and networking with like minds. I currently use the CubeHub Coworking Space in nigeria and i have been able to take my freelancing career to the next level as it has allowed me to actually build a mini agency. Thanks to inventor of coworking spaces.

    Reply to Conrad

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Conrad, Co-working spaces have indeed changed the game for entrepreneurs, as you say. Glad you have found a good resource location that has worked for you and helped your business. Thanks for your comment, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  10. Joyce Blass Gravatar

    By Joyce Blass on

    I am so thankful for co-working spaces! As a freelancer, I really had a hard time finding the working environment that is suitable for me. Thankfully, I found a co-working space around my area that offers bundles that is not so pricy! I also like the nature of co-working itself. Hopefully more people would try this out!

    Reply to Joyce

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Joyce, With the numbers of entrepreneurs increasing, as well as those adopting the mobile lifestyle (working from their laptops), co-working spaces are in greater demand. I expect this trend to continue. It is terrific when there is a good co-working location in a community. There is so much value there!! Happy to hear you’ve found a good option for yourself, and to know of your enthusiasm. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

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