Fundraising Ideas For Nonprofits And Small Business That Make Sense

Idea Girl Media
December 23, 2021
Truth: All nonprofits are always accepting funding donations, and all small businesses want more revenue and brand awareness. Those facts…...
Fundraising Ideas For Nonprofits And Small Business That Make Sense featured image

Truth: All nonprofits are always accepting funding donations, and all small businesses want more revenue and brand awareness. Those facts present a perfect opportunity for partnership and collaboration between the two. Here are five unique, realistic fundraising ideas...

5 Fundraising Ideas For Charity That Nurture Collaborative Partnerships With Small Businesses

One of the most impactful things you can do in business is raise brand awareness for community organizations -- Not only for your brand.

When you show your business cares and gives back, you’ll garner more attention and respect as a leader in the community. With the right fundraising events, you’re going to generate a large stream of revenue for an important cause that you are supporting. In turn, you should see additional revenue for your company.

It doesn't matter whether you are raising money for a huge corporation or a smaller charity, the PR that you bring both your business and to the charity can be huge. The best part about raising money for a charity is that you can get creative to motivate others.

5 Fundraising Ideas For Charity That Nurture Collaborative Partnerships With Small Businesses outlined at Idea Girl Media

But what about fundraising ideas during COVID? Good question! The situation forced business and community leaders to get creative with technology

More popular since the Coronavirus pandemic, some businesses use their virtual event abilities to showcase their outreach efforts. Some organizations host physical events as well. Either way, you need to engage your brain and consider the best options to raise money for a chosen charity and their community.

So, here are some of the best fundraising ideas for nonprofits and small business that make sense in today's social climate. 

Five Ideas For Raising Funds That Build Community And Encourage Collaboration

The Classic Bake Sale

You don't have to do this in person but you should consider hosting an online bake sale AS WELL AS having a physical table or stand. If you have a physical bake sale, your customers could come to you directly and make a point of saying hello and getting to know you while they buy something delicious.

When you host a bake sale online, package the baked goods so you have attractive bundles to post on social media. Be sure to follow all local and state food service laws.

An Afternoon Tea

Virtual or live, you can hold a themed afternoon tea where people purchase an experience. You can encourage everyone to get dressed up and taste theme-matched teas with complementing delicious sweets. For a virtual tea, send paying attendees their package of goodies in advance.

For this type of event, set the price per person, and the nonprofit organization would receive all proceeds after covering expenses.


In other words, a contest or an auction. These options can be done in-person or online:

  • A large raffle basket full of products and goodies (donations can come from yours and other companies)
  • Host a cooking contest

They would both be good options to raise money. When people vote, they vote with their wallet for the amount they are willing to pay for a group of items or for the best dish they taste.

This is a good way to give to charity and gain brand awareness for your business.


You don't have to put on a triathlon or anything ‘Hunger Games’ style, but you could host a games night. Think giant Jenga and giant Chess boards, or Extreme Twister. Fees can come from individuals or corporate sponsorships.

No matter the games that you choose, you can pick something that will suit your business and appeal to your potential donors all at the same time.

Buy A Seat

A dinner party is one of the best charitable event options you could choose as there are so many ways to make the event desirable to attend! Special guests and awards ceremonies attract donors to show up, as well as celebrity entertainment and out-of-this world cuisine.

People pay for a plate and arrive for a social hour to network. Don't be afraid to make it black tie.

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