How To Take Your Career To The Next Level

Idea Girl Media
May 28, 2021
Staying stagnant with our skillset and mindset can leave us feeling bored and unmotivated to do our jobs. By taking…...
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Staying stagnant with our skillset and mindset can leave us feeling bored and unmotivated to do our jobs. By taking your career to greater heights, you can level up both sides and get a newfound confidence to tackle more challenges in your field...

Your Career, Only Better

No matter what industry you are in, your professional development should always remain at the forefront of your mind. Doing so will allow you to achieve your dreams and smash that glass ceiling. You can also increase your earning potential significantly. Make yourself a more attractive candidate for future job applications. 

With that, here are some top tips on how to take your career to the next level. 

Remain At The Top Of Your Game

To go to greater heights, you must always be in your best frame of mind - yes, even on days when you lack motivation. One way to combat this is to find ways to be more productive.

You can still make the most of your time sitting behind your desk. From an employer's perspective, employees who show determination are more likely to be offered promotions or higher levels of responsibility. 

Keep An Eye Out For Job Opportunities

While some people are lucky enough to find their dream career early on, others bounce from industry to industry throughout their careers until they find a position that is the right fit. If you feel that you are unfulfilled in your current job or have learned everything there is to learn, then you can advance your career by keeping an eye out for new opportunities.

You might know that you want to work in refrigerated trucking or finance. If so, you need to keep an eye on the market and do what you can to attain your dream job. Even if they require you to complete additional training. Even if they require you to complete additional training.

After all, the more qualifications you can put on your resume, the better. For example, if you have always considered working within the healthcare or medical field, you can use this neurology job board to keep an eye out for upcoming positions. That goes for any industry - Look for good job boards and work them.

Expand Your Skillset

If you want to take your career to the next level, you need to stay open to opportunities that allow you to develop or enhance your current skill set. This could include signing up for additional training at work or shadowing a more senior member of your team to gain insights into their work processes.

You can find plenty of courses that would allow you to develop skills in:

And more.

You can even make your personal interests and hobbies profitable. There are numerous ways you can use your creative skills to generate additional income.

Ask For Feedback To Propel Your Career Forward

It can be hard to know exactly what you need to do to progress in your career, especially if you feel you have reached a professional standstill. To combat that feeling, ask for feedback from your:

  • Clients
  • Colleagues
  • Employers

This will help you understand what you may be doing wrong in areas you may need to develop. Do not let negative feedback impact your confidence. Instead, view it as a learning opportunity. 

4 Replies

  1. squidek Gravatar

    By squidek on

    Thanks for sharing this amazing guidance article related to career. I really enjoy this great reading.

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    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Hi there, Glad you liked this post about career guidance. Thank you for your kind words, ~Keri

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    • Idea Girl Media Blog Squad Gravatar

      By Idea Girl Media Blog Squad on

      Christine, We’re glad to be of some help to you. Go on and rock your best outfit – even when working from home! Thanks for the compliment! ~Jayne

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