Audio Content: A Fashionable Accessory For Your Social Media

Keri Jaehnig
October 16, 2012
With content marketing it’s important to keep in mind that the members of your audience will have a preference for…...
Audio Content: A Fashionable Accessory For Your Social Media featured image

With content marketing it's important to keep in mind that the members of your audience will have a preference for different media.Your blog should include a good mix - Find out why audio is a classic accessory for your social media and content marketing strategy!

Social media needs accessories to be fashionable??

[caption id="attachment_2925" align="alignright" width="300"]Idea Girl Media uses Audrey Hepburn modeling a little black dress as an example of blogging and audio as social media strategy and content marketing via[/caption]

Well, not like a classic strand of pearls or swanky bangle bracelets.  But you have to keep your audience interested!

The Little Black Dress

The blog is the anchor piece to your online marketing.  It's the always appropriate, go-anywhere staple to your digital wardrobe.  Like the "little black dress."

My blog and social media hub - has been inactive during the warmer months of 2012.  Unintentional to be quite so long while working behind the scenes on a re-branding and re-launch (almost done).  Like my little black dress was left hanging in the back of the closet.

Not to say there was not some content created at Idea Girl Media!

Over this "content creation summer vacation," I tried a new format of content:


Creating audio sound bytes had been a curiosity of mine for awhile. I just finally considered it more seriously after hearing such positive words from podcasters and other bloggers at BlogWorld in New York City in May, 2012.

So, I jumped in...


Adding another channel to be reachable and communicate via social media is like grabbing this season's Jimmy Choo heels or Luis Vuitton handbag.  It's hip and stylish, and goes well with the rest of your fashion collection.

Audio content is cool and engaging for the following reasons:

  • Variety.
  • Quicker to listen than read.
  • Another medium to add to the shelf with written and video.
  • Others find audio intriguing.
  • Interesting new dimension to connections with followers.
  • Fun!

I recommend creating audio content to any business professional wanting to increase their online presence and personally connect with their audience.

Another added bonus...  There's an app for that!

The Mobile Accessory

AudioBoo has a nifty iPhone app you can download that allows you to record your sound track from any location you wish.

  • At your desk.
  • In the airport.
  • On the walking trail.
  • Sitting on your patio with a favorite beverage.


So, I found recording audio quicker and easier than writing blog posts.  Something to be said for efficiency!

The Blog Shouldn't Be Left Naked

It just shouldn't.  As fast as the online world moves, it's drafty.

As a blogger, creating informational and compelling content is what attracts people to you and establishes your credibility as a leader in your field.  Rinse and repeat.  Again.

A girl should practice what she preaches!

So, to don my new "fashionable find..."

Ear Dressing

My audio clips currently range from a quick intro to business and social media tips, and also more detailed explanations of lessons in social media.

Care to listen?

Here is one of my social media tips:

An alternate link

Hope you enjoyed, and it serves you well!

If you're so inspired, stay tuned-in: Social Media Tips & Tactics From Keri At Idea Girl Media.

Trying It On For Size

Audio content is a classic, fashionable accessory for your social media.

Do you think you will try audio in your social media and content marketing strategy?

Why or why not?

Please tell me your thoughts in the comments box below...


9 Replies

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  4. Debbie Laskey, MBA Gravatar

    By Debbie Laskey, MBA on

    Great post, Keri, and I totally agree that audio can be a great addition to a blog. But the key reminder (similar to your comparison that the little black dress is an integral part of any woman’s wardrobe) is that a blog must have new posts on a regular basis – to be an effective tool for a company. Thanks for your insights – always useful!

    Reply to Debbie

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Debbie, Very good point. The blog should indeed be active, and be the main tool of content marketing made available by a company. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  5. Jessica Dewell Gravatar

    By Jessica Dewell on

    All communication are the pearls + perfect shoes for business (and maybe cufflinks, too). There is value in reaching people in different media. I have plans for video, and because of your presentation I think that audio snippets are a natural compliment. I will be figuring out how to work that in. Thank you!

    Reply to Jessica

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Jessica, How lovely to see you – Thanks for stopping by! Love your analogy and how you place pearls, shoes, and even cufflinks. 🙂 The voice is actually quite easy, and both audio and video add to what you can offer in the tweet stream. Please let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to hearing your future thoughts! ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  6. Annemarie Cross Gravatar

    By Annemarie Cross on

    Hi Kerri, great post!! I LOVE audio and agree that it is a great way to share your message with a global audience while build your credibility and visibility in an online world. For people that have yet to dip their toe into the pool of audio (or podcasting) – I can highly recommend it! Just do it!! Even though it can take time to plan your content etc – the exposure and recognition is well worth it!!

    Reply to Annemarie

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Annemarie, You are one of my “Audio Heroes!” You do so well with it, and I recommend others to check out your site and your social profiles for more info. It was our podcast together that was my first venture. I’m giggling now because I was soooo nervous. And now, it is as easy and holding my phone and clicking on an app. Practice does make perfect, and we are all works in the making. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, and for your comment. And good luck on your new podcasting series I’ve been hearing about!! 🙂 ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

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