Instagram For Business: The Guide To Getting Started

Keri Jaehnig
February 3, 2014
Thinking of getting your business started on Instagram?  Here are seven ways to delight your followers, and diversify your social…...
Instagram For Business: The Guide To Getting Started featured image

Thinking of getting your business started on Instagram?  Here are seven ways to delight your followers, and diversify your social media presence to surge ahead of your competition!

How can business brands get started on Instagram?

Facebook has always been the golden child of social networking.  It's big, everyone's there, and it is fun and easy.  But Facebook's been changing the rules, and now it is more challenging for marketers.

So, it's time to diversify the social portfolio, re-configure the social strategy, and enhance your brand's social media presence.

Enter Instagram.

Why Instagram?

[caption id="attachment_4278" align="alignright" width="180"]Keri Jaehnig of Idea Girl Media helps you get started on Instagram Diversify your social media presence on Instagram[/caption]

Instagram is generally believed to be this "new" social network.  But in truth, social media leaders have been snapping photos and curating lovely images since as early as October, 2010.  It was when Facebook bought Instagram app that it got more attention.

In 2014, the daily stats should impress:

  • 55 million photos are uploaded.
  • 86.4 million comments posted.
  • 691.2 million users like photos.

Not too shabby!  Instagram is developed, yet still has big potential for growth and development.

Instagram is mobile, it's fun, and it is not yet overly populated with social noise.  This allows marketers to develop and nurture social relationships not necessarily possible on other social platforms at this time.

Instagram For Business: The Guide To Getting Started

Before going any further, any business interested in optimizing (and protecting) their online real estate should reserve their brand name on Instagram right now if they have not done so already.  This assures that when you are ready - now or in the future - you can engage with your audience with the most optimal situation.

To clarify, if your business name is "Awesome Company," and someone has already claimed that ID on Instagram, your business would have to choose an alternate, and potentially less optimal of Instagram names.  In turn, that could keep your audience guessing, and hinder their finding you on the platform.

A Simple List Of Considerations To Get You Started On Instagram

1. Be There!

This goes for presence on any social network: Reflect your brand message positively.  Instagram is all about visual content, so find ways to convey ideas that tie to your brand objectives and your brand values.

Also find out when your audience is most likely to be on Instagram and plan to post at those times so they are most likely to see your images, and like and comment.  If you are posting at times when your audience is online, it defeats your purpose of having a presence on Instagram.

2. Be Consistent

Successful brands on Instagram seem to be posting a few times per week to twice a day, on average.  As you get started, post at least once per week and work up to a comfortable frequency for you and your audience.

Have a plan for posting and responding that keeps you consistently seen by your audience.  If they do not see you for awhile, they will not be motivated to look for you, or engage with your brand when they do see your posts.

Being consistent with image themes is also important.  You want to build your content to a point where your audience can almost guess that visual image is yours before they see your brand name attached.  Occasional off-theme posts are fine to keep intrigue and energy, but again, tie visuals, colors, and words to your brand goals and objectives.

3. Be Delicious

[caption id="attachment_3465" align="alignleft" width="200"]Keri Jaehnig of Idea Girl Media discusses the importance of serving up delicious images on Instagram Be Delicious On Instagram! (via[/caption]

What images do you respond to?  Chances are they are delightful, colorful, and maybe even of food items that make your mouth water.  So, regardless of what your business does or whom you serve, find a way to tantalize your audience's visual taste buds!

Many people seem to respond to:

  • Coffee
  • Chocolate
  • Beautiful scenery

All it takes is a little creativity.  Try studying popular brands on Instagram to see how they are successful, and emulate what you can.

4. Be Real

Authenticity is key!  But what we're really getting at here: Instagram offers the prime opportunity to infuse your brand into real life.

So, if you sell home improvement items, instead of posting endless photos of the items you sell with prices attached, try helping your audience see how it is of value to them.  You can either show the items with people using them.  Or, show several small items your audience will need to achieve a coveted result.

Put your brand in real-life situations.

5. Be Artsy

[caption id="attachment_4276" align="alignright" width="280"]Keri Jaehnig of Idea Girl Media shows business brands how using collages and filters on Instagram can make your brand positively stand out Be Artsy On Instagram[/caption]

Instagram is all about the visual, so there is so much room to have fun!

For photo images, the filters are tons of fun, and make even the least talented photographer look like a pro.  There are also several collage and frame option apps to cluster multiple images.  Two that are popular:

  • Framatic
  • Diptic

Both easily searchable in the App Store.

To offer variety to your audience, try the video option.  This is a great way to really let your followers know what your brand is all about and showcase important people or products.

You can re-purpose Instagram videos by embedding them into blog posts or web pages.

6. Use Hashtags

Instagram syndicates very easily to Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare, Tumblr, Flickr, and other social networks.  Hashtags are commonly used on Twitter and Foursquare, and even Facebook is catching up where we see hashtags now used there.

Using hashtags will help you find friends and followers - At present, using them is a great way to attract new followers and build your audience.  Some popular Instagram hashtags any brand can use:

  • #photooftheday
  • #instagood
  • #love
  • #picoftheday
  • #nofilter

Again, use hashtags that are closely tied to your brand goals and objectives.

7. Comment!

On Instagram, clicking the little heart near the image is just like clicking "like" on Facebook.  Sort of a virtual high-five.

But the real gravity comes from conversation.  Comment on others' image posts to invite them to respond back.  Should a back and forth evolve, a mutual follow should come soon enough.  So, it is reasonable to say that commenting leads to increasing your Instagram followers.

7 Ways To Ignite Instagram For Your Brand In 2014

It wouldn't be a post about a visual medium without offering a visual aid to help convey the point!  Below is a SlideShare meant to be an introduction to Instagram for business.

Top Brands On Instagram Leading By Example

Now is a great time to establish a presence on Instagram because the competition is not what it is on Facebook.  There is time to make strong connections and forge ahead of your competition if they have not already begun here.

Take some cues from popular brands on Instagram:

  • The Ellen Show
  • National Geographic
  • Victoria's Secret
  • Nike
  • Forever 21
  • Louboutin
  • MTV
  • Starbucks
  • 9GAG
  • Sneaker News

The above were the most popular brands on Instagram as of Q4, 2013.  As more and more brands gain traction on the social network, we could expect those to change slightly over time.

Do an Instagram search to find other favorite brands and others in your niche.

Your Snapshot View Of Instagram

Hopefully you're more inspired to take your business onto Instagram!

What questions do you have about using Instagram for business?

Are there other business brands not on the list above doing outstanding things on Instagram?

Please share your questions and suggestions in the comments box below...  :)


26 Replies

  1. catherine Gravatar

    By catherine on

    Hi Keri, thank you so much for the info. I got some understanding now. I have an online business and im paying an expert from Habiliss to look into it. She is doing good, but i understood more after reading the article. How can I get your help?

    Reply to catherine

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Hello Catherine, Thank you for your comment – Glad you found this article helpful. Great to hear you have an online business! May I ask what type of business? It would help me to understand what type of help you are looking for. May I email you at the email you left in our system? Alternately, you can send a message via the contact page on this website – Please include your specific questions. Looking forward to hearing from you and learning how I can help, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Sanjil, Thank you for your kind words, and for stopping by to read. ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  2. Pingback: How To Use Instagram To Totally Rock Your Email

  3. Roslyn Tanner Evans Gravatar

    By Roslyn Tanner Evans on

    When ready to add Instagram to my platforms, you are my guide and expert. I know it is one I can/should use, just don’t want to use same images I post on Fb or Pinterest or on my website so that leaves me in a quandry. Maybe I should post my jewelry images on Instagram but don’t I have to find new followers? So much to learn. Great post.

    Reply to Roslyn

  4. Rebecca Thompson Gravatar

    By Rebecca Thompson on

    What a great post. You have some very good tips in here for those just getting started and those who have been going for a while.

    Reply to Rebecca

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Rebecca, As you mention, Instagram is “new,” but not so new. Been around since 2010. Happy to know you found these tips helpful — Meaningful coming from you. Thanks for commenting. ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  5. Sheryl Brown Gravatar

    By Sheryl Brown on

    You have been a fabulous help to me in finally getting my Instagram on, Keri..! And in many other social media arenas as well 😉

    Reply to Sheryl

  6. Maria Elena Duron Gravatar

    By Maria Elena Duron on

    It wouldn’t be a post about a visual medium without offering a visual aid to help convey the point! >> No, it wouldn’t! Well done, Keri! I know my connections will find your insights valuable and really like your Slideshare visuals, too.

    Reply to Maria

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Maria, Thank you for your positive words. I hope your connections found this post helpful. Also happy to know you liked the SlideShare. Knowing your additional questions about Instagram, I hope you’re having fun there! Thanks for sharing your thoughts, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  7. Elise Cohen Ho Gravatar

    By Elise Cohen Ho on

    Keri, thanks for this great reminder to get back to Instagram and show it some love. I know that my brand benefits from the food shares and the motivational quotes and comments. I am working on bringing in the rest of my brand on this underloved platform.

    Reply to Elise

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Elise, My pleasure to encourage, remind. Instagram really is a great network to gain traction and make relationships now! I’ve seen you a bit, and look forward to seeing more. Thanks for your comment, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  8. Pingback: Celebrating ONE year of Social Media on WordPress: Part 3.

  9. Pingback: How To Improve Your Facebook Marketing With Instagram

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Frithjof, Thank you for your positive feedback, and for sharing your thoughts. Ducks should be doing duck things, and Eagles should be doing Eagle things, right? 🙂 Agreed – A free blog linked from the website is not the way to go. Rinse, repeat. Great to see your smile… ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  10. Pingback: Instagram For Business: The Guide To Getting St...

  11. Krithika Rangarajan Gravatar

    By Krithika Rangarajan on

    Keri: It took me all but one glance at your website to become your loyal fan! Your colorful personality is highly addictive and infectious. Thanks for these wonderful Insta tips #IdontgetInsta This will definitely help! #SpecialKittoHugs Muaah Kit

    Reply to Krithika

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Krithika, It has been a pleasure getting to know you online – Such positive energy you have….thank you for sharing this with me!! 🙂 People are still getting used to Instagram. I didn’t use the app much at all when I first downloaded it. But if you inch up to it, you then become “addicted.” There are so many cool ways to be creative, share, and engage with Instagram. I’ll be releasing a training course a bit later this year. I’ll be updating on Twitter & Facebook, but feel free to be in touch with questions. Thanks for reading, for visiting my website, and for your wonderful comment, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  12. Anne Gravatar

    By Anne on

    Good point about highlighting the value of products. I love Instagram personally, but am struggling with how a services company can use it well. Any suggestions?

    Reply to Anne

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Anne, Thank you for your kind comment. In everything we do online, we should be adding some type of value. For those in the services sector, the approach depends some on the niche… I find the best way to feature services business is to identify the benefit or advantages the services provided and find a way to inject that into a photo. Whether it be use of educational product, smiling customers with a testimonial, where someone can go once service has been obtained, and more. The options are really limitless. Hope this helps, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  13. Frithjof Gravatar

    By Frithjof on

    What a great post! Thanks for becoming my #1 Instagram expert Keri! I’m having a lot of fun using Instagram! It just lends itself to humanize my brand by mixing private images into my company streams.

    Reply to Frithjof

  14. Pingback: Social Media Overload- build your social media plan.

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Frithjof, Thank you for reading so intently and for your enthusiastic words. For folks in our line of work, Instagram is exactly adding the human face to the professional stream. I’m honored to be your #1 Instagram Expert!! Your link leads me to believe I need to hop over and learn a bit more about making GIF images…. Appreciate your comment, friend, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

      • Angie Current Gravatar

        By Angie Current on

        I’m still new to the Instagram thing and am looking for fun and creative ways of posting. This was a lot of help. Thanks!

        Reply to Angie

        • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

          By Keri Jaehnig on

          Angie, You’ll surely love Instagram once you become used to it’s landscape and energy! Happy to help, feel free to hop back to ask questions if needed. Thanks for your comment, ~Keri

          Reply to Keri

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