Excellent Examples Of Women’s Business Leadership Over 50 Years

Posted November 5, 2023 By Idea Girl Media
Excellent Examples Of Women's Business Leadership Over 50 Years details by generation at Idea Girl Media
There has been a great debate regarding the importance of female leadership in the workplace. Research shows the positive effects.…...

Can A Mobile Lifestyle Fit Generation X Professionals?

Posted March 8, 2023 By Idea Girl Media
Can A Mobile Lifestyle Fit Generation X Professionals? Question answered at Idea Girl Media
The current class of Generation X professionals have had an interesting road. Gen X lifestyle and buying habits are often…...

Why Should Businesses Pay Attention To Crypto?

Posted May 21, 2022 By Idea Girl Media
Why Should Businesses Pay Attention To Crypto? Question answered at Idea Girl Media
If you’re part of Generation X or a Baby Boomer, the idea of crypto mining blows your mind. Nothing like…...

Three Easy Ways Solopreneurs Can Achieve A Healthy Lifestyle

Posted February 2, 2022 By Idea Girl Media
Three Easy Ways Solopreneurs Can Achieve A Healthy Lifestyle explained at Idea Girl Media
Talk about healthy lifestyle choices … Every business owner wants to make them, even if they get off-track from time…...

Is Dolly Parton’s DreamMore Resort Conducive To A Mobile Lifestyle?

Posted December 4, 2021 By Keri Jaehnig
Is Dolly Parton's DreamMore Resort Conducive To A Mobile Lifestyle? Keri Jaehnig at Idea Girl Media answers that question for you!
More and more people are drawn to the mobile lifestyle. Especially entrepreneurs, already living a laptop lifestyle. Working from their…...

Building an Online Presence As A Small Business

Posted June 7, 2021 By Idea Girl Media
Learn how you can build your online presence and utilize it well here at Idea Girl Media.
You would be hard pressed to find a business that either does not have a website, a social media account,…...

Are Generation X Employees A Good Fit For Your Business?

Posted May 14, 2021 By Idea Girl Media
Are Generation X Employees A Good Fit For Your Business? That question answered in five smart steps at Idea Girl Media
We hear a lot about Baby Boomers and Millennials, but it is not often we discuss Generation X in the…...

How Does Generation X Consume Media?

Posted April 24, 2021 By Idea Girl Media
How Does Generation X Consume Media? That question answered at Idea Girl Media
When you consider media consumption by generation, baby boomers and millennials have historically dominated the focus of marketing executives. How…...

Three Top Tips For Finding A New Career

Posted February 18, 2021 By Idea Girl Media
Three Top Tips For Finding A New Career listed and detailed at Idea Girl Media
You’re probably past the stage of how to start a new career with no experience. Maybe you’re looking for a…...