How To Align Your Online And Offline Presence

Posted October 29, 2020 By Idea Girl Media
How To Align Your Online And Offline Presence outlined for you at Idea Girl Media
Traditionally, it was easy to master a company’s offline presence. But now that most businesses are online, we have to…...

Seven Tips For Streamlining Your Inbound Marketing

Posted October 29, 2020 By Idea Girl Media
Seven Tips For Streamlining Your Inbound Marketing listed at Idea Girl Media
Inbound marketing is different than outbound marketing. In turn, your tactics should be too. Some companies still struggle with content…...

Ten B2B Social Media Marketing Tips for Aspiring Brands

Posted October 28, 2020 By Keri Jaehnig
Ten B2B Social Media Marketing Tips for Aspiring Brands listed for you at Idea Girl Media
Business brands often find social media a challenge. They might search out a B2B social media strategy template for best…...

Four Smart Moves Of Thriving Startups

Posted October 23, 2020 By Idea Girl Media
Four Smart Moves Of Thriving Startups outlined for you at Idea Girl Media
Startups are thriving all over the world, even surviving the COVID-19 crisis. There is a lot to think about when…...

Top Social Media Strategies For Car Dealerships

Posted October 22, 2020 By Idea Girl Media
Top Social Media Strategies For Car Dealerships outlined at Idea Girl Media
Automotive sales can be a tough business. So implementing successful social media strategies should be a top priority for sales…...

Two Ways To Increase Your Follower Count On Social Media

Posted October 20, 2020 By Idea Girl Media
Two Ways To Increase Your Follower Count On Social Media explained at Idea Girl Media
Some will tell you why your follower count doesn’t matter. Others disagree because the perception is the more followers the…...

Four Essential Product Development Tips For Entrepreneurs

Posted October 10, 2020 By Idea Girl Media
Four Essential Product Development Tips For Entrepreneurs outlined at Idea Girl Media
Many new entrepreneurs underestimate the number of product development steps they will actually go through. This article spotlights how to…...

Twelve Bright Ideas To Ignite Brand Awareness

Posted October 9, 2020 By Idea Girl Media
Twelve Bright Ideas To Ignite Brand Awareness listed and explained at Idea Girl Media
Have you researched, funded, opened and run your business for awhile? Now you need to know how to increase brand…...

How To Make A Memorable Brand Impression

Posted October 4, 2020 By Idea Girl Media
How To Make A Memorable Brand Impression explained at Idea Girl Media
You may have been given advice on how to create a brand identity and positive brand image. A high priority…...