Why It’s Scary Being Your Mobile Phone

Keri Jaehnig
July 2, 2011
A guest post by Rich McElaney of brassCycle. You might not realize it — but it’s scary to be a…...
Why It’s Scary Being Your Mobile Phone featured image

[caption id="attachment_2105" align="alignright" width="200" caption="We expect a lot of our mobile devices!"]CleverWraps for iPads - A Guest post for Idea Girl Media[/caption]

A guest post by Rich McElaney of brassCycle.

You might not realize it — but it’s scary to be a mobile phone!

Your mobile phone faces lots of dangerous situations every day that can damage it beyond repair, crack its screen, wipe its memory, gum up its keypad, and a whole host of other uncomfortable situations.

Most mobile phone covers are not water-resistant and don’t offer much protection. A protective mobile phone cover can prolong your mobile phone’s life — and keep its warranty intact — so it can serve you better, longer.

Here are several common scenarios that can render your mobile phone inoperable and possibly void the warranty...

Common Mobile Phone Disasters

1. Getting dropped in the toilet.  Oops!  You forgot your mobile phone was clipped to your belt and — whoops — there it goes.  Forgetting any squeamishness about germs, you grab it quickly, wipe it off and stick in a bag of rice for two days.  Will it ever work again?

2. Getting caught in the rain… Mobile phones decidedly do NOT like getting caught in the rain.  (They’re not too crazy about pina coladas, either.)  Even a few drops of water inside crucial components can damage your mobile phone if you don’t have it in a protective mobile phone cover.

3. Getting dropped in the sand.  Your mobile phone hates water;  but it’s not crazy about long walks on the beach, either.  Sand can get into the keys of your mobile phone and make them stick, scratch the touch screen, or just scratch the casing, giving your mobile phone that “well-used” look.

4. Diving off the boat or into the pool…and at the mid-point of your perfect dive you realize your phone is diving with you!  That refreshing dip will have dire consequences for your phone in the majority of cases.

[caption id="attachment_2106" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="CleverWraps - For mobile phones, eReaders & Tablets!"]CleverWraps - A Guest post for Idea Girl Media[/caption]

Most people offer little-to-no protection for their mobile phone as it goes out to face the wet and cruel world.


Want a solution to keep your mobile phone happy?

Avoid these scenarios with a re-usable, recyclable protective mobile phone cover from CleverWraps.

Have you had a mobile phone disaster?

Have you tried mobile phone protectors?

Please tell us your mobile phone adventures in the comment box below! :)

Rich McElaney of brassCycle guest posted for Idea Girl MediaAbout Rich McElaney

Rich is a battle-scarred veteran from the wild and wooly days of push-outbound-targeted marketing and over the decades has generated eye-popping returns for many on the Who’s Who list of big-box retailing. Upon discovering the symmetry of pull-inbound-social media marketing, he’s been a learning practitioner of its art and science. If it involves strategy development, content development, customer and prospect nurturing, marketing automation, sales optimization and generating good ole ROI – he’s all in.

He lives with his wife, two sons and an English Lab within marathon distance of our nation’s capital.  Follow Rich on Twitter.


18 Replies

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Jennifer, Glad you liked this post! 🙂 Thank you for sharing your thoughts, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  1. Zoe Campos Gravatar

    By Zoe Campos on

    I totally agree that almost all of our mobile phones face a lot of dangerous situations every day, just by simply being in our pockets. My father dropped his iPhone while he was riding his motorcycle and while he’s lucky enough to retrieve it, some parts of the screen aren’t working anymore. I hope that we can find a technician who offers good repair services for an iPhone 6s.

    Reply to Zoe

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Zoe, We need to be both frugal and informed about mobile phones and related technology, as you imply. Sorry to hear your dad is having trouble with his iPhone 6s. Considering the experience and the evolutions since the release of the 6, your dad might consider getting a new phone and caring for that mobile device as long as possible. Hope that helps. Thanks for your comment, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  2. Angel Collins Gravatar

    By Angel Collins on

    Way to go! That is a nice post trying to compare being a mobile phone. Geez. Good thing we’re human and rational. As far as I can remember, one mobile mishap that had happened to me was that I dropped my 2 weeks old phone on a puddle of mud while trying to catch a ride with my friend. Yeah, it didn’t work afterwards. Sigh. Thanks!

    Reply to Angel

    • Keri Jaehnig Gravatar

      By Keri Jaehnig on

      Angel, Thank you for reading, and sharing your experience. Sorry your phone did not work! These days we have so many tools and resources. Hope this article was helpful. ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  3. Michele Rempel Gravatar

    By Michele Rempel on

    Ha!  My mobile phone disasters always come in the form of information overload!  I tend to have too many apps that are pulling too much data.  The poor things just start heating up and eventually die.  I am on my 4th Motorola Droid in 18 months. 

    Reply to Michele

    • Keri J Gravatar

      By Keri J on

      @MicheleRempel:disqus , So nice to see your face! I too am a Droid User – Mine is Verizon.  And… I’m on my 4th one in about the same amount of time!  I’m appreciative that you shared your experience. We can just keep plugging along.  I suppose my mobile phone would be happier if I was kinder during workouts – so a CleverWrap it begs for.  🙂 Please keep me updated if you make changes on the next model. Thanks for your comment, ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  4. Samantha Bangayan Gravatar

    By Samantha Bangayan on

    Omigoodness! Those poor mobile phones! =P I totally needed to step into my mobile phone’s shoes there for a little while, so I could sympathize and care for him/her better! Thanks for this post, Rich, and Keri for hosting the post! Thankfully, I don’t have a dramatic mobile phone mishap story, but there have been a couple cases of people getting electrocuted because they were using their mobile phones in the middle of their farms here in the Central Andes. =(

    Reply to Samantha

    • Keri J Gravatar

      By Keri J on

      Samantha, It’s good you don’t have a mishap story, yourself! Sorry to hear of others being electrocuted – yikes!! CleverWraps are surely a good answer for present times.  People are more out and about than ever, and mobile phones are more and more what we all carry in our purse or pocket. I’m sure Rich would be happy to give a few examples of how they have saved the day. Great to see you, Samantha!! 🙂 ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  5. Klaudia Gravatar

    By Klaudia on

    Keri, my mobile is flying sometimes – because it’s in my pocket..that’s the problem 😉

    Reply to Klaudia

    • Keri J Gravatar

      By Keri J on

      Hmm – my phone stays put.  Get those wings out of your pocket…??  😉

      Reply to Keri

  6. Klaudia Gravatar

    By Klaudia on

    ohh let me let me add another situation which can cause your mobile to have a heart attack: because I am not leaving my mobile alone (I’m trying to remember situations when I did that – don’t remember too many) – I am taking it with me to the gym (e.g. working out + listening to the radio, if you still remember what radio is lol). While working out my ‘poor’ mobile was flying all over the gym – that’s awful! ..be strong – my mobile…

    Reply to Klaudia

    • Keri J Gravatar

      By Keri J on

      @twitter-54269479:disqus , Thanks for sharing your mobile secrets! Like you, I also have my mobile phone with me when in fitness mode.  My music files are stored in it. {yes, I remember what radio is – hah!} Not sure how yours is flying around.  Or, maybe I’m unique in my approach: I put a fanny-pack on, and use it to hold my mobile phone & miscellaneous little things.  The cord sticks out from the zipper up to the ear pods, but it works. However, I have CleverWraps that might be useful there too.  🙂 ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

  7. Laurinda Shaver Gravatar

    By Laurinda Shaver on

    Ok… i lost my iPhone once.  Sad day it was.  I was visiting a friend and placed it on a small table.  Somehow it was attracted to the laundry basket below it and jumped.  Now… I believe there was no fatal outcome to the jump… but then….. it joined its laundry basket friends into the washing machine. So.. when I was leaving.. I was looking around.. where is my phone?  I  proceeded to call it.  I can only imagine, my poor iphone swirling in the washing machine with its weak ring tone…  riihhg…. heellppp….. riinngg…. Eventually, we figured out its last moments of life and pulled out the now deceased iphone from the watery depths. A very expensive death.

    Reply to Laurinda

    • Keri J Gravatar

      By Keri J on

      @LaurindaShaver:disqus Clever comment! Sorry to hear of your mobile phone death experience.  The iPhone is such a coveted item, too. I can only hope you have equipped yourself with a mobile device of equal or greater capability.  Our friend Rich can help keep it safe.  🙂 Thanks for stopping by to share! ~Keri

      Reply to Keri

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