Recruitment And Retention Quick Guide For The Small Business Owner

Idea Girl Media
April 27, 2019
Are you a small business owner looking for a solid recruitment and retention plan for employees? Here is a quick…...
Recruitment And Retention Quick Guide For The Small Business Owner featured image

Are you a small business owner looking for a solid recruitment and retention plan for employees? Here is a quick guide to get you started and help you move into the future with a strong team to grow your company and strengthen your brand...

3 Considerations Small Business Owners Should Make Before Finalizing Their Recruitment And Retention Plan

Every new small business owner experiences recruitment and retention challenges.

One thing about running a small business is that there is not usually a vast employment pool from which we can draw talent if someone is off sick or leaves the company. In fact, we have to survive and thrive with the people that we do have. That makes choosing the best employees and keeping them quite crucial.

[caption id="attachment_7957" align="aligncenter" width="598"]3 Considerations Small Business Owners Should Make Before Finalizing Their Recruitment And Retention Plan outlined at Idea Girl Media Photo by from Pexels[/caption]

There’s no doubt that you’ll want the best and brightest individuals on your team. The key is making your company an attractive place to work so stellar candidates apply to work in your business.

The details outlined below are meant to be a recruitment and retention quick guide for the small business owner, and also those working on strengthening their teams. Let's dive in...


If you are going to attract and retain the very best employees, then you need to ensure that your benefits package is a desirable one. It must include: 

  • A competitive salary
  • Health and medical insurance
  • Sick or flex days

Gym memberships, company vehicles, and celebrated employee events will also go a long way to enchanting current and prospective employees.

Making the lives of your employees a little easier may be enough to tip them in favor of your business when they have a choice. That will be an asset when considering recruitment.

Aim for providing value that is delivered without conflict. Once team members are on-board, if they experience too much friction related with their promised benefits package, they may jump ship. That defeats the goal of retention.


Of course, it really doesn't matter how excellent the benefits offered are if your employees have to take unnecessary risks to do the jobs. That is why the health and safety of your employees - both physical and mental - should be a high priority.

There is a lot you can do to promote the health and safety of staff to ensure that their work environment is safe. This may mean:

  • Putting up signs to warn of particular hazards
  • Regularly maintaining air filtration systems 
  • Investing in the right type of flooring 

You will also want to implement a workplace safety training program to include videos like this one:


The workplace environment should be reflective of the type of work done at your small business. Of course, you'll be implementing safe choices here too.

Several commercial flooring companies offer concrete and epoxy floor known to be the safest option for commercial and manufacturing environments. This type of flooring tends to be hardwearing and attractive, meaning you don't have to compromise on performance to ensure safety.

In contrast, a professional services office will require different flooring. Safety is still a concern, but so is tasteful decor for comfort and style. Tile, hardwood or laminate flooring is typical. A rug like this one (see below) would be appropriate for:

  • Executive offices
  • Waiting rooms
  • Office hallways where clients might walk

[caption id="attachment_7958" align="aligncenter" width="566"]Idea Girl Media offers insight on the importance of Safety And Environment relative to Recruitment and Retention Ottomanson Ottohome Collection Contemporary Paisley Design Modern Area Rug[/caption]

Be sure to invest in the appropriate padding to keep the rug from sliding, or tripping people walking through on a mission.


Of all the recruitment and retention strategies, this is perhaps your most important, small business owner!

When it comes to finding and keeping the best team members, it's vital you realize the value of offering them training opportunities. Yes, job training. But also educational opportunities that offer recognized qualifications and personal development.

Many entrepreneurs think that if they train their employees too well, the team member will want to leave. However, this isn't necessarily the case. Especially if you get the other other elements of recruitment and retention right.

To affirm the point:  By providing extra training for your employees, you are actually showing a willingness to invest in their wellbeing and job satisfaction. This becomes an investment in their increased productivity and performance. In turn, an investment in your company's success.

You will probably also find this boosts their morale, encouraging them to stay will your company long term. And that is among the best practices for recruitment and retention!



20 Replies

  1. metaexperts Gravatar

    By metaexperts on

    As a recruiter myself, I focus more on job seekers personality and attitude than skills. Giving everyone a chance is important. I tend to learn a lot from them during my interaction and it helps a lot.

    Reply to metaexperts

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Hi there, Sounds like you have a good approach. From a leadership perspective, it is important to consider the *right people* for a job. Those people will possess a specific mix of qualities and characteristics — the right attitude and EQ are most important, and skills should be a priority. But the individual that has previous experience solving issues that need to be solved wins the day. The paper resume is just paper … Hiring on resume as first priority is usually the recipe for a short-term hire and having to go through the process again soon. Which means a cost of time and money. Thank you for visiting my blog and adding your perspective to our conversation, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  2. Contec Recruitment Gravatar

    By Contec Recruitment on

    The content of the article on recruitment and retention in small businesses is highly informative and practical. It provides valuable insights into the challenges faced by small businesses in attracting and retaining top talent, as well as effective strategies to overcome these challenges. The emphasis on building a strong company culture, offering employee benefits, and providing growth opportunities is particularly commendable.

    Reply to Contec

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Hi there, Glad you like this article about employee recruitment and employee retention for small business owners. Our goal is to provide insights for business leaders that help them advance their businesses, and I appreciate your kind words about this post. Thank you for adding your thoughts, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  3. sara jones Gravatar

    By sara jones on

    I thought your were talking abut small business, but gym membership and vehicle are not something I can offer to my employees. In fact, I am the one who sometimes take them up on the offer to drop me home after office. There is always a shortage as my town is small, and all the young ones are off to college. Money isn’t an issue, but finding people is. What can I do?

    Reply to sara

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Sara, Thank you for visiting my blog, and for sharing your question. Without knowing what type of business you have, it is hard to drill down to specific details that respond to our query. However, if money isn’t an issue, why isn’t a gym membership or similar something you can offer to employees? The key is offering a package that will attract your ideal team member. That will be a combination of quality workplace, appropriate pay and benefits or perks. People will need to head back to work here soon if they are not already. They will choose your workplace or another. Plan for it to be yours. You may need to consult an expert to help you identify solid goals and a plan that is right for your business and niche. Objective view is always best, and an outside perspective can help set the best path forward. Hope that helps, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  4. Sophia Gravatar

    By Sophia on

    We are a small business and we understand that recruitment is a very crucial process nowadays. Really an informative article. everyone should Go through these points before recruitment.

    Reply to Sophia

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Sophia, Our businesses are as good as the weakest link on our team. So, we must hire well. That begins with recruiting, as you suggest. Glad you like this article about recruitment and retention for small business and feel it is resourceful. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  5. Clark Gravatar

    By Clark on

    To grow small businessess not doubt recruitment is essential but finding that potential in hundrads of candidates is not an easy task.

    Reply to Clark

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Clark, You’re right. Recruiting quality talent is essential. However, I disagree on one point: Good business leaders can find potential in candidates by asking the right questions. Then, it is about engaging employees in a way that makes them feel valued. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  6. Jeff Seid Gravatar

    By Jeff Seid on

    I’ve hired many recruitment services the consultation and service that i get from ideagirlmedia is insane.

    Reply to Jeff

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Jeff, I hope you’re saying that like it’s a good thing! 🙂 Thanks for your comment, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  7. IT Recruitement Challenges Gravatar

    By IT Recruitement Challenges on

    Hello Idea Girl Media, thank you for sharing an illuminating post. The most engrossing part of this post is the way you described the training part. Yes, as you described training part is the most vital aspect when it comes to a best-skilled team and getting good productivity out of it. And I also agree with the point that providing extra training to employees will show a willingness to invest in their wellbeing and job satisfaction. The post is really clear and makes sense. Please do share more posts as such.

    Reply to IT

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Hi there, I’m glad you like this post and feel it holds your attention well. Training is a vital aspect to keeping a highly skilled team at a company, as you suggest. A good leader will continue to offer ways for people to build their capabilities. This does lead to job satisfaction, as you imply. We do update the blog frequently with similar insights, so I hope you will visit again. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  8. Rochelle2020 Gravatar

    By Rochelle2020 on

    For small businesses, it will surely a great challenge on how to handle and how to manage small businesses especially with the crisis we are facing right now. Everything you’ve said is very on point and makes sense. Thank you so much for sharing this one. Keep it up.

    Reply to Rochelle2020

    • Makena Kimaita Gravatar

      By Makena Kimaita on

      Rochelle, Thank you for sharing your insight! Glad that this article was useful. Makena at Idea Girl Media

      Reply to Makena

  9. Workforce Group Gravatar

    By Workforce Group on

    Great article! Comprehensive and concise. A good consideration for employee’s benefits, training, environment and safety will certainly improve retention.

    Reply to Workforce

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Hi there, Glad you liked this article and felt it was helpful. We do update the blog frequently with similar insights for business owners and marketing professionals, so I hope you’ll visit agin. Thanks for your comment, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  10. Scott Gravatar

    By Scott on

    Recruiting is a challenge for small businesses. Finding the right talent isn’t easy, and it takes a good recruiting strategy to find and hire quality candidates.

    Reply to Scott

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Scott, Yes, recruiting can be a challenge for many small businesses and startups. While some have a fluency in finding and keeping good talent, this is very often not the case. Every business needs a good recruiting strategy, as you say. Finding and hiring quality staff members can be done with the help of a good HR Director or with the help of a recruiting professional or agency. The key is setting the strategy. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

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