Nine Tasks Entrepreneurs Could Outsource For Greater Productivity

Idea Girl Media
October 18, 2021
Is your business growing, but you’re not quite ready for entire departments of staff? Have you been hesitant to outsource?…...
Nine Tasks Entrepreneurs Could Outsource For Greater Productivity featured image

Is your business growing, but you're not quite ready for entire departments of staff? Have you been hesitant to outsource? This article highlights nine duties that can be outsourced and helps you identify which areas are best for you and your brand...

Entrepreneurs, what parts of your operation could you outsource to move your business forward?

As an entrepreneur, it's vital to know your business inside and out. You need to be aware of every aspect of your company to create the best plan for success. However, it isn't possible to be an expert on every facet of your business. Especially if you're just getting started.

There may come a point when you don't have enough time in the day to do all the work required for each area of your business. This is where outsourcing may be a wise option and help you save time to focus growing your company.

This article walks you through nine tasks entrepreneurs could outsource for greater productivity.

What services are best for entrepreneurs to outsource?

Hiring A Virtual Assistant

Virtual assistants are helpful for entrepreneurs because they offer a wide range of expertise under one roof. This means entrepreneurs don't have to hire an assistant for each task such as:

  • Inbox management
  • Scheduling appointments
  • Posting to social media

And other clerical duties. Instead, they can hire a virtual assistant and have several needs delegated to one source.


This area of your business is time-consuming and isn't always easy. This is where a bookkeeper or accounting firm can help you. They will stay on top of law changes and tax codes, and make sure your finances are in order.


Of all the areas of your business, marketing is essential and one to get right. You might need:

Whether you need content management or improving your business's social media presence, it's necessary to choose the right marketing services provider. You might start with a social media manager, grow to bring on a digital marketing team, and down the road bring on an agency to handle a complete marketing strategy.


If you're not very experienced in web development or similar specialized areas, this is the best service to outsource. Some entrepreneurs struggle with technical work and find it more effective to hire an IT Support Company rather than learn different programs themselves.

There is much to learn to master this type of work. Outsourcing IT will allow you more time to develop yourself, your team, and your brand.

Business Strategy

Entrepreneurs need a clear and targeted plan of action. Many business owners do not have all the skills necessary everything themselves. Nor should they!

If you're struggling to strategize short-term and long-term plans for your company your next move it wise to bring on an expert in business strategy to help you compose the ideal business plan.

Idea Girl Media recommends you outsource business strategy

Product Development

Will you be creating a prototype? Developing new software? If you need assistance in this area of your operation, do the research and screening to outsource jobs to the right service provider.

This is another area where entrepreneurs often have difficulty, so find an expert that has a proven reputation doing what you need done.


If you're already running a business it is likely you don't have much time to fulfill product orders. Instead, it may be best to hire a fulfillment team.

They can take care of all the details concerning shipping and delivery of your products.

Human Resources

Hiring someone to handle all your human resource issues is common for small and medium sized businesses and many entrepreneurs. it saves time, money and ensures that you're always in compliance. Plus, there are many good companies out there that manage these concerns.

Customer Service

Customers are the lifeblood of every business. In turn, you must have customer service representatives to answer questions and concerns in a timely manner.

Today, brands use:

  • Social media
  • Phone banks
  • Assigned email addresses
  • Chatbots

And combinations of the above. Make the best choice for your brand. These duties are easily delegated to a customer service team, or a VA.

Summing It Up

Entrepreneurs often struggle with outsourcing because they don't know what services are available to them. This is why it is imperative to find the right team or teams that can help with the right tasks.

If you don't know where to start, this list will help you get on the right track. Remember, your job as an entrepreneur is to focus on developing your business. So, outsource staffing in the areas where you do not carry strong expertise.

4 Replies

  1. Allied Fusion BPO Gravatar

    By Allied Fusion BPO on

    Entrepreneurs, often juggling a multitude of responsibilities, can greatly enhance their productivity by outsourcing various tasks. From administrative duties like email management and data entry to specialized areas like web development, marketing, and customer support, outsourcing allows entrepreneurs to focus on their core strengths and strategic goals. By delegating routine and time-consuming tasks to experts, entrepreneurs not only free up valuable time but also benefit from improved efficiency and the ability to scale their businesses more effectively. Outsourcing is a powerful tool for streamlining operations, reducing overhead costs, and ultimately achieving greater productivity and business growth.

    Reply to Allied

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Hi there, Thank you for visiting my blog and for adding your thoughts. You make some great points, and I appreciate you addin value to this article. ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  2. sumit shukla Gravatar

    By sumit shukla on

    This is a detailed post and really helpful for the entrepreneurs seeking to hire a virtual assistant for themselves also for the budding entrepreneurs. Thanks for sharing this.

    Reply to sumit

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Sumit, Glad you found this article on outsourcing for greater productivity helpful for yourself and other entrepreneurs looking to hire virtual assistants. Always happy to share! Thank you for sharing your thoughts, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

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