Ten B2B Social Media Marketing Tips for Aspiring Brands

Keri Jaehnig
October 28, 2020
Business brands often find social media a challenge. They might search out a B2B social media strategy template for best…...
Ten B2B Social Media Marketing Tips for Aspiring Brands featured image

Business brands often find social media a challenge. They might search out a B2B social media strategy template for best practices. Here is a guide with ten B2B social media marketing tips for any brand wanting growth...

Guest post by Rakshit Hirapara

Grow Your Business With These B2B Social Media Marketing Tips

Social media is one of the most effective platforms for marketing your business. B2C companies have put their legs into it and leverage social networks such as

  • LinkedIn
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Pinterest
  • YouTube

Just to name a few.

On the other hand, B2B companies are still waiting for more big brands to really dip their toes in the water. Though, some have finally come to the platforms and most have created Facebook pages.

The good new: B2Bs have started seeing pretty incredible results. Still, there is a need for improvement. So, we have come up with ten B2B social media marketing tips for aspiring brands.

1. Prioritize Social Media Marketing Development For Your Brand And General Digital Marketing Ideas

There is no point to move further if you don’t want to consider social media marketing trends as a component of your overall marketing strategy. It is a tactic that every marketer should use. It undoubtedly helps reach your targeted audience because potential customers invest a good amount of their time on social media.

2. Think Of Social Media As A Knowledge Ticker And Content Publicity Tool

Are you still worrying about the content? If so, let us help you.

One of the straightforward ways to generate social media content is to think of social media as a news ticker for your enterprise. You can share:

  • Blog posts
  • Press releases
  • Niche articles

And other important information each day throughout the week.

You can also use URL tracking tools such as Ow.ly and Bit.ly to drive traffic and acquire factual data to understand which links are getting the most clicks. Bonus: You can easily customize those links!

3. Observe And Interact Among Other Businesses, Not Only Personal Profiles

Here are a few questions regarding your target markets that you need to analyze before implementing a social marketing strategy.

  • Where do your existing and potential customers spend most of their time online?
  • Do they use LinkedIn?
  • What type of tweets do they usually make or respond to?
  • Do they own a Facebook page?

It is vital to have a social media presence where others are searching for you. If your potential customers do not use LinkedIn, it would be a wise decision spend time on other social networks.

4. Engage With Your Brand Followers

It is super easy to post five Instagram posts a day when you simply schedule it. But:

  • Are your posts engaging enough to your audience?
  • Are you able to respond to their queries?
  • Do you seek questions or offer opportunities to submit feedback?

Avoid posting stuff blindly. Invest time to engage and create a bond with your audience.

B2B Social Media Marketing Tips: Engage With Your Brand Followers listed for you at Idea Girl Media

5. Be Realistic

Honesty is the key to gain trust. If you have posted something inaccurate, don’t delete it. Accept your mistake and truthfully share the real intention or blunder that occurred.

6. Find Motivation And Plan Content

Social media is flooded with content. You will learn a lot from big brands that have established a social presence. Take inspiration from them when you create campaigns.

7. Use Compelling Graphics And Video

Video and graphical content is currently in demand. There is a tremendous value to this type of content on platforms such as Instagram and Facebook.

Tip: Create engaging graphics and videos for your audience.

8. Observe Your Rivals

If you want to grow your social presence, analyze your competitors.

  • Are they posting a lot of videos?
  • How often do they respond to customer queries?
  • Are their existing customers happy with the service they offer?

You will always have an upper edge by observing your rivals.

9. B2B Social Media Marketing Tips: Identify Partners

Yes, you can find partners online. Also, collaboration is the best way to enhance social media presence.

By collaborating with a brand in a related (not competing) field, you reach audiences from diverse backgrounds and interests. In turn, you increase your possibility of attracting new customers.

If you did not know, collaborating is the key to boosting the growth of your business. Besides marketing, collaborating with other companies can help you find solutions to your business's problems. This can be through access to high-end technology and highly skilled employees who are creative thinkers.

Partnering allows you to learn how other businesses conduct their marketing and you can implement used strategies in your business. Collaborating with other firms opens up new communication channels by finding better ways to share marketing information and any other knowledge.

However, it can be challenging for small companies to find the right firm to partner with. This is because many established companies are not willing to collaborate with startups. Established businesses usually see startups as a distraction to achieving greater business heights.

Fortunately, by franchising, a startup can last longer. A startup can quickly identify a franchise store through various social media apps they can consider venturing into. In turn, the business can become established under another firm where it will get the necessary marketing support.

10. Drive Traffic To Your Website

We all want website traffic. So, your social media posts should encourage the audience to know more about your brand and click links to your website.

You should create engaging and informative branded landing pages. Also publish magnet content to generate leads. Don't forget your trackable links to capture consumer data beneficial to your brand.

Summary of B2B Social Media Marketing Tips

According to a report by Statista the number of Facebook users in the USA will increase to 235.15 million by 2025. So, it is crucial to have a social media marketing strategy to grow your business.

The big brands have experienced many benefits. Your brand can benefit from social media platforms too if you wisely choose the above-shared B2B social media marketing tips. 

Social media marketing is the best way to promote your business in the digital era. These ten tips will help you get the desired results for your brand. The key is accurate implementation to get significant results.

About the author:

Rakshit Hirapara - guest author on B2B social media marketing tips

Rakshit is a content marketer at PeddleWeb, an internet advertising company in India. He holds spectacular skills in digital marketing, branding, lead  generation, social media marketing, customer retention and few more. Connect with him on Linkedin and Twitter.

2 Replies

  1. Priya Gandhi Gravatar

    By Priya Gandhi on

    This is an amazing tips. I loved it. I must say if you follow above tips that would helps for better engagement. Thanks for sharing this.

    Reply to Priya

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Priya, Glad you liked this article and felt it was so helpful. I’m sure our guest author appreciates your positive words too. Thanks for your comment, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

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