Seven Simple Strategies That Fuel Successful Content Marketing For Nonprofits

Idea Girl Media
July 28, 2022
If you have been charged with a nonprofit marketing campaign, you may have already taken a look at examples of…...
Seven Simple Strategies That Fuel Successful Content Marketing For Nonprofits featured image

If you have been charged with a nonprofit marketing campaign, you may have already taken a look at examples of nonprofit content marketing. Wise! Now you need to master how to succeed at content marketing for nonprofits...

How To Benefit From Content Marketing For Nonprofits In Seven Easy Steps

Today content marketing is more important than ever for businesses to attract, engage and retain their customers. 66% of marketers expect a rise in their content marketing budget in the next few years. Not only profitable businesses but many nonprofit organizations are investing and benefiting from content marketing. This method of promotion helps nonprofits reach more people and spread the word.

This content marketing for nonprofits guide is for you if you’re running a nonprofit organization and looking to get started with content marketing. In this article, we’ll talk about a seven solid ways you can leverage frugal techniques to grow your nonprofit.

Content Marketing For Nonprofits: Strategies

Marketing is equally important for nonprofits as it is for other businesses. The only difference is that nonprofits do it to:

  • Spread awareness
  • Build a brand with a story
  • Encourage donors and volunteers

Content marketing is one form of promotion that can work efficiently for nonprofits. Below are seven simple strategies that fuel successful content marketing for nonprofits and help organizations grow.

1. Connecting Potential Donors With The Audience

Organizations must connect with potential donors on an emotional level. Why? This helps them build loyalty before they make a money decision. For this, businesses must back up their message with action to prove to their audience that they are authentic. The same goes for your nonprofit. 

It’s not your business but the cause that the audience will relate to. Hence, the donation that the audience will make is to support the people and cause. When donors connect with the audience, it improves their understanding of the impact their donation will make.


Two businesses are looking to raise funds. The first business talks about its mission, vision, team, and goals. At the same time, the second business talks about its mission and highlights the videos, photos, and testimonials of donors who have made a difference.

Which organization do you think donors will choose? The first one? The second one?

Correct answer: The second one.

2. Using Storytelling In Content Marketing For Nonprofits

Stories encourage brand trust. According to a report by Search Engine Watch, 62% of B2B marketers consider storytelling to be a successful content marketing approach.

In turn, you should use storytelling as part of your content marketing strategy. Facts and data are important. But it’s emotion backed up with facts and data that inspire people to act. Adding images and videos can make stories more impactful, encouraging the audience to make larger donations.

3. Providing Options For Donation

5 Fundraising Ideas For Charity That Nurture Collaborative Partnerships With Small Businesses outlined at Idea Girl Media

Most nonprofits make the mistake of treating all of their donors the same and asking for specific donations. While people have different motivations, backgrounds, and financial resources, requesting specific donations will limit your audience and purpose.

Hence, creating content to communicate different options for donation can help you achieve greater results. Providing types of options to donors will allow them to donate more or differently than they would otherwise.

Choosing fundraising platforms like Donorbox can help you manage donations efficiently. You can use advanced filters to sort your donors based on their donation:

  • Amounts
  • Frequency
  • Location

And other demographics. Also, it allows you to accept donations in multiple currencies. Now you can even fundraise globally!

4. Content Marketing For Nonprofits Using Email Newsletters

Most marketers believe that email marketing is a thing of the past. Surprisingly, 93% of B2B marketers still use email channels for distributing content. People still check their messages, and email marketing is still a cost-effective marketing strategy for growing businesses. 

To strengthen your donor relationships, you should segment your contributors list based on their donation amounts and frequency and customize your message. Personalizing your emails can help you generate 6x more donations.

Email newsletters are a great way to keep donors informed about the latest events and campaigns. Your email newsletter can even include a compelling call-to-action message and a donation button. Thank donors in every email for their contribution.

5. Offering Virtual Events And Webinars

Content marketing for nonprofit organizations can also include live events, such as:

  • Panel discussions
  • Webinars
  • Q&A sessions

67% of businesses use virtual events complementary to in-person events. Nonprofits can do the same.

The benefit of organizing virtual events and webinars will help you reach beyond geographical barriers. Organizing in-person meetings only helps you attract loyal supporters. But virtual events can be attended by anyone, thus widening your support network.

You can even use member and donor data to segment your audience and create targeted post-event marketing and fundraising campaigns.

6. Running Campaigns On Social Media

More than 4.62 billion people around the world now use social media. Hence, the best way to leverage the benefit of content marketing for nonprofits is to maintain a presence on social media.

The advantage of having a social media presence is you increase brand awareness and referrals. Your audience may pass along your social media content to their connections. When these second and third-level contacts view your content, they may become donors, which helps your organization grow. 

The ability to:

Are all advantages of social media. On Facebook and Instagram, you can even start a nonprofit fundraiser.

7. Sharing Your Impact

The task of fundraising for your nonprofit organization never ends. It's important to mention an organization's impact to demonstrate to potential contributors how their donation will make a difference. 

This will help you build long-term relationships with donors and encourage them to contribute in the future. You can even ask donors to leave their reviews. These reviews can be re-purposed and will later help you attract new donors.

Show how previous donations were used as the evidence of your awesome work. This makes content creation for nonprofits easy.

Leverage The Advantages Of Content Marketing For Nonprofits

Even though your nonprofit has different goals than traditional businesses, the marketing objectives aren't much different. Content marketing for nonprofit organizations:

  • Increases brand awareness
  • Increases new donations
  • Reaches a wider audience 

Email and social media are still the prevalent platforms among nonprofits for content marketing. The suggestions above might help you improve and enhance your content marketing approach.

Your job now is to act. Promote your cause and strengthen your donor relationships with content marketing.

2 Replies

  1. Chris Binion Gravatar

    By Chris Binion on

    Great insights on content marketing for nonprofits! This article offers valuable tips and strategies for effectively reaching and engaging with audiences in the nonprofit sector. It’s crucial to leverage storytelling, utilize social media platforms, and prioritize SEO to create meaningful connections and drive impact.

    Reply to Chris

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Chris, Glad we are on the same page regarding content marketing strategies for nonprofits! I couldn’t have said it better myself. Any good marketing strategy – whether for business or non-profit – will include social media, storytelling and SEO. Thank you for your kind words, and for sharing your thoughts, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

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