Ambitious Entrepreneurs – Know Your Social Media Ps & Qs?

Keri Jaehnig
July 5, 2011
Ambitious Entrepreneurs – Know Your Social Media Ps & Qs? If so, you can achieve “your 15 minutes of fame!”…...
Ambitious Entrepreneurs – Know Your Social Media Ps & Qs? featured image

Idea Girl Media encourages podcasting and participation on Quora social network

Ambitious Entrepreneurs - Know Your Social Media Ps & Qs?

If so, you can achieve "your 15 minutes of fame!"

As a small business owner or entrepreneur, keeping up with social media can keep you breathless.  Social media moves 24/7/365.

Some new media and technology online resource outlets have been known to post in excess of 40 updates per day.

And there are oodles of outlets!

For the newbie, it becomes like a tornado of icons and letters and acronyms (oh, my!).

The ABCs

A - Analytics

B - Blogging

C- Conversion

If those aren't enough, there's ROI to contend with (Return On Investment).

Of course...

The Big Three

  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter

Hopefully you're familiar with those and doing okay.  (If not, I know a good social media consultant).


Don't forget some other popular venues: Empire Avenue, SlideShare, tumblr, and YouTube.

The XYZs

Did you even know about these?


Y - Yelp

Z - Zahmoo

Overwhelmed...?  Understandable.

The Ps & Qs

Small business owners and entrepreneurs can do well with the following:

  • Pictures.
  • Podcasts.
  • QR Codes.
  • Quora.

These are all newer, interesting, fairly easy, and can attract a lot of attention from followers and potential customers!

Taming The Alphabet

Annemarie Cross hosted Keri Jaehnig of Idea Girl Media on her podcast, The Ambitious Entrepreneur!If you've visited before, you might remember this article where I introduced Annemarie Cross - A Branding Specialist and Business Coach.  From Australia, she hosts the WebTalkRadio show, Ambitious Entrepreneur.

Annemarie was gracious enough to have me as a guest of her podcast to talk about Quora.

Good Things Come In Pairs

For me, I got to talk about Quora - the social network - and become more familiar with Podcasting.

Annemarie's audience was lucky enough to hear about two tools that can really bring life and credibility to your online marketing plan:

  • Quora.
  • QR Codes.

Quora is like the Wikipedia of questions - a social network where professionals can answer questions in their field to bring credibility to themselves and establish themselves as the experts they are.

QR Codes - a relatively new tool and technology - can lead people more directly to small business owners and entrepreneurs through their smart phones.  Stephanie True Moss is the second guest on Annemarie's show.

My 15 Minutes Of Fame


Don't miss it!

Even if you have to "listen while you work," learn about two clever ways to amp up your marketing efforts and prove you know your Ps & Qs:

Hear the Podcast - Ambitious Entrepreneur with Annemarie Cross.

(Thanks in advance for tuning in!)

Have you hosted a podcast?

Have you been a guest?

Please share your experiences below for those who are still becoming aware... :)



8 Replies

  1. Dorien Morin-van Dam Gravatar

    By Dorien Morin-van Dam on

    I will be listening to the podcast and looking forward to it. But not today. I’ve got some other things to attend to 🙂 I love the lay out of this blog post and most of your others. You make it all sound so easy-peasy and clear. I love the simplicity of the alphabet! awesomeness, Keri. That’s what this is.

    Reply to Dorien

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Dorien, Thank you for your compliments. I can only hope to offer information that is helpful, and arranged in a way that is simple to digest. The alphabet was fun. Thank you for reading, and for sharing – so enthusiastically – your thoughts! ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  2. Janet Callaway Gravatar

    By Janet Callaway on

    Keri, aloha.  Love the way you “Tamed the Alphabet” for newbies and more experienced alike.  It truly can be overwhelming when you think of all that is “out there.”  And, of course, now we have Google+ vying for attention. Thx so much for including the link to the podcast.  It will be a pleasure to listen, to learn and to hear you LIVE! Yes, I have both hosted and guested(word ?) on podcasts and think they are terrific vehicles for delivering information.  Best wishes for a spectacular weekend.  Aloha.  Janet

    Reply to Janet

    • Keri J Gravatar

      By Keri J on

      @twitter-45938040:disqus , Aloha! Thank you for your mention of “Taming the Alphabet.”  I try to put myself in the other person’s shoes — all the networks and tools and keeping up with them CAN be overwhelming! Just recently, new tools have flooded the social-sphere, and I’ve even felt overwhelmed trying to keep up.  How must newbies feel? As I become more fascinated with audio communication, I am glad you can offer insight – Congratulations on your hosting and guesting of podcasts! So, playing around on Google+ are you?  🙂 Aloha, and good weekend to you! ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  3. Klaudia Gravatar

    By Klaudia on

    love the simplicity of that complicated world 🙂 ABCs – great. And I agree it’s 24/7/365

    Reply to Klaudia

    • Keri J Gravatar

      By Keri J on

      Hello @twitter-54269479:disqus , Great to see you – thanks for stopping by and sharing! So many are overwhelmed with social media, and when we can break it down I think it is helpful…and hopefully fun. See you in 24/7/365 land!! ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

    • Keri J Gravatar

      By Keri J on

      Awwww, shucks, @LaurindaShaver:disqus  – Just trying to make it all fun.  🙂 It does seem like there are so many networks and always something to keep up on.  Just too bad that Podcasting & Quora come toward the end of the alphabet, eh??  😀

      Reply to Keri

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