How To Maintain An Office Like A Boss

Idea Girl Media
September 11, 2020
Every business owner wants to know how to manage an office effectively. It can be easy to maintain an office.…...
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Every business owner wants to know how to manage an office effectively. It can be easy to maintain an office. You just need a schedule and a plan. Here, we outline best practices in office management - both indoors and out...

Office Management Tips And Techniques To Maintain An Office Where People Like To Work

Keeping your office in the best possible condition will help you to:

  • Attract more customers and clients
  • Showcase your brand identity
  • Nurture a positive reputation

And encourage your employees to be more productive as they work.

An office that is clean and properly organized is a space that customer and clients will feel good about driving to if they need to make a visit with your team. Your employees will also work more effectively and, in turn, more enjoy their time at work.

The management and cleaning of office premises does not have to be time-consuming, but it will require a plan. Here's how to maintain an office like a boss. 

Office Management Tips And Techniques To Maintain An Office Where People Like To Work

Wash The Windows Often

Prioritize cleaning any office windows or glass walls. Dirty windows will make your office look unattractive from the outside, and aren’t nice for your staff on the inside. Clean windows make the whole workspace look much better, and the office much more pleasant.

If you have a lot of high windows, hire a professional window cleaning company who will come with the needed skills and equipment to clean safely. Book a regular cleaning to keep them in good condition. Also quickly repair scratches to keep your windows sparkling. 

If you rent office space, check if you or the building owner are responsible for window maintenance and other outdoor features like commercial roofing.

Frequently Clean Out Storage Areas

Cupboards and storage areas can be a magnet for clutter. Be careful to keep up on cleaning these spaces on a regular basis. Remove anything that you don’t need anymore, and store any supplies or equipment that you do still need in a tidy and organized way.

The simplest way to tackle these problem areas is to take everything out and sort everything into three piles:

  • Things you need
  • Things you don’t need that you can donate
  • Things to throw out

If you have things you don’t need but are still in working condition, you could sell or donate them. For example, old laptops that work perfectly well, but can’t run the software your business needs. Offer staff the option to buy them at a discounted price. This gets them out of your storage and helps you offset the cost of buying new equipment.

When you put everything that you’re keeping back into the cupboard, make sure you do it a methodical way that makes sense for your office work flow. The things that people will need the most often should go nearest the front. Label everything clearly so it can be found easily. 

Maintain An Office: Prioritize Repairs

Sometimes, your desk and other office furniture may experience damage. But that may not be as big a deal as you might think. Most repairs can be done yourself. If you have a thickness planer, for example, you can even out any cuts or bumps on wooden desks.

All you need is a bit of elbow grease, and your office furniture will be as good as new. It avoids the need to replace anything due to relatively minor damage.

Since your office furniture can be relatively expensive, it is wise to carry out repairs on a planned schedule. The money you’ll save is more than worth the time and investment.

Organize A Cleaning Day

You might not have much control over how clean your employees keep their own workspaces. But you can encourage them to do a better job.

Set aside a cleaning day and tell everyone to:

  • Clear the desks
  • Sort and organize their belongings
  • Wipe everything down

Office surfaces can gather a lot of dust, so taking everything off the desk makes it simpler to clean.

16 Replies

  1. Waren Hasting Gravatar

    By Waren Hasting on

    These tips outlined in the article are essential components of effective office management. As a business owner, investing time and effort into creating a workspace that people genuinely enjoy being a part of can have a lasting impact on both the business’s success and its reputation. Thank you for sharing these valuable insights on office management best practices

    Reply to Waren

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Waren, Glad you like this article on office management and feel it is both credible and helpful with tips that create a healthy workplace. Yes, creating a workspace that is happy and a place of work that people are excited to be at is important for internal and external branding, as you suggest. Thank you for your kind words, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  2. TheMasterCleanGroup Gravatar

    By TheMasterCleanGroup on

    Great tips for being more organized at work. I’m usually pretty organized in my physical work environment but I must admit that my email gets out of control quite often. I think I could also benefit from “organizing my brain” every so often as well. Thanks for the tips – I will definitely implement some of them!

    Reply to TheMasterCleanGroup

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Hi there, Sounds like you share a lot in common with many business professionals. We have our areas we good at keeping in order, and then others slip. Me too. We could all benefit from taking time each week to organize our brains. In fact, I schedule it. Very important to keep our physical environments in order, as you suggest, as well. I could use work there. 🙂 Thank you for your kind words, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Hi there, As you say, cleanliness and organization of an office is most attractive to employees at the workplace, and those that visit it. 🙂 Thank you for sharing your thoughts, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  3. Rose Chandler Gravatar

    By Rose Chandler on

    Great post on office management! As a business owner, I couldn’t agree more with the importance of maintaining a clean and organized office. Your tips and techniques are spot on, and I appreciate the reminder to prioritize cleaning the windows and glass walls. It’s true that dirty windows can make the whole workspace look unattractive and uninviting to clients and customers.

    Reply to Rose

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Rose, Glad we are on the same page, and you like this article on maintaining an office in a customer-friendly way. Office management can be a challenge, depending on the industry. I hope these details about office management will be helpful to business owners. Thank you for your kind words, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Hi there, This article was written to address the perspective of the typical office manager and their energies around work product and leading staff members. Yes, for companies that are not renting space and own their own buildings, there is a need for managing the physical architecture such as plumbing and electrical. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  4. commercial cleaning Ballarat Gravatar

    By commercial cleaning Ballarat on

    Companies with a clean working environment will have fewer employees calling in sick because the factors that could contribute to ill-health like germs are non-existent in a well maintained, sanitary and clean working environment.

    Reply to commercial

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Hi there, You make a good point. However, I disagree that germs will ever be *non-existent* in a workplace with many people moving about, no matter how clean the office is kept. People are humans, humans are always functioning on their own systems, thus, producing germs. It is the best idea to keep working environments clean and maintained, as this keeps everyone safe and healthy, as you imply. 🙂 Thank you for sharing your thoughts, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  5. electrician Atlanta Gravatar

    By electrician Atlanta on

    Preparing a good budget totally depends on your planning to your home renovation and improvement. You need to plan ahead and research for sources.

    Reply to electrician

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Hi there, While maintaining an office does include monitoring the budget, I’m not sure how much planning home renovation and improvement is part of the business atmosphere. You do make a good point, though, planning ahead and researching those potential plans is essential for business success. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  6. Sophia Gravatar

    By Sophia on

    Well Said you provide the best every information which i was seeking before.

    Reply to Sophia

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Sophia, Thank you for your kind words. I’m glad you found this article helpful. ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

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