Six Tech-Savvy Ways To Supercharge Your Business Marketing Strategies

Idea Girl Media
July 13, 2023
How to start marketing a new business? What types of marketing strategies will work for your brand? Both good questions!…...
Six Tech-Savvy Ways To Supercharge Your Business Marketing Strategies featured image

How to start marketing a new business? What types of marketing strategies will work for your brand? Both good questions! We answer them here and offer six business marketing strategies for organizations of all sizes...

The Best Ways To Harness Small Business Marketing Strategies

Have you been told you should dive deeper into tech-driven marketing strategies? Technology has revolutionized how brands do business -- including marketing.

Here are six tech-savvy ways to supercharge your business marketing strategies and discover cutting edge tech tools transforming today's marketing scene.

Social Media: Your Brand's Best Friend

We are well past the days of thinking social media is just a passing trend. It has become evident that platforms like:

Are essential online properties for businesses of all types and sizes. These platforms provide an exceptional opportunity to:

  • Connect with your customers
  • Obtain valuable feedback
  • Promote your products or services
  • To a wide and diverse audience

Additionally, with the emergence of social media advertising, marketers can now target their efforts more effectively than ever before, ensuring their brand is in front of their ideal customers.

It is important to remember that your customers are probably on social media, and so should your business.

Email Marketing: The Oldie But Goldie

It is important to understand the power of email as an effective marketing campaign tool.

With an increasing array of communication platforms emerging every year, email is still one of the most efficient means of reaching and engaging an audience. It is the oldest and largest social network. People still check their email.

Email marketing platforms like Mailchimp or Sendinblue allow marketers to:

  • Segment audiences
  • Customize messages for target groups
  • Measure campaign results
  • Analyze success

This classic is here to stay.

SEO: The Game Changer In Business Marketing Strategies

For those unfamiliar, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) refers to making your business visible when people search online for products or services. This means:

  • Using correct keywords
  • Improving site navigation
  • Generating high-quality content that engages visitors

If you're not positively contributing to your website's SEO, you're missing out on a substantial amount of potential website traffic. You're leaving money on the table.

SEO: The Game Changer In Business Marketing Strategies

Video Animations: Simplify Complex Concepts

Do you have a new product or innovative idea you wish to explain? Animated video is conducive. Animations offer an entertaining way of making complex processes understandable and customer-friendly.

For example, vivid animation can take the mystery out of pneumatic conveying systems by showing material flow, setup procedures and how changes in pressure cause movement. Not only are they educational but they keep audiences engaged long enough that they may convert to leads or loyal customers. Animated video has a high share-ability factor.

Video animations can easily be shared across social media, broadening their reach and your brand awareness. Therefore, no matter the complexity of the business process or product you need to explain, animations provide a fun solution.

Mobile Marketing: The Pocket-Sized Opportunity

Smartphones have become a big part of our human lives. As a result, mobile marketing has become a common marketing channel for marketers to consider in their business marketing strategies.

Every good marketing strategy must be optimized for mobile devices, whether this involves email, SMS or mobile apps. Simply making websites mobile-friendly won't suffice. Users need a seamless and compelling user experience in this mobile-first world.

AI And Big Data: The Future Is Now

When it comes to marketing technology, artificial intelligence (AI) and big data are both powerful and worthy of attention. Chatbots can quickly respond to customer inquiries, improving their satisfaction while freeing up your team to focus on other tasks.

Big data is invaluable for understanding customer behavior, and enables marketers to customize campaigns to target audience preferences. These two tools can be seen as your personal marketing superheroes, always ready to save the day!

The Skinny On Tech And Business Marketing Strategies

Your ticket to thriving in this tech-driven world is multi-faceted:

These tech tools are set to revolutionize your business marketing strategies.

Staying at the forefront is not just desirable, it's a necessity. So, jump on the tech bandwagon and let it guide you to marketing success!

2 Replies

  1. Lucy Gravatar

    By Lucy on

    Hi Keri, liked the concept of mobile marketing. Today we all carry mobile phones with us 24/7. Yes, mobile hasd become the most common channel of marketing these days. Here I would like to add one more point especially for online eccommerce business owners. Now with the help of inventory forecasting software they can not only check out the remaining products but also get to know what customers are purchasing, spending behavior, analytics on need etc.

    Reply to Lucy

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Lucy, I’m glad we are on the same page regarding mobile marketing. I agree with your point about mobile devices being with us 24/7 – we must fish where the fish are. 🙂 There are many software options out there, and each brand should evaluate what is best for them. I’m sure our readers will appreciate your insight. Thank you for visiting my blog and adding value to our conversation, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

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