How To Make Your Traditional Advertising Online Friendly

Idea Girl Media
February 28, 2020
Are you a business owner that stayed with traditional advertising channels? Have you started considering traditional advertising vs. digital advertising?…...
How To Make Your Traditional Advertising Online Friendly featured image

Are you a business owner that stayed with traditional advertising channels? Have you started considering traditional advertising vs. digital advertising? This article boils it all down to simple, and is written just for you...

2 Important Steps You Must Take To Transition Your Traditional Advertising To Online Marketing Campaigns

Today, there are so many options for marketing campaigns other than printing and radio. The Internet has opened the world for advertising, and social media platforms provide perfect placements for ads specifically targeted to people who would be most interested in what your brand has to offer.

That said, online marketing is a true art form with specific optimal methods and techniques. It is not wise to take blind chances with online advertising. That can be very expensive! Additionally, transferring your marketing materials from traditional advertising platforms to online platforms isn’t always a simple process.

Here are a few things to consider on how to make your traditional advertising online friendly.

Be Clear And Concise

The attention span of the average internet user is short, with most users abandoning a page after roughly 10 to 20 seconds. If someone actually takes the time to click through to a page, they want to get to the idea of the information as quickly as possible. If your message isn’t readily apparent, then the user will quickly click away.

With that in mind, there are tactics you can use to keep the interest of the average online viewer. Publishing content that is specifically tailored to the Internet is key.

For instance, if you would like to have video developed for your brand, be sure to look into video production services providers that clearly understand this. Footage used for online marketing should be short and to the point and of high quality.

Professionalism and attention to detail in the production process is important. If the details of your video content aren’t clear and concise enough to convey in a short clip, then the message you are attempting to communicate will fall completely by the wayside.

Build Your Audience

In the age of social media, the secret to marketing success involves the sharing of content between users. Paying for targeted ads will only get you so far. Surprised?

When a social media user shares a brand or page, they are essentially making a recommendation to their friends. If you want your business to earn those recommendations, then you need to increase the size of your online audience.

Start by making your brand as visible as possible online. The more accessible your brand, the higher your chances of gaining more followers. In turn, the wider you spread your potential customer base. Part of this involves pushing out creative, original content, but another part is encouraging users to be vocal on your pages.

Positive feedback published on your pages by happy customers will result in a higher rating online than your competitors. However, not everyone that you do business with is the type of person that likes to leave reviews online. However, the bigger audience and customer base that you have, the more likely you are to receive positive feedback that will increase public interest.

6 Replies

  1. Robert Harris Gravatar

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    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

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    By eshas sharma on

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    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Eshas, It is true that content creators are authors. Good to know you are supporting fine folks online. We try to keep the blog updated with similar insights, and we do give effort to offering aspiring experts a place to publish their work and build their online presence. Thank you for your comment, ~Keri

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    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Ravsan, A pleasure to share information – We aim to be resourceful! 🙂 Thank you for sharing your thoughts, ~Keri

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