Five Questions To Ask When Choosing The Right Business Coach

Idea Girl Media
October 17, 2018
Feel like you need some expert advice to propel your company to the next level? Here are five insightful questions…...
Five Questions To Ask When Choosing The Right Business Coach featured image

Feel like you need some expert advice to propel your company to the next level? Here are five insightful questions to ask when choosing the right business coach for you and your awesome company...

Business coaching programs are increasingly popular. Here's how to find a top business coach that fits your professional needs.

As an entrepreneur starting a brand-new company or the owner of an established company, you’ve probably realized what a valuable asset an expert business coach can be. Whether you’re looking to get your new enterprise off the ground or aiming to expand and take it to the next level, you absolutely need the assistance of a professional who can guide you in the right direction.

Looking for an expert executive coach isn’t all that difficult. According to IBIS World, the U.S. business coaching industry earned a revenue of $10 billion between the years 2013 to 2018. Close to 95,770 people worked individually or with 52,882 business coaching services companies providing guidance and assistance to business owners.

While these figures should reassure you that the right fit is out there, they may also overwhelm you.

  • What does a business coach do?
  • How will you know that a particular professional has the necessary skills and knowledge of your industry?
  • How can you find the right specialist who is familiar with your line of work?  

All you need to do is ask the right questions. Interview prospective candidates carefully and conduct extensive research before you hire the right person for the job.

Here are five questions to ask when choosing the right business coach for you and your growing enterprise...

Here's how to find a top business coach that fits your professional needs - explained at Idea Girl Media

1. Have You Owned A Business Before?

One of the best ways to gain proficiency is experience. An adept business coach is one who has owned or currently owns a company of their own and has learned the intricacies of running a business by actually doing it. 
A good example would be business expert Arman Sadeghi. His Titanium Success provides proven, practical insights on how to operate a profitable enterprise.  He owns several successful companies proving that he is a reliable source of advice. One of his favorite quotes: “Setting up a company and dealing with the challenges of its day-to-day management teaches you several important lessons.”

2. Do You Have The Credentials To Prove Your Capabilities?

A good step when looking for an expert business coach is to consider the institution where he or she has trained, and if they are a member of prestigious organizations. You can also ask trusted sources within your company and circle of contacts for references.

These sources can include:

  • Your HR head
  • Accountant
  • Attorney
  • Financial planner

Or any other professional contact that you respect.

Check online for reviews of companies the coach has assisted in the past. If they have released books, videos, articles, blogs, or podcasts, go through them to see if they display the skills you’re looking for.

Keep in mind that a great coach is likely to have a unique methodology that she has developed herself instead of adopting strategies from her peers.

Idea Girl Media answers the question: Do You Have The Credentials To Prove Your Capabilities As A Business Coach?

3. Do You Have An Understanding Of My Company's Industry?

Choosing a business coach who has an understanding of how your industry works is most optimal. You’ll have the advantage of gaining insights to overcome barriers from a capable professional who knows the industry well.

On the flip side, hire a professional who respects that your company has a unique selling proposition (USP), and will not insist that you follow the industry’s present modalities of operations. That USP could be the reason why you have an edge over the competition.

This innovative guide to finding the right business coach explains how looking for a coach who is an expert in related industries can also prove to be an asset. You could gain valuable information about additional possible markets you can capture with your products and services, and an understanding of how to design contracts with clients.

4. Can You Provide The Objective Analysis My Company Needs?

A great executive coach is one who can provide a keen analysis of your business and inform you clearly on its strengths and weaknesses without sugarcoating their words. Using his recommendations, you should be able to build on his recommendations and use them to advance your enterprise.

In addition, the coach should provide the essential insights into how you can overcome the challenges you’ve been facing. At a certain point, a capable and reputable coach will tell you that the company is doing great and does not need his assistance anymore.

As My Business Coach Can You Provide The Objective Analysis My Company Needs? - A question Idea Girl Media helps you answer. 5. Can I Rely On You To Commit To The Success Of My Company?

The prime objective of a small business coach is to help your company succeed. She should be able to work with your team and lead them in identifying solutions to the challenges they face.

A qualified expert brings out the best in people and helps them recognize their talents and potential. At the same time, she should be able to provide informed opinions of what strategy is more likely to work while confidently directing away from ideas that are not viable.

Additional Pointers You May Want To Keep In Mind

Once you have the answers to the above question, you should have a fair view of the expertise of the candidate. But, before you finalize the best professional who will be taking your company forward, here are a few more great tips:

  • When reviewing the resume of the candidate, study the skills set listed. You’ll need a partner with talents that compliment your own yet compensates for the areas where you lack. For example: advanced advertising and marketing skills, product improvement, and hiring top talent.
  • During the interview, determine if you are of the same mindset as the business coach. If you think you can develop a good rapport and mutual respect, proceed forward and hire them.
  • During the interview, make sure to discuss the fees and contractual details. Choose a candidate who is upfront about the expected compensation.
  • Confidentiality is another key aspect of business coaching. Discuss the code of ethics the consultant and his organization follows.

Finding the right business coach to assist you with the development and growth of your company needs quite careful thought. However, once you find the right professional, you can look forward to expert advice and guidance that can ensure the long-term success of your awesome enterprise. 

30 Replies

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Isaque, Happy you liked this article about choosing a business coach. 🙂 Thanks for your comment, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Hi there, I couldn’t agree more. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, ~Ker

      Reply to Keri

  1. BusinessAdvisory Service Greenslopes Gravatar

    By BusinessAdvisory Service Greenslopes on

    A business advisory service company will present procedures that will give your business a chance to gain the upper hand in managing sales and profits. This enhances profits, sales and efficiency among your representatives by boosting their moral and promotes effective communication towards each other.

    Reply to BusinessAdvisory

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Kelly, You make some good points. The key is finding a credible business advisor that can prove knowledge and results within the desired niche. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  2. Zoe Campos Gravatar

    By Zoe Campos on

    Thanks for telling me to check online for reviews if I were to look for a coach. I want to start my own business and although I already have enough capital, I lack the will to do it. I think it might be a good idea to attend coaching sessions that can help me accomplish my goal.

    Reply to Zoe

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Zoe, Happy to share details that are helpful to you. To respond to your comment… It appears you do NOT lack the WILL to start your own business, as you ARE looking for information to help yourself get started. Perhaps you might feel you need additional insights? 🙂 A business coach or advisor is a wise choice at the start – Especially if you feel there are areas of expertise you do not have quite yet. If you feel comfortable, please send me a message via our Contact page (tab at upper right). Include the area of expertise you are looking for, and I will either put you in touch with someone I know or let you know how I can help. Thank you for visiting the blog and sharing your thoughts, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  3. jigyasa sewkani Gravatar

    By jigyasa sewkani on

    Small businesses should go for digital marketing to run their business in this pandemic. great content thanks for sharing

    Reply to jigyasa

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Jigyasa, Perhaps business coaches would recommend some small businesses activate a digital marketing strategy. That probably depends on the business and the owner. Thanks for your comment, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  4. Anil Narula Gravatar

    By Anil Narula on

    It is great blog post about business growth. Helpful and Informative blog. Thanks for sharing it with us.

    Reply to Anil

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Anil, Glad you felt this article is helpful on the topic of business growth. I appreciate your kind words relative to our blog! We do update the blog frequently with similar insights for business owners and marketers, and I hope you will check back. 🙂 Thanks for sharing your thoughts, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Hi there, Thank you for your kind words – Happy you found this article resourceful. ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  5. Richard Henry Gravatar

    By Richard Henry on

    Impressive and fully informative article It really helpful for those people who were planning to start their business and for those whose business is in initials state. Be a business man i would to share this information among my friends and colleague

    Reply to Richard

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Richard, Thank you for your positive words and for sharing your thoughts. Starting a business can be challenging, and a coach is advisable because not any entrepreneur can know everything. Thank you for your willingness to share this article, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  6. Kanchan Bhatta Gravatar

    By Kanchan Bhatta on

    Really really great way of choosing a right business coach. We should check how skilled is he/she and can meet our expectation?

    Reply to Kanchan

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Kanchan, Glad you liked this article, and the insight provided. You should absolutely research any business coach you might work with and look into their credibility, ability to deliver the type of development you’re looking for, and see what other people have to say about their coaching experience with them. Hope that helps! 🙂 Thanks for your comment, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  7. Afton Jackson Gravatar

    By Afton Jackson on

    I like that you noted that a business coach must know that a coach understands the business in order to give insight. My wife and I plan to have a pizza business and it would be nice if we had a chef to guide us. If this plan commences, we will need an expert on executive coaching to help us out.

    Reply to Afton

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Afton, Glad you liked this article. If you are planning to open a pizza business, you should include consultation with pizza chefs in part of your beginning research to develop nutritional information, recipes and menus. Your business coach should be someone with successful experience either running a pizza business, accomplishing what you want to accomplish, or someone that has guided others to do that. Once your business is launched and running well, then an executive coach can help you with business growth, becoming an expert in your field, and getting you high-level PR and marketing that help with expansion. Hope that helps. Thank you for your comment, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  8. Amit Sen Gravatar

    By Amit Sen on

    Great stuffs shared . Really good to go through the reasonable amount of information that you have shared here with us. Appreciate it. Keep writing and sharing !!

    Reply to Amit

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Amit, Thank you for your kind words. We do publish articles about business growth, leadership, and marketing quite often, so feel free to check back. 🙂 ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  9. Coorparoo bookkeeper Gravatar

    By Coorparoo bookkeeper on

    You’ll have more time to focus on other stuff on your business knowing that some tasks are already handled by professionals.

    Reply to Coorparoo

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Troy, It is true that proper delegation helps any professional be more successful. Thanks for your comment, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  10. Jonson Gravatar

    By Jonson on

    As an MBA, I must say it’s a great post. Keep up the good work! Thank You!!

    Reply to Jonson

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