LinkedIn Tip: Optimizing Your Website Information

Keri Jaehnig
April 25, 2011
Silly Rabbit, tips aren’t for kids – Subscribe to my RSS Feed for all social media tips & updates. I…...
LinkedIn Tip: Optimizing Your Website Information featured image

Idea Girl Media offers "how to" tips on presenting a professional LinkedIn profile that will get you found!Silly Rabbit, tips aren't for kids - Subscribe to my RSS Feed for all social media tips & updates.

I promised you an Easter Basket of social media tips.  This is the first "golden egg" - just for you!

Are you networking on LinkedIn?

If not, you're missing a great opportunity to bring credibility to yourself as a professional, and interact with those in your industry as well as potential customers for your business!

Already on LinkedIn?

Awesome - Then this tip might be just what you need to make you more searchable on the LinkedIn social network.

Say again...?

Yep!  Professionals do searches every day for people they are hoping to connect with.  So you want to make sure you take every available opportunity to optimize your information so potential employers or clients can find you.

So lets get YOU found...

Using The Right Words & Customizations

It matters how you arrange your information on your LinkedIn profile.  You want to make sure you are using key words specific to your industry - that is most important.

A section often overlooked is the website link area.  Many people do not realize that they can customize how professionals and potential clients access their website, blog, and/or important links.

Yes -- We can change the words from "Blog," or "My website."  LinkedIn offers three spots for web links -- I recommend using them!

Customize Your Website Addresses On LinkedIn:

Link Words Wisely

You can change the word links at your discretion, at any time.  Though I encourage making wise word edits so you ensure your place in the LinkedIn search, and so you don't drive your contemporaries crazy with tons of notices that you have made changes to your LinkedIn profile.

Remember, you can lead people to exact web pages, your Facebook Page, or simply your website.  Where do you want them to go?

Using words you want to be searchable for is the real key.


You'll want to take a look at what others in your industry are doing.  Then choose words that will place you ahead of them in LinkedIn search.

Want help with your key words and word links?  Contact me -- I'm happy to help!

Lets Link!

It would be a pleasure to connect with you on LinkedIn!  Access my profile.

Have questions?

Are there other tips you'd like to see this week?

Please tell me in the comment box below! :)


4 Replies

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