Pre-Holiday Facebook: Game Of Like

Pre-Holiday Facebook: Game Of Like was an online Facebook Event held in October and November, 2011.  A collaborative effort between Idea…...
Pre-Holiday Facebook: Game Of Like featured image

Pre-Holiday Facebook: Game Of Like was an online Facebook Event held in October and November, 2011.  A collaborative effort between Idea Girl Media and More In Media.

This was NOT another "like ladder," attempt!

It was an exercise that involved almost 200 Facebook Page Admins.  The intent was to help bring more exposure and Likes for each page.  But the true focus was to get small business owners newer to Facebook to understand the importance and power of social engagement.

Just as the title suggests, the Game Of Like took place just before the holiday season.  Part of our plan included helping our friends optimize their Facebook Pages to be ready for Christmas and the holiday season.

The way the game was designed, anyone that wanted to win HAD to engage.  We quickly saw some lead the way, and early achievers stepped forward.

These articles outline the Pre-Holiday Facebook: Game Of Like:

Did you see the last item on the list?  The Game Of Like was designed so that everyone that participated got something out of it.  New friends, new understanding, and an improved Facebook page.

We even provided information on how many tweets carried the hashtag #gameoflike, how many others wrote on their blog about their experience, and about the private Facebook Group that was developed.  Today there are over 80 active participants!

[caption id="attachment_2610" align="alignright" width="150"]Digital Pumpkin Carving for Pre-Holiday Facebook: Game Of Like done by Keri Jaehnig of Idea Girl Media Digital Pumpkin Carving![/caption]

My collaborative partner featured fun components of our game:

A good Twitter tutorial is also included in the Tweeting post mentioned above.

Game Of Like Images

We tried to "brand" our communication.  So that players would identify with the game, but also because there was so much interaction, that images helped signal specific types of conversation:

  • General Game Tips.
  • Like Achievement Details.
  • Housekeeping.
  • "Like Checks."
  • Social Media Tips.
  • Halloween Party.
  • Leaders & Winners.
  • 30 Days - Now What?

Take a look at the various graphics we used:

[caption id="attachment_2609" align="aligncenter" width="346"]Game Of Like was a collaborative Facebook Event focused on social engagement using branded communication Game Of Like - Branded Communication[/caption]

Here, you find a collection of event high points.  There are some other images and videos not posted directly on this page, and you will find them within the posts noted, or on the original Facebook Event Page.

We did give participants one opportunity gain extra points, and created a video to let them know us better, but also spur energy and enthusiasm.

A bit silly and fun:

We had a good time working together! :)

As part of the Like Achivements and creative social engagement, Carolina Quick Response created this QR Code - Found at right.

[caption id="attachment_2611" align="alignright" width="150"]Pre-Holiday Facebook: Game Of Like Facebook Event evolved into a Private Facebook Group to exchange ideas By Carolina Quick Response[/caption]

If you are a small business owner newer to Facebook and would like to collaborate with more than 80 other people like yourself, you are invited to request membership at our Private Facebook Group: Game Of Like.

Image Credit: Original Graphic inspired by Milton Bradley's Game Of Life.