Four Common Sense Keys To A Successful Business

Idea Girl Media
June 10, 2020
Perhaps you’re a successful business woman just starting out on your own. Or maybe a successful businessman looking to improve.…...
Four Common Sense Keys To A Successful Business featured image

Perhaps you're a successful business woman just starting out on your own. Or maybe a successful businessman looking to improve. This quick guide includes useful tips for all entrepreneurs in today's business culture...

Perplexed about how to run a more successful business? Make it happen with these expert tips!

The success of your business depends on you and your leadership skills. You’ll likely struggle to hit your goals if you’re disorganized and aren’t following a written strategy plan.

There are actions you can take to run a more successful business and outshine your competition. When you focus on a few crucial initiatives instead of spreading yourself too thin, you’ll likely discover that you’re able to get ahead much quicker.

Think of this as a roadmap for knowing what is worth your time and energy, and how you can build a talented team of employees and attract and retain customers over the long-term. Here are four common sense keys to a successful business.

Engage On Social Media

There's no getting past it now. You will run a more successful business by engaging on social media. More and more consumers are spending time online, and you need to be there to interact and answer their questions.

Come up with a social media strategy so you’re posting relevant and timely information and have employees available to respond to customer inquiries and concerns. Track your brand's:

  • Number of followers
  • Number of shares you receive on each post
  • Clicks over to sales pages

And implement social listening so you know what people are saying about your business.

For A Successful Business Engage On Social Media

Update Your Website

Your business will be a lot more successful when you have an attractive and highly functioning website for your company. Now is a great time to do that. Update it with an architecture to ensure it is helping you to get noticed online and also bring in more leads.

It may be in your best interest to work with a company that can implement and manage SEO strategies, which is the process of ranking your website online in major search engines. This will attract the right customers to your business on the Internet when they’re searching for products or answers.

Monitor Employee Performance

Another tip for running a more successful business is to get to know your employees better.

Track and monitor their performances so that you understand each person’s strengths and vulnerabilities. In turn, you’ll be able to assign and delegate tasks to the right people and make sure each person stays challenged.

It will also be easier to identify any red flags or roadblocks so you can overcome them and work together to meet your goals. Reality: You need a team of talented individuals on your side if you’re going to continue to innovate and improve your products and services over time. 

Prioritize And Avoid Multi-Tasking

As a business owner, you have a lot on your plate and a long list of items that need your attention. It’s easy to get sidetracked or try to take on too much at once. However, doing so will only create more headaches and obstacles for you.

Instead, make lists and prioritize your to-dos so that you’re getting done what is most critical first and foremost. Recognize your temptation to want to multi-task and ask yourself if it’s getting in the way of your success.

You should focus on doing what will help you work most efficiently and boost productivity so that you can stay the course and ensure your business continues to excel in the right direction.

4 Replies

  1. Google MyBusiness management Gravatar

    By Google MyBusiness management on

    Most searchers don’t just simply search once, click on some websites, and be done with it. Instead, they search, click on some websites, edit their search terms, search again, click on some websites, further hone their search terms, search again, and so on.

    Reply to Google

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Tony, You are correct – That pattern of using search is quite common. Though, it may not describe all search habits. As online marketers, we need to be aware of human tendencies so we can use the appropriate marketing techniques. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  2. Value4Brand Gravatar

    By Value4Brand on

    I appreciate the info, updating website regularly is very helpful tip to grow your business online! Appreciate for sharing the information.

    Reply to Value4Brand

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      VB, Thank you for your kind words! We do update the blog frequently with insights for business owners and marketers. Thanks for your comment, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

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